Saturday, July 27, 2024

The Fourth President Rupiah Banda is in good health and not in any hospital-Government


The government has dispelled rumours circulating on social media platforms alleging that Fourth Republican President Rupiah Bwezani Banda has died.

Ministry of Information and Broadcasting Services Permanent Secretary Amos Malupenga said the rumour is unfounded as the former head of state is in good health and is not admitted to any health facility, whether locally or abroad.

“Government wishes to advise everyone to use social media with greater responsibility in these very difficult times especially when the nation is experiencing increased deaths due to the upsurge in Covid 19 cases,” he said.

And Mr Malupenga has since urged all citizens to continue mourning the nation’s founding father Dr Kenneth Kaunda; the country’s Chief Justice her ladyship Mrs Irene Chirwa Mambilima and several other prominent and least known who have died in the recent past.

He has reminded Zambians to desist from abusing useful tool of communication called social media whether within the country or abroad.

This is contained in a statement made available to the media today.


  1. Apparently even me I died. A lot of hate in the opposition camp. They are using social media to spread lies and hate. We need to shut down social media in Zambia until after August.

  2. We know that RB is ill but he may be in remission right now, for which we are grateful. May God spare us from another funeral.. not with such an irresponsible government during a pandemic that is claiming lives.

  3. I pray for Rupiah Banda, he was a good president but not ba mwankole aba!

    The man is not well and let’s not hear from these shameless government officials twisting the truth.

    How can a sick person enjoy good health? We don’t wish dead but the fact remains he sick, it’s not a taboo to be sick.

    We humans and bound to fall sick and die.

    PF must go!

  4. Where is Edgar Lungu? I’m reliably informed is on ICU due ti covid-19 together with Esther Lungu.

    I know the PF cartel wants to conceal the truth.

    Bane covid-19 is real and don’t take it lightly. These top guys with compromised immune system are in trouble.

    Ba Kamwendo munjila, time to return what you stole and confess your sins.

    PF must go!

  5. Cant the government find ways of stopping people,using the media,to institute fear in the nation,to stop?I believe zicta has the mandate to faze away such speculations as that of our forth president,until confirmed by the secretary to the cabinet.Encourage and strengthen our mother Zambia,please.Thankyou.

  6. I don’t believe any statement of this horrible government. So until we see RB on live TV, I’m afraid there’s doubt on his well-being. That’s what you get when you spread lies all the time, and when trolls and imposters like that id!ot!c KZ get involved. PF: Lying about everything, not delivering anything!

  7. The death of former president Banda was up when UPND declared that they are resuming their campaign activities.

  8. HH and his party cadres are capable enough to politicize the most sensitive issues like deaths, Covid-19, etc. #ShamlessUPND

  9. Glad that the government has dispelled the rumor, the country is yet digesting the death of our first president #KK.

  10. Everyone knows that HH is famous only on social media. He has plenty of young people working on social media platforms only for him. But why he shared such news?

  11. I just pray to God that HH and his team should not politicize the death of the first father of the nation! We have seen HH going level down to be in the public eye.

  12. This was spread just to create a panic situation among Zambians. And only Hichilema could get benefit through it! He loves destructed Zambia!!

  13. The people must only listen to information that comes from the government official regarding anything. The end!!!

  14. We are in the period of elections and the opposition UPND is using social media as a tool to attack the ruling party. Zambians beware of the fake news.

  15. Indeed, the country is mourning the death of the nation’s founding father Dr. Kaunda, the country’s Chief Justice her ladyship Mrs. Mambilima, except UPND and its supporters, leader Hichilema is more focused on his elections campaign, he has nothing to do with Zambians!

  16. We demand strict action against those who are running such a series of fake information on social media. Let such people throw them behind bars as they are a shame to humanity. I think that is why HH and his supporters were strongly opposing the cybersecurity and cybercrime law.

  17. how do you just take delight in the dearth of someone whether he was or bad or good please my fellow citizens lets be responsible and try to unite in these trying times.

  18. His days are numbered. I remember this chap quite clearly used to come in my shop with tattered clothes buying goods on credit.

    On many occasions my family helped him financially. Once he became president and getting wealthy he forgot his old times.

    Anyway his days are numbered, very soon he will be put to rest 6 feet under together with his illicit proceeds of crime.

    The twat can burn in hell

  19. Comment: a shona proverb meaning any thing which is hiden will come out. maybe it is just a plan of announcing when they are about to reach the days for elections so that elections can pass.

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