Saturday, July 27, 2024

Christian Nation declaration losing meaning-Clergyman


A clergyman in Chipangali district in Eastern Province has charged that the declaration of Zambia as a Christian Nation is losing meaning because of moral decay among citizens.

Pentecostal Holiness Church, Kasenga branch Pastor, James Phiri, has blamed the moral decay on advancement in technology which he said has made people to consume and copy foreign media products that promote foreign lifestyles.

Reverend Phiri said some lifestyles are an affront to Zambia’s Christian Nation principles.

Speaking in an interview with the Zambia News and Information Services in Chipangali yesterday, Rev. Phiri said currently, social life in Zambia does not present Christian values because many citizens, especially young people, are living copied lifestyles that are allegedly not in line with good morals.

‘’From the time the country was declared a Christian Nation by the second Republican President Frederick Chiluba, we have not seen people come out fully as Christians with good morals and love for one another,’’ he said.

Rev. Phiri also alleged that politicians, who were supposed to inculcate good behaviour in young people in accordance with the country’s being a Christian nation, were not showing the unity of purpose through the promotion of national development.

According to him, there is also too much politicking among politicians at the expense of national development.

He said some of those charged with the responsibility of managing national resources have been taking advantage of their positions to acquire wealth through corrupt activities.

Rev. Phiri noted that if politicians seriously take the declaration of the country as a Christian nation, they should unite the nation regardless of political affiliations and champion the good cause of developing the country so that everyone lives a better life.

He said there was need for the promotion of Christian values by church mother bodies in collaboration with the government as the country marks 31 years of being declared as a Christian Nation on 31st December this year.

Rev. Phiri observed that prayer and the word of God, which could promote Christian values in the country, were not reinforced by church mother bodies because of a lack of collaboration with the government.

‘’Lack of unity among politicians for the promotion of national development and lack of serious coordination between church mother bodies and government have also contributed to not achieving much from the time the country was declared a Christian Nation,’’ he said.

The clergyman has also proposed that the government, through working with church mother bodies, must formulate laws that will regulate the formation of churches in order to promote true Christian values.

He alleged that lack of serious laws on the formation of churches has resulted in the country having fake clergymen and women, who adulterate the word of God by involving themselves in ungodly activities.

He added that regulating the formation of churches would strengthen the declaration of Zambia as a Christian nation.

Rev. Phiri however, said there had been some achievement from the declaration of the country as a Christian Nation, especially with the setting aside of 18th October as a day to observe the affirmation and brings people together from all walks of life to remember the day through prayer and fasting.

He said observing the day reminds everyone about what they are supposed to do to contribute towards the improvement of Christian values in the country.


  1. Declaration of Zambia as a Christian Nation is a Political Pronouncement that stops those who would come to our country, Zambia and tell us to follow their beliefs for various political reasons that might arise economically or otherwise. It is true that most Zambians recognise the true and only God, the GOD ALMIGHTY OF EVERYTHING WE SEE AND DO NOT SEE, and through HIM everything came into existence as said by HIS ONLY BEGOTTEN SON, Jesus the Christ.

  2. What the pastor doesn’t understand is that it’s reality that’s dawned on him, Zambia has never been a Christian nation. Even the person that made the proclamation wasn’t a serious believer. I urge urge Bally to de-gazette 18 October as a holiday for it’s not necessary.

    • He is afraid of these pastors…..he cannot scrap it. Catholics never acknowledged this declaration and as you Chiluba himself wanted to use it to bolster his dwindling popularity…..religion is the opium of the masses.
      Lets get it out of our Constitution.

  3. I am surprised, the declaration of a good thing has not quite garnered unanimous support.
    I am surprised that we don’t discourage pupils who fell to quit but repeat and try try and try again, again and again.
    A declaration is just but our desired future to which we need to work at.!
    The Rev knows this is a spiritual battle. May be FTJ should have declared a holy war on all morality??
    I remain surprised at aspersions thrown at an innocent nationhood progress strategy. Dr KK humanism philosophy was part of curriculum. May be FTJ should have called for a curriculum that compliments the declaration. I mean if changing times have led to e.g. ” A comprehensive Sex Education”. Phew!

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