Saturday, July 27, 2024

MMD enters into Partnership with UPND to deal with Public Debt, Corruption and Public Order Act


The New Hope MMD has entered into a partnership with the ruling UPND based on the shared values of the rule of law, anti-corruption fight, the repeal of the public order act, rebuilding the economy and debt repayment strategy among others.

MMD president Nevers Mumbai announced at a media briefing in Lusaka today that the party has resolved to forge a partnership with the ruling party to support every effort by the new government to deliver on these fundamental policy positions.

Dr Mumba said that these are policies he would have employed had he won the August 12,2021 general election, but clarified that this does not mean that the MMD has entered into an alliance with the UPND alliance, but that this is a separate process.

Dr. Mumba has since urged the new dawn government to speed up the fight against corruption, stating that corruption must be fought mercilessly.

Dr. Mumba said that Zambia’s democracy will amount to nothing if the Public Order Act is not repealed. Dr Mumba said that democracy that has come with the UPND government must translate into every one’s freedom.

Meanwhile, the Outgoing United States Embassy in Zambia Charg’e de Affaires David Young has advised the Zambian government to get rid of the Public Order Act to further Zambia’s democracy.
Mr. Young says the law is detrimental to the Zambia’s democracy.

Speaking during his farewell media briefing in Lusaka today, Mr. Young says there is need to ensure a level playing field in the Zambian political circle which the public order act undermines.
Mr. Young who has been appointed as us ambassador to Malawi pending ratification by that country’s senate says the law should either be repealed or amended.


  1. If I was Bally, I wouldn’t get into any relationship with the losing MMD and its hopeless leader Nevers Mind Mumba. His party is decimated, no MP’s, no councilors, only a hopeless leader with a big mouth

  2. You have finally been appointed as an ambassador for UPND Alliance Mr. Nevers Mumbai together with the MMD, Congratulations on your appointment

  3. Just join and work with the new GRZ …….

    Mumba is smarter than those other empty tins and can see good governance……

    we are on the right track………

  4. Jigga Kayama Simangulungwa (formerly Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Honeybee) Jigga Kayama Simangulungwa (formerly Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Honeybee)

    Nervous Mumba, the case of “coulda; woulda; shoulda“. Just stop pretending Nervous and join UPND. I mean if the unknown fella Hamududu polled and faired better than Nervous Mumba. Look at Mutati who was able to read the mood and smell the coffee, he is now a minister. Nervous, oh Nervous!

  5. And Zambians REJECTED NEVERS MUMBA….so UPND can not survive without going to bed with known criminals like Mumba…this man stole embassy furniture in Canada and today he can’t talk about fighting corruption…this is the end of UPND…..Mumba has turned MMD into a fake opposition

  6. Tell me why ZAMBIAN SHALL NEVER BE SAVED with politicians like Nevers Mumba? Mumba knows he has zero chance of ever becoming Zambian President. He also knows Bally is still making appointments. Therefore, he has to jump on the SANGWAPO BANDWAGON in the hope he could even be appointed Zambia’s ambassador to DR Congo. He accepted to be ambassador to Canada after having been Vice-President of Zambia under Levy Mwanawasa. So nothing would stop him from being ambassador to DR Congo. Ati ni SEBANA WIKUTE even with pastors. Remember late PK Chishala’s commentary on pastors: “Kabili mwe ba Pastor mayo eee nimwe mwalachitefi tataaa”. They are just men of God in name. In politics, they are just as shifty as prostitutes on Lusaka’s streets.

  7. An opportunist that “Never” disappoints. Always right on the money. What business where you doing in DRC? The Hotel room arrest? Have’nt you invested while you were in Government? Once a VP, come on mudala. Lusambo was some how right, if after retirement you are suffering then something went wrong.

  8. Even if you were opposed to HH before , this is a new dawn for zambia……….

    Join hands and work for the common good…….

    As long as the new GRZ banishes cader violence, fights corruption and has the right policies to benefit Zambians , the GRZ deserves support………

  9. What a fatal blunder…. Nevas Mumba is like blood hound that can smell prey fifty kilometers away. He will eventually unseat the original members.

  10. Zambia doesn’t need a one party state system as we rejected that in in 1991 and Zambians celebrated, Zambia needs credible opposition to check balance any ruling party.
    On the other hand is if Dr Mumba is still the salt of this world why is he comprising his faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
    Jesus said all humanity is not good, not eve one righteous to be called good , and the bible says all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, my question is how does this man of God fail to have faith in God! But he chooses to trust man like HH to prosper his life, this is idol worship the man of God is doing , if it is true that this head of state is a follower Masonic Lodge does Dr Mumbai also pay allegiance to the same Lodge!
    Dr Mumba should explain to the church what has…

  11. Nevers Mumba was charged with misappropriating embassy funds he is the last person this govt should be partnering with!!


  13. Normally we wouldn’t allow a non tonga or a non bantu batatwe leader to join us but as we are above tribal politics our doors are open to those who share in our values

  14. Fake tarino above pipe down and grow up. There are millions other names that you can use and yet you choose mine. Very laughable

  15. Jigga Kayama Simangulungwa (formerly Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Honeybee) Jigga Kayama Simangulungwa (formerly Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Honeybee)

    All, just here to let you know the ‘Tarino Orange’ with the orange bottle is the imposter… the same troll who impersonates Kaizar Zulu and whose reputation on LT is damaged beyond repair (even in the anonymity of the Internet… imagine how pathetic he is in real life).

  16. These are my personal words to Dr. Mumba, God is able to make you king over Zambia if you have faith in Him .
    The bible says ( James 1: 5 7 – ( 8 ) a double man is un stable in all his ways ) kindly consider what the word of God says than your own thoughts.
    If you remained in that party you formed and trusting the Lord , He would have given this nation to preside over , people are moved by God Himself who knows our hearts, your move is not good at this point as the man you want save Zambia through has got his own agenda .

  17. Nevers Mumba is a failed project at politics. Even new parties take turns beating him at every opportunity that presents.
    The fallen church hero is humiliating himself in this unfamiliar territories.
    He should have left the party with other credible and competent leaders.
    Because of selfishness, he disowned the flock for political money.
    At every point of leadership, one can only be second to the great mind out there.
    Now Nevers is draining and drowning the MMD into deeper trouble. Should the PF take this selfish route, the results will be similar to what both Mumba and Tilyenji did to the former ruling parties.

  18. #26 Ayatollah… Yes, it’s seems they have no sense of shame. What partnership can Nevas bring to any table. I’m not surprised, this man can sweet talk a Cobra into a kiss…he convinced of all the people Mwanawasa to appoint him vice president… up to now I have failed to understand it.

  19. Public order Law must continue to Exist, but should be fundamentally amended to make it Civil and Democratic:
    !. Resourcing and Support of public gatherings by the State
    2, Requisitioning for Law Enforcement protection rand security by Organisers
    3. No Political Regalia in public places
    4.No Political Regalia at public gatherings – rallies, road shows et cetera,
    5, No specific notice period required.
    6. Organisers free to make own security arrangements
    8, Negligence by law enforcement officers failing to provide protection and security punishable offence
    9.Negligence by Organisers failing to provide protection and security punishable offence

  20. #32 But that has been the cry of the Upnd and the now silent NGOs….to do away with it not reforming. How do you reform an evil act?

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