Saturday, July 27, 2024

Youth-led NGO urge call for intensified actions to address increasing HIV


Resilient Youth for Change (YOCA) a non-governmental Organisation in Chibombo District of Central Province has called for intensified interventions to address HIV and AIDS infectious diseases among adolescent girls in Zambia.

YOCA Coordinator Philemon Chuma said that scientific evidence suggests that effective use of antiretroviral for PrEP represents a seminal development in HIV prevention efforts.

Mr.Chuma indicated that as Zambia will be commemorating HIV and AIDS Counseling and Testing Day on 15th August, 2022, there is need to improve access and adherence to PrEp for youth has the potential to substantially reduce the incidence of HIV in Chibombo district and the rest of the country among young people.

He said that in light of the high and increasing rates of new HIV infections among adolescents in Chibombo District, and a preponderance of data suggesting that PrEP is highly protective in diverse populations when used with adequate adherence, there is a clear need to move forward with efforts to implement PrEP among youth.

And Helga Mbulo an adolescent lead said there is a high need to strengthen empowerment and participation of Adolescent Girls and Young Women (AGYW) by increasing access to social protection and economic empowerment programmes, and by encouraging and promoting AGYW participation in national HIV and SRH programming and policy implementation processes.

Mbulo said at district-level HIV statistics are of particular importance for Zambia because, a district is the lowest level of decentralization where health services are organized and delivered.

‘’As AGYWs in Chibombo rural district, we have observed that there often substantial differences in HIV treatment access between Rural and Urban districts in Zambia suggesting that people living in some parts of the country are not benefiting equally and equitably,’’ she said.

Meanwhile, Afia Simpande another adolescent lead said in light of the high and increasing rates of new HIV infections among adolescents in Chibombo District, and a preponderance of data suggesting that PrEP is highly protective in diverse populations when used with adequate adherence, there is clear need to move forward with efforts to implement PrEP among youth.

Simpande said there is a high need to strengthen empowerment and participation of AGYW by increasing access to social protection and economic empowerment programmes, and by encouraging and promoting AGYW participation in national HIV and SRH programming and policy implementation processes.


  1. When the economy of any country collapses, women are the 1st casualties. We saw it under FTJ’s IMF advised austerity measures when Greeks and Lebanese took advantage and started to shoot videos of women and young girls being made to do it with Alsatians at a fee. The reason we’ve those statistics is that it’s now compulsory for pregnant women to get tested, how about others and men? But then prevalence in women is as young as 9yrs because they begin to indulge quite early and it’s the few older men with money that spread it due to multiple partners. If we are to win this war let’s make it compulsory for all grades 7, 9 & 12 to get tested before being entered for exams and the rest before being issued with an NRC. We’ve drugs that can help us attain zero new infections but we’re…

  2. I now understand why the hiv rates are high under upnd government. At the weekend I was at Chicagos and it was unbelievable the number of married women and young women who approached me all night making it clear that they wanted it. As a married man I was shocked that even a upnd senior leaders wlfe was one of the women. I won’t name them

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