Saturday, July 27, 2024

Government will come up with mechanisms to help reduce youth unemployment-Kakubo


Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Minister Stenley Kakubo has said that Government will come up with mechanisms to help reduce youth unemployment that continues to be a persistent challenge in Zambia and on the African continent.

Speaking during the 2nd AU-EU Ministerial Meeting in Kigali, Rwanda, Mr. KAKUBO said Zambia has welcomed joint initiatives such as ‘the Africa-Europe Alliance for Sustainable Investment and Jobs’ and the EU External Investment Plan aimed at creating jobs.

The initiatives have also been designed to promote inclusive economic growth through investments by attracting the private sector to participate in critical sectors of the economies in Africa.

Mr. Kakubo said investments in value chains such as agro-processing, pharmaceuticals and mineral beneficiation could boost intra-regional trade by utilizing the African Continental Free Trade Area.

The Minister further said Government recognized that the COVID-19 pandemic had ravaged economies and it was imperative that recovery facilities are availed to minimize the impact on citizens.

This is contained in a statement availed to ZNBC News by First Secretary-Press and Tourism at the Zambian Embassy in Ethiopia INUTU MWANZA.


  1. Wasn’t this worked out as you prepared to form Government at one point? So you are as clueless as one Edgar Lungu?

  2. The language is changing now ‘reduce youth unemployment’ and yet they said all youths will be employed.

    Ukulanda kwalyanuguka!!!

  3. Since 1991 whn multi partism ws introduced to Zambia, FTj preaching drifted Zambians frm believing tht as Zambians we can assemble buses, cars, bicycles, make batteries, cables, tailor a suit in the name tht “whites will come, ad hv more jobs” a lie than wht KK created for the Zambians. Before 1991 Zambians hd jobs than wht we hv today, jobs were created than wht we ask foreigners as investors to come ad do for us. Today we a importing sweets, soaps, underpants, trousers, shoes etc. Why can our reintroduce the old systems, ad why do we first go to white people’s land for wisdom whn we are given conditions ad this not for Zambia bt Africa, whn a we going to work up??? Awee!!
    A solution is we go our own way than always begging for dollars or favours, we hv the resources we can make it…

  4. All you PF surrogates, go get your jobs at your pf secretariat. The jobs this man is talking abt are for Zambians. Not you surrogates here on Lusaka Times. For you your jobs are here at Lusaka Times and Your PF secretariat – go ask for jobs there.

  5. It is Inuntu Mwanza says that clap, not ka Stanley.
    Even the language sounds like bootlicking Emmanuel Mwamba…

  6. And what will you do to make the life of diasporans easy. We also campaigned for you and we don’t feel appreciated

  7. If someone is too strong for you to defeat, it is better to be on the same side as them. The problem we have is those guys went to national service. Kk generation. Just read YouTube what’s up it’s amazing the young people the way approaching issues. UPND you are wasting young people time.

    We just celebrated 57th years of Independence, and no one has confronted the real issues how we got independence we only go around what motivated some of our leaders to fight for independence, according to their biographies. The foundation for independence of our GRZ it was public sector is stealing from GRZ.

    To make the long story short we need leadership that understand, Flynn effect.

  8. If someone is too strong for you to defeat, it is better to be on the same side as them. Just read YouTube what’s up it’s amazing way the young people approaching issues. UPND you are wasting young people time.

    We just celebrated 57th years of Independence, and no one has confronted the real issues how we got independence we only go around what motivated some of our leaders to fight for independence, according to their biographies. The foundation for independence of our GRZ it was public sector is stealing from GRZ.

    To make the long story short we need leadership that understand, Flynn effect.

  9. Typical CNP- Cimbwi No Plan. They said they were going to do things differently. Yet they do not yet have a plan for youth unemployment. Did you see how small the crowd of UPND supporters was at Kasama airport to welcome the new President? Just wait and see what will be happening after next year when more people realise they were deceived by the NEW DOWN or NEW DUSK government into voting for them. The Kwacha is still stuck at K17 to the dollar. There is no indication it will go down to K10 to the dollar as BALLY WABOZA lied to Zambians. The cost of living is still very high and there is no indication the bag of the staple maize meal will go down to K50 as BALLY WAWENYE lied to Zambians. The price of fertilizer is still where PF left it and there is no indication that BALLY WAMAPUTU will…

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