Saturday, July 27, 2024

We Condemn the Destruction to Property and Assault on Innocent Citizens by UPND Alliance Supporters


By Sean Tembo

1. As Patriots for Economic Progress (PeP) we wish to condemn in the strongest terms possible the destruction to property and assault on innocent citizens that was caused by the UPND Alliance members and supporters as they conducted their roadshow in Mandevu Constituency yesterday afternoon.

2. It has now become evident to us that the UPND are not always the victims of political violence as they seek to portray themselves, but are often the aggressors. Yesterday’s assault of innocent citizens and destruction of property by the UPND in Mandevu Constituency follows hot on the heels of the alleged serious assault of three people in Ndola by the UPND presidential convoy that toured the Copperbelt over the weekend, of which one of the victims has since died.

3. As Patriots for Economic Progress we wish to challenge the UPND leadership, as we hereby do, to state clearly whether their current pattern of violence, destruction and murder is part of their wider election campaign strategy or whether it is merely due to the party’s failure to adequately police its supporters during political events.

4. If the current pattern of UPND violence, destruction, and murder is part of the party’s wider campaign strategy, then we wish to call upon the UPND leadership to reconsider. There is no question that the majority of Zambian citizens cherish their peace and security and they are definitely unwilling to sacrifice it for anything. Not even the unbridled political ambitions of a single citizen who wants to go to State House at any cost, even if that cost means death and destruction.

5. If on the other hand the current pattern of UPND violence, destruction, and murder is due to the party’s failure to adequately police its supporters during political events thereby resulting in some unsavory characters among the supporters, engaging in criminal activities that are not sanctioned by the party leadership, then the party leadership needs to up their game and ensure that they appoint an adequate number of marshals to police all their political events.

6. As a main opposition political party that is aspiring to lead this nation after 12th August, the UPND has a moral duty and obligation to lead by example. Otherwise, they risk being totally rejected by the Zambian people at the ballot. There is no question that the electorate would never desire to entrust the governance of this nation into the hands of a bunch of hooligans and barbarians who have no regard for human life or property. The onus is on the UPND leadership to prove to the people of Zambia that the unfortunate incidents of violence, destruction and murder that have characterized their political activities in the past few days do not define their political party.


  1. All fair-minded people know the aggressor. Who beat u up Sean Tembo on Cairo road and are still at large despite being known by the police?

  2. Am neither PF nor UPND but from my observation i think UPND is more violent and ruthless than PF….this is a fact….that Liswaniso boy needs to be tamed……and he is extremely tribal…

  3. Anonymous, who senselessly and without provocation attacked Sean Tembo on Cairo road? Why’s Tembo not placing blame where it belongs? Tembo even hallucinates that his party will come out third in this year’s elections. He’s ruling out Harry Kalaba and Fred M’membe. Is that being realistic whn his PeP doesn’t even hv candidates country-wide?


  5. FACT- UPND cadres are more violent. You can deny all you want, but as a voter, I know what to do come 12th August . Yes, things are bad but UPND is definitely not the alternative.

  6. Sean Tembo chooses to bury his head in the sand like an Ostrich. Mr Kennedy Kamba is on record blaming his PF Commanders for failing to stop UPND Alliance Campaigns and Road Shows. So Tembo should know that the PF Cadres, Militias and Vigilantes are causing this violence. Always its PF Cadres attacking UPND Youths and UPND Youths defending themselves. Maybe Sean Tembo needs to be attacked by these PF Cadres for the second time to realise why PF is called the Panga Family. Tembo should ask 4 Commander Inno Kalimanshi for a Second shock treatment.

  7. How much are you getting to write all this? Is not true you have that political party just to disrupt the opposition?

  8. You get assaulted by A but you point at B as the aggressor. That’s what Sean Tembo is doing. PF beat him senselessly on Cairo road but he says the UPND is the violent party when they hv never attacked him. Self defense is accepted even in court cases.

  9. The true colours of these Kaponya parties are showing. People are following theft nowadays because if you respect the rule of law, you’ll be left behind. This is the sad state of affairs we in right now. We need a miracle to cleanse Zambia of this illness.

  10. PF are the aggressors. They were taught a lesson for their aggression against UPND. Why where they trying to block UPND Road show with a van full of stones and machetes? Even after being warned by police not to provoke UPND they went ahead trying their luck. When police did nothing to stop them UPND had to defend itself. This year UPND will defend itself when PF police fail to stop PF aggression.

    PF must go. Lungu must go to jail for numetous constitional breaches.

  11. Sean Tembo is just doing what the brown envelop he got from Lungu is telling him

    He has become a PF surrogate after realising that he has no clout on the Zambian political scene.

  12. When we told you that upnd is the most violent and tribal party, you said we were crazy. I am glad that we have now been proved right. Upnd is a tribal terrorist organisation which needs to be destroyed. Zp I am giving you a week to sort this out, failing which I will command all pf wings to start retaliating.

  13. They were reporting the cases of attack by pf cadres to police and police was paying a blind eye. They have now decided to take the law into their own hands because there was no one who was ready to help them from PF beatings and so forth. This will be a bad scenario because pf cadres have failed to beat upnd cadres in any encounter. I watched a most feared pf cadres being white washed by upnd cadres.

  14. We need to pray that August 12 comes fast so that this violent under-five can be stopped from shedding blood through his paid hooligans.

  15. Sean Tembo, just tell your man who has taken Zambia to the animal farm,that these are the consequences of some animals being more equal than others.

  16. Mapatizya formula, Sesheke ordeal, Kaoma Killing.
    Now how safe are our own people as these wolves of violence take a turn at door to door campaigns.
    Oooooh! Covid-19, how merciless can you get by changing the manner in which campaigns are carried out this year?
    Our peace loving people are now at the mercy of ruthless gullibles and bullies of violence.
    UPND violence, destruction, and murder may result in an intolerant Govt that will practice these social ills. Power in the hands of a bunch of hooligans and barbarians will not be tolerated.

  17. Kennedy Kamba has blamed PF Commanders for allowing UPND to Campaign thru these Road Shows. So PF are the Aggressors trying to stop HH and UPND Alliance Road Shows. Sean Tembo was once beaten by PF Cadres and left for dead in Lusa?a. Maybe Sean Tembo needs another Baptism of fire from Commander Ino Kalimanshi. Sean Tembo should give him a call.

  18. Its obvious that Sin Tembo has a short memory, not long was not globbared along Cairo Road by Paul Moonga and his thugs. Tembo my brother you are no good to this fight stop stabbing other opposition members in the back.

  19. All signs in this party point to the fact that PF thuggery behaviour and hooliganism is nothing compared to these guys. You give them power at our own peril. If they can behave like this while in opposition how bad could they get with state power at their disposal?

  20. So all those Thug looking individuals surrounding HH will be given positions in his Cabinet or they will continue harassing innocent Zambians in markets and bus stations……They look a million times more ruthless and more banditary than PF bandits

  21. Sean Tembo is puffed up with arrogance, so much so that he fails to recognise situations in practice that he studied in business school. For example, the role of a brand or name-recognition in people’s decision-making. Harry Kalaba and Fred M’membe have more name-recognition than Sean Tembo. Yet he rates himself above them. This is madness itself.

  22. When you face a loaded gun what is the difference?
    You want people to fold their arms while being attacked?

  23. HH is about himself and has demonstrated beyond any doubt that he does not care about the well being of Zambians. He is on record to have disadvantaged Zambians during privatisation, from the little we know, he dribbled the deceased children of farming land even when he has plenty of land [ mu shibila sala], In the midst of deadly convid_19, he is for rallies and unfavourable road-show, and he is for violence. Mutati , Guy scout, BGF stay away from this person, you are many times above HH values. ECL, although you are a candidate, say NO to violence, you are in charge. Zambians do not vote for HH, he has nothing for you but hell. ZAMBIANS SAY NO TO VIOLENCE AND NO TO CONVID-19 IRRESPOSSIBILITY.

  24. The Bemba adage “ imfula pakuya epo yonaule fisabo” this is undoubtedly the last kicks of a dying horse. The only way to redeem UPND is to have another leader, could be Tonga, Lozi, Kaonde, Mbunda, Lenje etc. Hakainde has failed the party lamentably.

  25. Operation protect your vote!!! Protecting the Vote is in other ways protecting Zambia. Thank us later. Vote UPND Vote HH

  26. Chendabusiku @29, if HH had failed the party, it would have disappeared a long time ago. Along the way, the man has endured all manner of provocations, disappointments, disagreements, insults, ingratitude,detention in cells smeared with human waste and attempted assassinations and poisoning. U may dislike him all day long but let him enjoy his rights as a citizen. He doesn’t owe them to u. We cannot legislate against hatred but if that hatred drives u to harm HH, u will hv crossed the line.

  27. Zambians don’t go for upnd. Protect your vote and use it against ba puti. Ala Mafwa. Bapompwe ba buti munje munje bakalamiponwena pan’ganda pamwenu. The party of horror and terror.

  28. You PeP go to hell..we know your political allegiance is yo Lungu & his PF… those hoodlums were rightly beaten because they were the agitators..

    You have a very selective mindset…

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