Saturday, July 27, 2024

Masebo urges eligible Zambians to get vaccinated against Covid-19


Minister of Health Sylvia Masebo has urged the general citizenry to seize the opportunity of the relaunch of Covid-19 vaccination programme tomorrow and get immunised.

Ms. Masebo pointed out that the relaunch of the vaccination exercise tomorrow will reinvigorate the fight against Covid-19 pandemic.

She said the exercise will raise awareness in the fight against the pandemic and save the lives of many people in the country.

Ms. Masebo, who is also Chongwe Member of Parliament, said this when she gave a ministerial statement in parliament on the Covid-19 situation in the country.

“Let us not drop the guard against the Covid-19 pandemic and we should all participate in the fight against this disease. We should fight this pandemic in churches, bus stations, markets and homes so that we completely eradicate it,” she stressed.

Ms. Masebo has since urged fellow parliamentarians to enhance sensitisation messages in their areas.

She stated that lawmakers, just like any other community leaders, should promote positive attitudes on Covid-19 among the people.

The Minister of Health further expressed concern that out of the 8.4 million people target to be vaccinated against Covid-19, only 3.8 percent have been immunised.

She emphasised that the government will continue using a multi-sectoral approach to fight the pandemic that has affected all the 116 districts in the country.

Meanwhile, Feira Member of Parliament Emmanuel Tembo sought clarification on strategies that have been put in place to ensure the efficacy of the vaccine.

In response, Minister of Health Sylvia Masebo said the government, through the Zambia Medicine Regulatory Authority, checks the efficacy of all drugs in the country.


  1. Thank you. But why are our health professionals quiet about the fact that a person that has had Covid has the same antibodies produced in their Bodies as the vaccine induces? Majority of people in zambia by now have had Covid whether they know it or not so THEY DON’T NEED THE VACCINE! Where is Dr Mujajati on this he seems to have sense. Or is he also afraid of the ‘Emperors clothes story’ syndrome

  2. Since the New Yawn government has no bridges or toilets to commission it is re-launching a vaccination program. KKIA new terminal will be commissioned next month followed by Longacres bypass – all graced by HEHH

  3. UPND politicized Covid-19 when they were in opposition. For them Covid-19 was an excuse by the previous PF regime for their alleged incompetence in running the affairs of the country. UPND is now in government and Covid-19 is staring them in the face. Despite the many economic challenges the country faces, Zimbabwe has more people vaccinated against Covid-19 than Zambia with a paltry 3% of the population vaccinated. Probably, Zimbabwe with more serious economic woes has a greater sense of crisis than Zambia with its UPND Covid-19 naysayers in government that have now found Covid-19 to be a reality.

  4. Stop calling them vaccinations anso. Those are booster shots. Unaonapo someone vaccinating again for Smallpox. I think at this rate someone is lying; we have redefined vaccination and everybody seems to be OK with it. Silly bati.

  5. The New Down Administration is now championing the fight against COVID-19 and yet when in opposition denied its deadliness. Madam minister, you have a monumental task to convince people especially in high density arears to go for vaccination. They believe that vaccines are there to wipe out world’s population in the next 5 to 10 years. The vaccinated are therefore in danger of extermination.

  6. @Ndoleshyafye
    Stop the Trump n-o-s-e-n-s-e. Zambians are not like the s-t-u-p-i-e-d Americans who have turned the vaccines and masks into a red and blue politcal circus. They have no gumption to see that this is a matter of life and death. They do not care that almost 2000 people are dying every day and almost 700,000.00 have died. Please keep the misinformation in your America.

  7. Lusaka Times why do you keep blocking my massages? It is pointless cos your Lungu you were trying to protect lost miserablely.

  8. @Ndoleshyafye
    Stop the Trump n-o-s-e-n-s-e. Zambians are not like the s-t-u-p-i-e-d Americans who have turned the vaccines and masks into a red and blue politcal circus. They have no gumption to see that this is a matter of life and death. They do not care that almost 2000 people are dying every day and almost 700,000.00 have died. Please keep the misinformation in your America.

  9. My Body my Choice!!!! I don’t want to be vaccinated, why should that bother you? If I choose to eat vegetables today, should that bother you? Well, choice means I’ve told me once and I can either take it or not….. even God doesn’t force us to do right things… we make our own choices. Let those that want to take it take it and those that don’t want to should not be demonized, this ain’t no salvation that we should be worried that if we don’t have it something will happen. Even the vaccinated are dying so u can’t convince me enough to say this is the key to staying alive. I have chosen not to take it and that shouldn’t bother anyone. Don’t act like u care so much for humanity because of you did u would with the same intensity be concerned that ver the food am eating and whether or not I…

  10. Don’t act like u care so much for humanity because of you did u would with the same intensity be concerned that ver the food am eating and whether or not I have eaten. If u really want people alive u will be concerned about their livelihoods. Hunger has been killing people and till today u have no solution, u never go around checking who hasn’t eaten and who has, but u want to police us on who is vaccinated and who isn’t? Zambia has a high rate of HIV but u never ask people to move around with proof of a negative test! My point is don’t force this on people, it’s getting more suspicious as we go. Why force me like u care? U have never cared how my life has been all along, why now?

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