Saturday, July 27, 2024

The PF used to take good care of the Zambian people-Kampamba


Patriotic Front (PF) National Chairperson for women Hon Kampamba Mulenga has implored women to remain United if the party is to bounce back in Power.

Hon Kampamba said one of the reasons the party failed to safeguard the August 12 election which was allegedly stolen is because of lack of unity and division.

She has since asked the women on the Copperbelt to work with leaders and candidates who will be chosen by the party leadership in future elections.

Hon Kampamba was speaking during the Launch of the Copperbelt PF women’s movement at the New Copperbelt Province Head Quarters in Ndola today.

She said the women movement should be strong and work hard to ensure that there is change of Government in 2026.
Hon Kampamba said people will die of hunger if the government is not changed in four years time.

“The cost of living has skyrocketed beyond imaginable levels. The PF used to take good care of the Zambian people. When you go at the hospital, there are no medicines instead of sorting out the problem, the President is just busy travelling around the world

Patriotic Front (PF) National Chairperson for women Hon Kampamba Mulenga
Patriotic Front (PF) National Chairperson for women Hon Kampamba Mulenga

And Hon Kampampa said the PF is still strong and intact as can be seen from lack of defections from the PF to other political parties.

“This is the first time in the History of elections that we have seen a party that lose power not losing members through defections. If you see a person defecting, just know that there were not PF from the word go. As women in the party, we are asking for your support as leaders in the party,” she said.

Speaking at the same event, PF acting Secretary General Hon Nickson Chilangwa applauded the PF women on the Copperbelt for maintaining discipline and Unity

Hon Chilangwa has however Challenged the UPND to call for early elections because they have failed to run the country.
Meanwhile, PF Information and Publicity Chairperson Hon Raphael Nakacinda urged the women to ignore bloggers who are paid on social media to insult PF leaders.

Hon Nakacinda said the entire country is looking up to the PF to speak for them hence the need not to be swayed by social media keypad warriors.

“Do not pay attention to people who are insulting party leaders. They are paid to insult former President Edgar Lungu, they are paid to insult Hon Given Lubinda , even ba National Women Chairperson nabena balabatuka. So mwibikako amino balabalipila
So Mukose, there is need to replicate meetings of such nature countrywide.. Tulelolesha pali 2026. The party leadership made a good decision appointing Hon Mulenga as Women Chairperson,” he said.


  1. Ndipo uyu mbuya amatukwana si masowela! You gave illicit license to thugs, that is how you took care of citizens when you were in power. Some of us were almost killed several times by your unruly thugs driving all over the roads.

  2. I think security service systems must start closing in and arresting these thugs brutally. There arrogance is too much now. After all the damage caused-how do u come out and talk like this, instd of an apology.

  3. Zambians have not forgotten the PF rule.
    Madam if Zambians were happy with your
    Rule then why did they kick you out?What
    We are experiencing today is because you
    Mismanaged the economy.

  4. This lady has a fowl mouth, she can really insult. The moment Zambians like these poor women will realize and accept that their economic emancipation doesn’t lie with politicians is the time the outlook of our politics will change. Unfortunately many Zambians are slow learners and it’s the reason we move in circles. It’s the same pattern, they’re lied to and feted with drinks and few Kwacha for their vote. Once in power they’re forgotten. This has been going on for many years. It’s lies, lies and lies

  5. You used to tell people tantameni tro give them handouts now things have changed one has to work to earn a living. The insult of saying you PF used to take of people sure, if that was true PF could still be in power now. You have no shame to even mention of keeping people well.


  7. PF was taking care of yourself can you imagine someone like you being a Minister …continue bleaching your skin young lady…most of you even got wedded whilst enjoying taxpayers money.

  8. The national debt had skyrocketed but this doesnt matter to this dull woman as she was getting paid and getting GRZ contracts.

  9. The PF will not be remembered fondly. If the UPND resolve issues at Mopani and KCM, best believe this economy will bounce back like never before.

  10. Lucky that your opponents are not providing a simple logical narrative of why the country is where it is to the public. You left the country in tartars madam and you want to come back?

  11. “… the reasons the party failed to safeguard the August 12 election which was allegedly stolen is because of lack of unity and division.”

    Is there any reasonable PF member here who believes in this sentence? HONESTLY ? So PF lost because they were NOT united? Does this make sense ? No wonder, PF can show remorse, they are clueless, and they DONT KNOW WHY they lost.

    EVERYTHING she said is wrong. This lady alesabailafye. Doesn’t require further comments. Ba PF, if you think you can win back supporters with such arguments, then you are in for another shock.

  12. I like this lady Kampamba, she is very hard working, I just don’t like the way Kambwili called her Zambia Open at one point.

  13. Under PF one toll gate shelter, yes that simple shelter with some booths was 4.3 million US dollars one (K78 million kwacha one). Who would want such characters back. I am happy that the other one has confessed to reading peoples messages where they have been rightly and roundly condemned for their own undoing. You can even see their own goals in this meeting, instead of rebranding and reorganizing and strategizing, they are busy talking of early elections and social media. When will theses characters read the times

  14. It’s because of people like this Kampamba who has no idea of what she is talking about that PF lost so miserably in the elections so we actually should thank you madam and hope that you continue talking like this to continue your self destructive path into oblivion.

  15. Tikka no 5,read again,they claim the election was stolen kikikiki. The strategy of sidelining thinkers in preference for people like Lusambo ,Chilangwa ,Kapambwe will kill PF.They desperately need leadership and it can’t be found in Chilangwa who just yesterday was insulting voters

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