Saturday, July 27, 2024

Investigations Officer who arrested the Kampyongos fails to show up in Court for cross Examination


ANTI Corruption Commission (ACC) acting Senior Investigations Officer who arrested and charged former Home Affairs Minister Stephen Kampyongo and wife Wanziya Chirwa failed to turn up at court Thursday for cross examination by the defence as she is reportedly sick.

In the last Court sitting, ACC officer Zangiwe Mulenga testified before Lusaka magistrate Slyvia Munyinya that Stephen Kampyongo owns property which was K2.,400,000.00 above his earnings.

The property include the house in Eureka valued at K8,600,000.00 which she told the Court belonged to Jon Van Blerk. Hon Kampyongo only paid $1,400 (about K25,612 based on today’s rate) out of a total purchase price of US$330,176.

ACC had received a report from the Financial Intelligence Center that Stephen Kampyongo had built the house but ACC investigations discovered the House belonged to Jon Van Blerk.

Among the four properties Mr Kampyongo is accused of owing above his income include bare or undeveloped land off Twin Palm road valued at K1,600,000.00, a property in Rockview, Multi Economic Zone valued at K819,000.00. Ms Mulenga said the property at Forest 27 showed that Hon Kampyongo had exchanged it with Sandra Ngwisha and there were no further investigations.

According to a State witness the Payroll Management and Establishment Control assistant director-personnel administration Humphrey Silupya, Hon Kampyongo earned a total of K3, 607,100.92 without including any other allowances he may have earned attending to other government business. The National Assembly had also earlier told the Court that Hon Kampyongo earned a net total of K3,600,000.00.

According to the wage report generated by PMEC, Ms Wanziya Chirwa earned K1,314,973.33 in net payment from April 2010 to December 2022. According to the testimony of Mr Humphrey Silupya, in cross examination, the figures for Ms Chirwa do not include the earnings in salaries and allowances could have made from 2005 when she was first employed by government to March 2010 as the data could not be generated by the PMEC System.

Mr Silupya admitted that Ms Kampyongo had once travelled to the Netherlands where he worked for one year and could have earned additional allowances. He said he does not know the rate that is used when she travelled out of the country.

The Court has since adjourned the matter to 1st February, 2022 for cross examination of Mr Mulenga is now unwell and the State is expected to close its case around that time.


  1. Does it mean you cannot have a decent property if you are in opposition in zambia and especially if you were in previous Government? Shallow and dirty thinking ba upnd .Mukesalila owe when you leave office. Unless you say you will rule zed till kingdom come. Just wait even the white people you pause with on pictures will be against you and will fund your arrests.Mwisamwa nga ba kolwe ku misambo.

  2. I have failed to read this article….kikiki I dont know if its the LT reporter or the useless ACC/DEC/FIC people. If this story was a dog, the Vet would advise putting down the dog. A quick shot to the head (electric shock or actual bullet). Close this country, we need another independence.

  3. Have ACC officers been given appropriate training to do the work they hv been assigned to do on behalf of the people of Zambia?

  4. Ba ACC are known for tripping up their own cases. Remember Manda who testified for accused Dr Chilufya when he was supposed to be against? It’s a case of corruption feeding on corruption. We have lost our country.. Zambia will soon be as rotten as DRC and Nigeria. Who shall we blame? Poor political leadership

  5. How can an officer of the state fail to turn up at a court cross examination …you writing an article without an order at in the last paragraph that’s when you mention that ACC officer was unwell today.

  6. It’s all botched up. If you want to arrest someone do it with clean hands and without emotions…. first it was for trying to down some failed and now this. If I were the magistrate I would transfer the case to another court.

  7. We usually don’t get this side of info from biased newspapers. This case is dead friends. Let’s accept this fact unless it already calculated

  8. This case is useless, looks like ACC was forced to take it up. Enter nolle and move on. Save your face Mulenga. Its embarrassing case

  9. Folks this is a useless case. We know HH won’t allow Kampyongo to walk to freedom but ACC is useless institution. Don’t blame the Magistrate when she let’s go of Kampyongo. Political case it is this one

  10. I pray one day courts will tell off politicians to stop using them to achieve political goals pa zed. ACC must be disband & allow our country to move on. Wasteful resources in name of fighting corruption

  11. Let the case go to its logical conclusion. No one should try to down play it on account of an officer not showing up. Let the evidence speak and not your comments here. No psychological warfare here please

  12. Mary Banana’s at the instructor BMW what do you get? Zero outcome, shameful process.
    Vindictiveness will kill some people. It’s hopeless undressing people’s income especially when you know that you’re running an extremely biased investigation. The witchhunt launched by BMW is appalling to say the least; preposterous to say the most. You don’t run a country by making citizens look bad. Stop the rot. If you have a good case, prove it, anso beyond reasonable doubt.

  13. Their double standard dealings and dishonesty will be laid bear. What a Government of jealous cliques.

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