Saturday, July 27, 2024

UPND pledge to uphold electoral code of conduct


The United Party for National Development-(UPND) has reiterated its commitment to upholding the electoral code of conduct in the run up to the Katilye local by-election set for April 20,2023.

UPND Lupososhi Constituency Coordinator Willie Kalombola said the party believes in a free and fair election.

Mr Kalombola was responding to claims by opposition political parties participating in the Katilye ward by election that the ruling party is abrogating the electoral code of conduct with impunity.

He said opposition political parties are alleging that the UPND is giving out empowerment funds to people in the area with the hope that people would vote for them in the by-election.

Mr Kalombola defended the stance saying the party is giving out youth empowerment loans across the country.

And Socialist Party Northern Province Youth Vice Chairperson Simon Simuyemba charged that the UPND should not conduct such programmes to areas where they are by election.

Mr Simuyemba made these observations during the conflict management committee meeting in Lupososhi.

And Lupososhi District Conflict Management Chairperson Paul Bwalya who presided over the matter urged all the political parties to campaign within the stipulated guidelines.

Mr Bwalya urged political parties taking part in the by-election to work in harmony and bid by the code of conduct to create a favourable environment for electorates to choose leaders of their choice.

ZANIS reports that the Katilya ward by election has been necessitated by the death of a PF councilor Sebastian Kaunda, who died in February this year.


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