Saturday, July 27, 2024

Lusaka City Council Urges Event planners to get Permission and Adhere to COVID-19 Guidelines


The Lusaka City Council (LCC) has urged the business community to adhere to the laid down COVID-19 guidelines as a mitigation measure.

In an interview with ZANIS, LCC Public Relations Manager Mwaka Nakweti said the council has continued to carry out sensitization programs and routine inspections of business houses and bars on the importance of adhering to COVID-19 guidelines.

She said all businesses have been directed to follow the five golden rules which include ensuring that they make available handwashing facilities or hand sanitizers for their clients.

‘’ As Lusaka City Council we have continued with our sensitization programs and routine inspections of various business houses which also includes bars. We have continued to advise members of the public on the importance of adhering to COVID-19 guidelines,’’ she said.

She disclosed that the council staff have been conducting compliance checks in various places within the city and have also disinfected overpopulated areas such as markets and bus stations.

‘’ Our officers conduct compliance checks in a number of places around the city, other than that we have also been conducting fumigation of densely populated areas like markets and bus stations,’’ said Ms. Nakweti

She also called on bar owners to ensure that patrons of drinking places follow the guidelines to stop further transmission.

And in a similar appeal, the council has called on the public intending to hold events such as bridal showers as well as funeral gatherings to apply for permission through their offices.

‘’For those that want to congregate for various functions such weddings, bridal showers, and the likes as the local authority we urge them to apply through Lusaka city Council and only after permission is granted can they go ahead with their functions,’’ she said.


  1. What about marketeers at Soweto, Main Masala, Chifubu, Chisokone markets. Surely these are worse super spreaders than the functions the LCC are referring to. Hypocrisy at its worst.

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