Saturday, July 27, 2024

Dr. Nevers Mumba’s take on the circulating KK video on HH plans to split Zambia


A debate has arisen on social media regarding a Video in which our founding President, Dr.Kenneth Kaunda is quoted as saying He cannot think of any other man in politics who is thinking of “splitting” Zambia apart from HH. (Whom he refers to as that man from Zimbabwe, then later Southern Province and he struggles to remember his name)

Obviously, the wide circulation of this video, mainly by political supporters of the PF, as well as other citizens, barely a day before elections would, and has, created anxiety.As a person who knew Dr.Kaunda very closely and as someone who equally knows Mr. Hakainde Hichilema quite well, I think I qualify to speak about this sensitive subject as follows:

    1. Let us allow President Kaunda to rest in peace. We burried and mourned him with honour and dignity and we recognised his contribution to maintaining the unity of our Country across Tribe.
      Digging up this old contraversial video is both unfortunate and playing dangerous politics.
    2. Secondly, since the video is out, I would like to state that the statement made by Dr. Kaunda was probably based on a negative report given to him as is usually the case with Presidents and Former Presidents. In fact, I myself have received wrong Reports before. Also, I’ve had wrong and false reports about me sent to various sitting and past Presidents from time to time. In fact, this particular rant by our dear Dr.Kaunda does seem to be one resulting from such a case of him being ill informed, and is to be dismissed as nothing but old age bunter.
      Why do I say so?
      Firstly, I knew Dr.Kaunda personally and he brought me up as a Son. Dr Kaunda never saw himself as infallible and perfect. In fact , Dr.Kaunda was a man of like passions as all of us and he never, as far as I know, placed a burden on us the people of Zambia to ever take each and everyone of his statements and acts as being right and correct all the time. It therefore, would be very careless to assume that in his death, every statement he made, including this one, was to be revered and treated as the gospel truth.
      In addition, in my life as a pastor for 44 years, I have quite some experience in caring for the aged and I know better than to take everything that our very senior citizens say as a POLICY direction and to this, Dr.Kaunda’s statement is no exception.
      I remember that at the funeral of Nelson Mandela, Dr.Kaunda repeatedly referred to the former ruling party of South Africa as “The Boer Party”, a remark that angered some quarters.
      However, it was understood by all that he probably meant no harm and that Dr. Kaunda came from a different generation that did it’s best to achieve unity in their own way.
      It is therefore through a similar lense that I believe we must try and view this video.
      Dr.Kaunda may have believed and said what he did at some point, before he had met and known the gentleman. His views about HH may have been at some point, informed by a bad report as I have shown above, but that doesn’t mean we as ZAMBIANS must agree with him. We all loved KK and yet in 1991, we all disagreed with him.
    3. I am Running for President in my own stead, and I therefore, have no agenda or motivation to save HH’s name. However, I have know Hakainde Hichilema personally, and I have campaigned and criss crossed the length and breadth of this country together with him and I can confidently say that:
      In fact, one thing we both share is a passion to unite our people, especially from the North and the South, as brothers and sisters.
      We may compete politically, but in the interest of national unity, we meet on this singular principle.

    Having said this, it is not my aim to speak against our departed Dr.Kaunda either, but I would like this generation of ZAMBIANS to be brave enough to chart our OWN path, and to feel free to find our answers to the difficult questions we face of poverty, disease, education, technology as well as cultural and tribal division. We believe that this is at the heart of every well meaning Zambian and is indeed the reason why I stand as presidential candidate in the coming election this Thursday.
    So, even as that video  is viewed, please remember that we do not want to plant or water the seeds of division in any way now or ever. And I believe that my brother and fellow candidate, HH does not either (in as far as i have known him).
    Join me at 20 hours. I will be discussing this and other key topics as we head into Voting on Thursday.
    I thank you!

Dr. Nevers Mumba
MMD President


  1. I like how Dr.Mumba has put it – “I know better than to take everything that our very senior citizens say as a POLICY direction and to this, Dr.Kaunda’s statement is no exception. “I think this was a cheap political ploy by PF. Let KK rest in peace than posting videos taken out of context. I’m surprised at the panic in the PF camp.Seems they don’t trust their rigging machinery this time round.

  2. Post it Kaili so that we can see and judge for ourselves. I hope it’s not in the lines of “only a Tonga can….. “ or “a lot of people have approached me to be Vice to Mr. Sata just because the don’t want a Tonga to be Republican President” Panji Kaunda interview with the post dated 27th March 2011.

  3. Post it Kaili so that we can see and judge for ourselves. I hope it’s not in the lines of “only a Tonga can….. “ or “a lot of people have approached me to be Vice to Mr. Sata just because the don’t want a Tonga to be Republican President” Panji Kaunda interview wit he post dated 27th May 2011.

  4. PF & ECL cheap shot at the 11th hour will not save them. The minds are already made up. We will experience HH ourselves. KK was way bigger than the clip which they are trying to box him on his view on Zambian leadership. He would certainly not endorse thieves if was alive with his youthful mind today.

  5. BA PF, kwena you have gone too far…….I wish KK would rise from his grave to defend himself !!!
    This will have NO IMPACT at all….kuya fye.

  6. The Video speaks for itself very clearly. KK spoke his mind and that’s his opinion so no one qualifies to explain it but again the statement is not a standard by which HH must be judged. You can see clearly Kaunda said what he thought not pushed into it.
    Dr Mumba has expressed his opinion but he can’t change or explain KK’s opinion or statement in the video. He can only agree or disagree and so must every Zambia.
    The bottom line is HH is Zambian and doesn’t have to prove it and he qualifies to seek the so called highest office and if merit of the vote chooses him then so it must be.

  7. In 2006 at the launch of the UDA, the United Democratic Alliance that involved the UPND, UNIP and Edith Nawakwi’s FDD, KK made a statement which all of us advised Hichilema, Tilyenji and Nawakwi not to abuse the founding father in that manner. However, the conduct of the affairs of the UPND since Hichilema took over is what has put people of Southern province on the spot. It’s now considered that whoever speaks Tonga or hails from Southern province is his supporter. This has never happened the history of our country. Chieftainess Mwenda of Chikankata was insulted just for hosting government officials! I CAN’T DEFEND HICHILEMA ON THIS and I think Pastor Mumba must just keep quiet

  8. Ba Nevers Mumba since when did you become HH’s spokesman, let HH speak for himself to defend himself. We all know that HH came to UPND helm on tribal campaigns when it was publicly declared by Sejani that; ONLY A TONG.A MUST LEAD UPND and for sure since its birth UPND has been run only by TONGA.S It was also declared by late Munkombwe in 2016 that; IT WAS TIME FOR A TONG.A TO RULE. At no point has HH come out to condemn these utterances meaning that he had and still endorses them. KK was right the man can divide trhis nation once we make a terrible mistake to vote for him. Let the status quo continues, vote for ECL

  9. Zambia shall be free you thought you could win alone now after the hard work has been done and you are not sure who will take it you want to come through the back door…..join the alliance or get nothing at the end of the day….drc is calling… took a god thing and destoyed it…..

  10. PF’s desperation to win these elections is frightening. If PF could be able to lay their filthy hands on our departed founding father’s NRC (may his soul rest in peace) they can use it to vote so thy can win election. Evil inventers.

  11. UPND has been posting various videos of bad taste against opponents. For example it is believed that Edgar Lungu is falsely accused that he has no vision. Nevers Mumba or any other self professed lawyer has not come to clarify to us. Why has Mumba stepped into this matter that least concerns him or MMD?

  12. Intelligence is bestowed into everyone but exploiting it to the full is not for the foolish! @ Maria I had a twinkle in my eyes when in your post I came across “taken out of context.” Desperation is in the PF camp as they want a hold on to power and for selfish motives none other! The PF behavior is one that Zambians in their elections history have never experienced before! However Gods assigned destiny never changes course what Zambia has is a viciously wicked and selfish leadership! This Edgar Chagwa Lungu must thank Zambians for according him the luxury of state house by now vacating respectfully!

  13. KK’s message is blunt but factual.

    Someone said if PF wins elections then there will be pandemonium, violence and chaos. This is the only chance for Southerners to rule.

    Others put it explicitly: if HH loses, the country will be split into southwest and northeast. PF will inherit North and East.

    This proves why the army has been invited to merge with police to quell possible post election mischief.

  14. Wise response…..
    PF just nailed its coffin from inside. Why go to KK?? It is like exhulming KK from that Parking Lot they buried him against his wishes.

  15. For the sanity of our nation let’s switch these guys out. I don’t care who you switch into power but these guys are spent and it has been enough of a decade of haphazard behavior.

  16. My Dad lived to a very ripe age of over 93 years. It was interesting when he had to decide whether he is dreaming or it is a story he told me already. How would HH split Zambia?

    Federalism is not splitting and have never heard him talk about that !

  17. So far as always Lazy Lungu’s quiet like always…this is when you stand up and say no guys this is wrong but Lungu is inept and weak.

  18. I never thought that KK had cognitive decline until now. The people who are publicising this video are CRUEL and INHUMAN. Do we really want to remember our founding father as demented?

  19. It is no coincidence that at one point, Kenneth Kaunda referred to Hakainde Hichilema as a young man unfit to be president when he endorsed Sata.

    Does any one know why HH was drifting and revving his vehicular entourage to beat protocol and race with the presidential motorcade in Western Province in 2017 at Kuomboka Ceremony risking the alleged treason charges by endangering life of president Lungu Edgar? They were telling him he does not belong there in the Barotseland.

  20. Ladies and Gentlemen looks like we’re in trouble…..these elections will be tough and from this video now am getting even more nervous and confused….will there be Zambia after August 12th or will it be a federation of Northern Rhodesia again….HH is very secretive…I have a lot of Friends from Southern Province and they’re all good people…..just HH scares me big time…I know his first thing will be to dismantle the Judiciary and appoint his own Judges and Chief Justice…and that’s when drama will start

  21. Wise man KK may your soul rest in peace. Forgive them as they do not know what they are doing. There is still plenty of time for HH to reconsider his moves on Zambia. Anyway let the ballot do the talking.

  22. @The saint
    Please don’t insult KK….this video is hard to watch right now if you’re UPND and Tonga….KK was not demented….he was healthy for his age….HH is a problem and not Tonga people or UPND

  23. There’s no need to show old people speeches. They say things that they don’t understand. KK was not mobile and as energetic as he was. He got this from people that peddle lies. Haven’t you seen the same KK blessing HH to be President?

  24. Upnd are really something. We are now trying to explain away a clear video by painting our founding president as having been old and demented.
    Not too long ago HH was at KKs funeral and saying we should all emulate what KK did and stood for.
    Why don’t we dig further and find out why KK came to his conclusion rather than dismissing a very clear video?
    Elo ba nervous naimwe muleikala fye. Mwilaisebanya. Are you a spokesperson for HH? Can you really say you know him? How can you simply dismiss the video by saying that KK did not know what he was talking about as he had read a false report.Really? How do you know? You are talking about a former president who was obviously well informed. Stay out of matters that do not conern you.

  25. Nevers Mumba is trying very hard to get the attention of Zambians…this man has no Political clout and i don’t think he can even win if he stood as a ward chairman…..the video is very clear and KK knew what he was talking about….just watch his body language and facial expressions…..he was putting across valid points

  26. I severely doubt whether HH would split Zambia. He has never voiced words to that effect.. Is this in his manfesto?

  27. I am very much anti Under 5 but my conscience tells me the timing by our national broadcaster was off, and also unfair to the KK family.

    I’m disgusted because this might just hand Under 5 the presidency.

  28. Who gives a damn about what a now dead senile old man said! Besides, was this not the same character that imposed a 27 years old state of emergency on Zambia during which so many died mysteriously!


  30. What did KK say about Micheal Sata before he was elected president? Those old enough will recall , KK said did not consider Sata one who can rule a country but make a good minister

  31. I’d would never want Nevers supporting me even as a council man in whatever way!!! His such a toxic political person he will make you lose just by mare mention of your name. Go away already

  32. Nevers Mumba sit down indeed. You are trying to get sympathy from HH. Your time has gone. You belong to the POLITCAL ARCHIVES OF ZAMBIA. Time to start remembering those verses that you have long forgotten. Dust the Bible and take the cross again.

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