By Prince Bill M. Kaping’a Political/Social Analyst
In recent days, the much-respected human rights activist Laura Miti has suffered a barrage of vitriol and earsplitting invectives from one Saboi Imboela; a greenhorn who is desperately trying to carve a name for herself in the world of politics via the avenue of slander and confrontations!
A couple of weeks earlier, Saboi perturbed and indeed left many of us with jaws dropping when she alleged that there was a lunatic in State House! As if this wasn’t enough, she went to town describing the current president as a, “little little man that is so bitter, comes out and wants to revenge.” Where’s everyone getting all this courage to scandalize the head of state in such a manner? Anyway, we shall reserve this topic for another day, and rather focus on her disparaging remarks on Ms. Miti.
We suspect this feud was sparked-off by a prior Facebook posting by Miti ahead of the much-publicized press conference by some opposition party leaders whereby she opined as follows, “Guys and lady, please, we know you do not like HH. That has been well established. But it can’t be that all we hear from you are vitriolic insults against his person, and wild claims.”
Once the briefing was in full swing, she dropped another bombshell reiterating that the opposition leaders were doing a great job of being caustic, and were succeeding in demonstrating that they can be vicious in their attacks! Of course, this didn’t seem to sit down well with almighty Saboi – the only feminine stock present at the high table. Unbeknownst to her, Laura had just struck a raw nerve……..a vicious diatribe would ensue, accordingly.
“I’ve just seen the nonsense that Laura Miti has written,” she exclaimed. “The woman should resolve her long standing bad relationship with water before she picks fights with people. Wabe ifiko mayo.”
Can it get any worse than this? Anyway, just as the elders were trying to figure out what has become of the younger generation, she offloaded another salvo.
“Bana Kamudoti can’t fight for anyone’s rights because she has not guaranteed her own body to the right to bath,” she declared. “If she wants to join politics, let her do so than be a useless, dirty UPND cadre. Doti!”
Was it really Laura Miti under discussion, we shuddered at the thought. How could a person who is far much order than Saboi be bullied and ridiculed in such a manner?
We’ve a challenge comprehending Saboi’s definition of “doti” – uncleanliness! Is it simply failure to regularly come into contact with water or sporting the not so fanciful mukule and putting on simple clothes that look like they came from Salaula devoid of any sweet-smelling fragrances? We’ve no doubt Laura isn’t a pauper from Chibolya shanty compound that can’t afford Brazilian hair to spruce up her image or bio oil to rid her face of any acne and make her skin complexion resplendent! But does this really matter to her?
Genuine human rights activists or those that care about vulnerable people in society are not given to expensive tastes! Designer labels such as Louis Vuitton and posh cars straight from the showroom or living in breathtaking mansions in secluded neighborhoods don’t really bother them. They are usually at home pitching up in inexpensive attire as they hobnob with the poor in shanty compounds without worrying about any makeup or deodorant. If this is Saboi’s definition of “doti,” then Ms. Miti doesn’t owe her any explanation!
There are so many influential leaders in different spheres of life around the globe be it politics, business, religion or civil rights that have inspired and motivated the world in one way or another and yet they weren’t excited or bothered about any earthly possessions. We have in mind such luminaries as Mother Teresa, Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Julius Nyerere, Bill Gate and Mark Zuckerberg etc.
Locally, we had our very own Lucy Sichone – the indefatigable, fearless lawyer cum human rights activist who dared those in authority without necessarily having to resort to insults as she championed the cause of the poor. You saw her storming offices or appearing in court in her natural hair without any superficial heavy makeup on her face! Even our present-day activists such as Pilato or Michael Zulu cannot be said to worry about their outward appearances as this is inconsequential since what the heart beholds is what is essential. They are down to earth human beings that are keen to see justice prevail whether this shall benefit those in residential or slam areas!
Now, if those that aspire for public office such as Saboi Imboela can have the gall to dismiss others as scumbags, then we’ve to worry about those that they desperately seek to represent in the shanty compounds since most of them are the perfect representations of “doti” due to circumstances beyond their control.
Simply put empty tins make the loudest noise. Saboi is such. Lipstick on a pig does change a pig.
Well said a PIG will Always be PIG. Ms PIGGY AKA SABOI IMBOELA SI. Always wearing horsehair wigs on that dull skull of thick bone of a dull dunder head!!
How could a person who is far much order than Saboi be bullied and ridiculed in such a manner? good question. but you could have listed all the older people been bullied by so called very young political party supporters, one of the older people is former zambian president ECL,
We’ve no doubt Laura isn’t a pauper from Chibolya shanty compound that can’t afford Brazilian hair, YES on this one i agree with you but discriminate us people who came from chibolya compound expercaily our sisters from chibolya buy saying they cant afford BRAZILIAN hair its so hush and too judgmental, you are also sounding like the person you are trying to put on the sport light ( Ms saboi ) i guess, do your mathematics right not only ladies from my home compound chibolya cant afford the so BRAZILIAN fimofimo…
For the betterment of sabo* and the society, i think its our responsibility to take care of one another and from this perspective i suggest that madame should be encouraged to under go some evaluations along chainama area because she might not be feeling too well.
You the writer, a so called Political scientist, are being economical with the truth. Laura Miti accused the group (except Kalaba) of behaving like they had just smoked ka “something ” from Malawi! You the writer has COMPLETELY ignored this malicious attack on the persons who spoke at that presser.
Why do you believe Laura has the right to malign other persons but immediately others hit back, you come on your dark horses to her defense. This sort of arrogance is unacceptable! He who lives in a glass house must not throw stones. Its that simple
Saboi will never be a factor on any given day. These are just time wasters in Politics, there is no iota of leadership here. Even just a home failed
You the writer are being economical with the truth. Laura Miti accused the group (except Kalaba) of behaving like they had just smoked ka “something ” from Malawi! You the writer has COMPLETELY ignored this malicious attack on the persons who spoke at that presser.
Why do you believe Laura has the right to malign other persons but immediately others hit back, you come on your dark horses to her defense. This sort of arrogance is unacceptable! He who lives in a glass house must not throw stones. Its that simple
Sometimes we listen from others about our personal apperanace……ifiko fiko
Infact people like Saboi are time wasters in politics. She is not a factor and will never be one. We like Laura Miti because she is always on the side of Justice. Saboi, your political party is a just a statistic. It will never go anywhere. No politician in this country has ever succeeded in politics of name calling. It is unfortunate that educated people like Saboi with her good English are the ones who are making our politics dirty
Laura Miti is not a genuine human rights activists but a UPND cadre. She attacked Sata, ECl and others because she did not like them and not that they had trumped on other people rights. The best thing she can do is regularly bath to cleanse herself of natural hatred.
This fake prince really has time on his hands. Is this even an issue to write an article about? I have not heard this tribalist talk about the delayed farming inputs and other evils going on in our country. But he chooses to waste time on a quarrel involving two women. What Sheet
What evils naimwe ba chief bitter tribalist ???????
Why am I not surprised you seem to think women are lesser than men?
Even just a home failed for Saboi. What more politics
All political players must moderate their language. Unfortunately it seems they enjoy unpleasant exchanges. The disrespect that follows “with due respect” is unimaginable.
Saboi is a desperate depressed wannabe PF ambassador…………
She backed the wrong horse in 2021………..
Featuring predominantly on PF election podiums, hoping for a job from PF………
Looks like the writer missed the point where Laura said Kalaba shouldn’t be in a group of politicians who behave like they have smoked Malawian hemp. That’s what made Saboi mad and asked Laura to reconcile with water.
Of interest is how she singled out Harry Kalaba alone. I here he’s a maestro at ukusefya pa ng’wena and umutomboko ceremonies. The DP Secretary General mentioned something about that rare attribute. In Zambia compliments just don’t come. What’s unfortunate is how women have continued to be crude in their engagement with fellow women. Kalaba amuchileke bunjaka
Saboi Imboela needs her fellow women if she is ever to have a chance to become President of Zambia. So far, she is revulsive to many women and whoever will make the Lunguoid mistake of having her as running mate one day, will get the same treatment that the Lungu-Luo ticket got. Zambians, both male and female do not suffer loose women gladly. Even if there were no men in Zambia, Saboi would not win a single vote- she has dug her political grave. She should ask Edith Nawakwi.
Pawpaw should also respect herself. She thinks UPND is not immune to criticism. Pawpaw should term her tongue for her to receive respect. Who is she to condemn whatever opposition is doing. Zambia is a multi party state and such an arrangement attracts polemics.
There is more substance in Laura Miti’s little finger than Saboi can ever hope to achieve in her lifetime.
Saboi is not fit to wash Laura Miti’s feet!
I am surisec that people think that Laura immune to criticism , it is just unfortunate that she has just shown that she is an opportunist whe her bread is buttered se keeps a blind eye on the mediocritytst we see in the UPND. I salute Sishuwa for having realised much earlier than this pseudo so called human rights activist or NGO dirctor. She is shame to say the least.
Childish article. Childish comments. We really lie on the bed we make
Endi echo balemwebela.Ifiko filemoneka nabana nkamba mumukoshi.Nabafwala nama donor glasses ya plastic. She needs to look representable.