Saturday, July 27, 2024

UPND demand fair investigations in the Kanyama murder, as LAZ and UN condemns the killings


Following the murder case that occurred recently in Kanyama Constituency where 2 people were killed, United Party for National Development – Deputy National Youth Chairman Mr Trevor Mwiinde has challenged the police force and all interested as well as affected stakeholders to conduct a fair investigation.

Speaking when he featured on Muvi TV’s Lunch Time Show, Mr Mwiinde said that; unlike issuing statements meant at crucifying UPND without having a clear picture of the whole scenario that transpired, they must be professional and allow both parties involved to give their statements without taking sides with PF.

Mr Mwiinde said that one of the men in question who was killed – Danny Chingagu was a UPND member who denounced PF after they put him behind bars at City Market Police for 2 weeks, which only UPND Kanyama came to his aid. In the same vein, Mwiinde bemoaned the fact that one of the UPND youths who was part of Matero road show with the UPND National Youth Chairman Gilbert Liswaniso on the day the murder took place was picked up from Matero and accused of being one of the killers in relation to Kanyama case.

Mr Mwiinde who further expressed his sincere condolences to the families of the deceased urged political parties to stop using the youths to advance violence and settling scores – either personal, political or otherwise but rather strive for equality, love and respect for one another to be used as definition for what is right and benefits the masses.

Abyud Shonga

Meanwhile, the Law Association of Zambia (LAZ) has strongly condemned the killing of two Patriotic Front (PF) supporters in Kanyama compound in Lusaka.

LAZ President Abyudi Shonga says the loss of life in the contest for political power is most regrettable, and totally unacceptable in a democratic nation.

In a press statement issued to the media, Mr Shonga encouraged the police to work tirelessly and ensure that the perpetrators are brought to book.

He said the continued incidents of violence are a blemish on the country’s reputation as a peaceful nation, and are undesirable.

“What exacerbates the tragedy is that the leaders of the major political parties have appended their signatures to multiple peace agreements”, he said.

Mr Shonga added that it is time for political parties to take responsibility for their membership, as well as to give effect to the pledge made to uphold peace.

He explained that LAZ expects all political parties to not only publicly speak out against political violence, but to continually ensure that the environment in the country is conducive for all eligible voters to vote for the preferred candidates on the 12th August 2021.

LAZ has since called for an end to political violence in the country.

And the United Nations (UN) in Zambia has said that it strongly condemns the recent killing of two political party supporters in Kanyama, Lusaka, as well as other incidents of political violence reported in the country in the run-up to general elections due on 12 August.

In a statement to the media, the UN said that the ongoing violence can pose a threat to the conduct of credible and peaceful elections and undermine core democratic values enshrined in the Constitution of Zambia.

“There is no justification to indulge in violence, kill or harm another person or destroy property to settle political differences in a multiparty democracy. Let us not forget that a democracy is a system of Government providing a framework for organized and continuous dialogue to resolve differences”, said UN Resident Coordinator in Zambia, Dr. Coumba Mar Gadio.

“The UN calls on all Zambian political leaders to publicly condemn any form of violence and instruct their supporters to abide by the electoral code of conduct and refrain from any violent acts and to pursue constructive dialogue and existing legal mechanisms to settle their differences, peacefully and amicably,” added Dr. Gadio.

The UN will continue monitoring the situation and engaging with the Government and people of Zambia to maintain and sustain peace which is essential for attaining the country’s development priorities.


  1. What is so shocking is that Upnd is justifying the death of two people. It’s true a bitter man is worse than the devil.

  2. The UN has demanded that Political Party leaders issue statements to their people to desist from violence. We are waiting for HH to do that simple call. Zambians must know that one of the UPND top leaders in charge of “special duties” William Tekere Banda, is the Centre of all violence in Zambia. He was kicked out of PF when they decided to root out violence. He crossed over with the likes of Amerigos.

  3. All manner of violence must be condemned in the strongest terms and no one should die because of Politics. The Police must carry out a professional investigation in this matter because it is well known fact that PF has two rival camps in Lusaka and they have been at each others throats of late (Remember the day CK was being welcomed back). If it is UPND cadres or PF themselves, let them face the wrath of the law than finding an opportunity to lock up even innocent people.

  4. William Banda is a non violent man if you have remained in the past with that perception. He is a very good man from Malambo constituency.

  5. These are just common criminals who killed PF caders, criminals just take advantage during this time, the fact that they could have come from a UPND camp should not infer that there is a policy in place by UPND to murder people, the way some paid people are pushing the demonizing of UPND, it is unbelievable Last time I checked this is not a UPND sponsored criminal activity. So just sober up

  6. These murders are just a criminal activity and not a UPND activity, so stop being excited with demonizing UPND. We hoped you had used the same energy to voice out when Mapenzi Chibulo, Vespers Shimuzhila, Frank Mugala were needlessly murdered by Police. Because the criminals came from UPND, it really excites you

  7. Please ask your under 5 leader to select the officers he wants to investigate so he that he doesnt waste money challenging the results using that sc who everyone knows ……

  8. Any loss of life is always regretable and no sane person takes pride into such incidents. Any killings associated with political violence are attributed to UPND without carrying proper investigations, It all hear say. Let the police do their job professionally. am of the view that to strengthen the Police service the in coming govt should detach the police service from Ministry of Home Affairs and create a separate Ministry of Police (Internal Security), reorient the police officers, retire all those dead woods in the service. Recruit more officers every year to ensure at least within five years the total strength should reach 30,000. Ensure each rural district has company strength of manpower supported by three companies of mobile or paras per province especially rural ones. This will…

  9. Common criminals, just arrest them, don’t drag UPND into this. UPND did not send anybody to kill anybody, just arrest the murderers in their individual capacities , and ECZ should not even take a one sided approach of banning UPND campaigns because these murders were not party sponsored

  10. The way they like likening anything bad on UPND, and the PF media channel ZNBC TV public broadcaster had a field day yesterday demonizing UPND instead of demoninsing the murderers who were clearly not sent by the UPND, Dead ZNBC should instead be questioning who recklessly borrowed on behalf of Zambia bringing the decent economy left by the MMD on its knees

  11. I am not UPND but when were investigations done by ECZ to ban UPND from campaigning in Kanyama. when Police killed Vespers, Mapenzi and Frank Mugala, Did we banish the whole police, or we said look for the individual killers, because clearly UPND did not issue instructions for anybody to kill their opponents. Stop exaggerating issues as usual

  12. PF are just terrible, what do you think. MMD was better by far, looking at this garbage of an economy we have

  13. We should not set this peaceful nation on fire. Ler us not cerebrate when we see people killing each other this country has been a beacon of peace but we can easily lose it.

  14. I don’t understand some people are even cerebrating when they see people killing each other this is really sad..

  15. I have told you before upnd is a sata.nic party all they want is human blood..Today pf cadres beaten in Isoka..The sata.nic party is thirsty for blood (human sacrifice) just look at the number of upnd members involved in road accidents and how many have died…No freema.son will govern me.

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