Saturday, July 27, 2024

Schools advised to create more classes to avoid over crowding


Mambwe District Education Board Secretary Christine Sinyangwe has advised schools in the area to create more classes to lessen.

Stating that the overcrowding is due to increased pupil population following the new dawn government’s introduction of the free education policy, Mrs Sinyangwe said there is need for schools in the area to build more classrooms to accommodate the increased number of pupils some of whom she said have nowhere to sit during lessons.

“The free education policy has received positive response from many people and as such, we have a situation where classrooms are getting overcrowded,” Ms Sinyangwe said during an interview.

She explained that to help reduce on overcrowding in some schools, her office is consulting with some school authorities to create more classes for some grades.

“As an alternative, we have discussed with school authorities to open up more classes to accommodate learners. In Mphomwa for instance, there is only one school that has a class for grade eights.

“ And so, instead of pupils trekking to Chisengu which is approximately 25km and too long a distance for pupils to walk, we have decided to have another grade eight classroom opened,” Ms Sinyangwe said.

She sad that the free education policy has also encouraged many people to upgrade their education standards seen by the increased enrolment at adult education level.

“The other day, my office received some adults who wanted to enroll and sit for grade seven examinations. One of them was 23 years old.

“ This only shows that the free education policy is a positive move which will give an opportunity to those who did not have the chance to go to school due to lack of funds,” Ms Sinyangwe said.

And the District Education Officer further called on government to deploy more teachers saying following the free education policy, the teacher – pupil ratio has also increased.

“Before the free education policy was introduced, the ratio of teacher to pupil was at an average of 1:59 but now because of the high enrolments, the number of pupils has increased while the number of teachers is still static,” she said.

She said the gap of teacher to pupil ratio might be compounded by most teachers leaving the district to go and join their spouses working in other towns.

“Also, we have received an overwhelming response from some teachers wanting to leave and join their spouses permanently. This will also negatively affect us, which is why we need the government to deploy more teachers in order to close the gap that will be left by the teachers who want transfers,” she said.

Meanwhile, Fredrick Banda, a parent , has applauded the government for introducing the free education policy stating that the development has made it possible for parents to send their children to school without hesitation.


“This policy is welcome. For instance, I am able to channel the money I was supposed to pay for my school going children to other things that need attention at home. What the government has done is very commendable,” he said.


  1. “This policy is welcome. For instance, I am able to channel the money I was supposed to pay for my school going children to other things that need attention at home. What the government has done is very commendable,” he said. it sums it up

  2. How far will this go? I am sure it will depend on all stakeholders to work together as a team. Yes create more room and yes let the governmnt employ and deploy teachers to the area. Meaningful results will be seen when teacher to student ratio goes down.

  3. This government will not build and school. Out of shame of admission , they cannot even complete the school projects Edgar had started.
    Beware, covid has started again in China and soon it will be here with us. Are we going to manage a meter apart in these congested classrooms? Kaya

  4. Ways to decongest…..
    If you cannot build just buy tents from China and create tent classrooms for now.
    Use CDF for desks
    Get portable toilets… many children need toilet facilities other cholera and typhoid…
    Employee teachesr, teachers, teachers.

  5. Thanks for all those with good comments and go to hell to the pf cadre condemning free Education. Like really? I’m now thinking these pf cadres are not humans but animals and we are going to slowly start to treat them as such.

  6. @ lou that makes alot of sense in the short term to allow construction of more blocks and recruitment of man power…but if you at what is being suggested ?? For me this sh** of creating more classes is not making sense at all…we already have two sessions the morning and afternoon how are we going to squeeze the other session..whoever is suggesting this is a gaffe

  7. @ lou that makes alot of sense in the short term to allow the construction of more blocks and the recruitment of man power…but if you look at what is being suggested unga dabwe?? We already have two sessions the morning and afternoon sessions so tell us you gaffe how you are going to squeeze the other session??

  8. @LT too many ads on this chi site..make some improvements its really annoying to have comments hidden then shown again after you comment for the second time..f**k

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