Saturday, July 27, 2024

Zimbabwean President Faces Accusations of Nepotism After Appointing Son As Minister


Zimbabwean President Emmerson Mnangagwa is facing allegations of nepotism and a surge of criticism after appointing his son, David Kudakwashe Mnangagwa, as the deputy finance minister in the newly reshuffled cabinet following his controversial re-election last month.

The move has sparked concerns about the presence of nepotism within the government and raised questions about transparency and fair governance. David Mnangagwa, aged 34, will serve as the deputy to Finance Minister Mthuli Ncube. Additionally, the President appointed his nephew, Tongai Mafidhi Mnangagwa, as the deputy minister of tourism and hospitality. These appointments were made as part of the newly constituted cabinet, which now comprises 26 ministries, as reported by local media.

Fadzayi Mahere, a vocal lawmaker from the Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC), voiced her criticism of President Mnangagwa’s cabinet appointments, labeling them as “indefensible.” She highlighted concerns about issues of legitimacy, corruption, violence, nepotism, incompetence, and ethical matters within the government.

In another eyebrow-raising move, President Mnangagwa appointed a husband and wife duo, Christopher and Monica Mutsvangwa, as ministers. Christopher Mutsvangwa will lead the newly established Ministry of Veterans of Liberation, while Monica Mutsvangwa assumes the role of the Minister of Women’s Affairs and Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs).

David Mnangagwa, who recently graduated with a law degree from the University of Zimbabwe, entered parliament through the youth quota system, occupying a seat on the Zanu PF party list from the Midlands province. He is one of President Mnangagwa’s reported nearly two dozen children.

Tongai Mnangagwa currently serves as the Zanu PF Member of Parliament for Hunyani constituency. His late father, David Mnangagwa, was President Mnangagwa’s younger brother.

Reports also suggest that President Mnangagwa is contemplating an official role within his office for another of his sons, Emmerson Junior. Sources indicate that Emmerson Junior has already participated in the president’s meetings with foreign investors, with plans to formalize his role, possibly as an adviser or director.

This controversy comes on the heels of President Mnangagwa’s re-election, which has faced allegations of electoral irregularities from the opposition. Critics argue that his actions are contributing to the perception of dynastic politics in Africa, following in the footsteps of other leaders who have appointed family members to key government positions.

Notably, in Congo-Brazzaville, President Denis Sassou-Nguesso appointed his son Denis-Christel as a cabinet minister, fueling speculation about dynastic succession. Equatorial Guinea’s President Teodoro Obiang has had his son, Teodoro Nguema Obiang Mangue, serve as vice president. Meanwhile, in Gabon, President Ali Bongo Ondimba succeeded his father Omar Bongo, who ruled for decades. Rwandan President Paul Kagame also appointed his daughter, Ange Kagame, to a prominent role in his office, adding to the ongoing conversation about political dynasties across the continent.


  1. And some pf thugs are busy criticising nevers mumba for being honest in his assessment of the sham Zimbabwean elections. Not surprised pf thugs support such shameful man because their lungu also wanted his daughter to eventually take over zambia. But we Zambians resoundingly said noooooooo

    • You can’t compare two f00lish occurrences. Mnangagwa’s move is f00lish just like Nevers ‘Kandile’ Mumba’s actions were stupidi.

    • The truth is Nevers messed up big time and put the security of this country in trouble. The relationship betweeb zim and zam in getting to its lowest. our president is being threatened. it would have been handled better without causing all this problem. All he needed was to produce the report of the findings and submit to his boss. There was need to go and start parading himself on tv stations and newspapers playing to the gallery.

  2. Zambia told you, you foolz.
    You see those fuuls wanted to k!ll Nevers Mumba over the truth. Let them eat Munangangwa sons’ sh!t.

  3. If it’s HH who appoints a relative to government it’s on merit. But Mnangagwa it’s nepotism. These stones will be thrown at him for everything he does.
    By the way supporting Mnangagwa doesn’t make one a PF member. It’s just a matter of opinion.

    • #Spaka I am not surprised that you have pretended not to know. His younger brother is an ambassador. Check with unbiased mind.

    • @ Deja Vu… has not said HH has already appointed a relative. The sentence starts with ( If ). English is very difficult to understand in Zambia

      “”””””” If it’s HH who appoints a relative to government it’s on merit. But Mnangagwa it’s nepotism “”””””””””

      In other words, if it had been HH who did the same, it would on merit.

  4. De javu , which relative did HH appoint to government on merit. Mnangagwa has just done exactly what Tramp did, put relative mu government cabinet.

    • His younger brother Muzoka Hichilema is deputy ambassador to Malaysia. I’m not surprised that ardent cohorts of the Upnd are denying this because that’s their nature….. pretending that everything is okay.

  5. Lusaka Times this is not new…Trump appointed his children and friends….HH appointed his Family and friends…Ruto created a Special Ministry for her daughter…Chakwera appointed his Family and friends….All Politicians do the same thing…..its not only Munangangwa

    • Americans are not starving also the pearl of the central region to the pits of the region with 50% living in SA and surrounding countries
      But I suppose thats normal for us africans

  6. First a sham election, dictatorship and now add nepotism to the mix. The new and finished zimbabwe. They will be crossing over the zambezi begging for sugar and salt.

  7. You just don’t like Munangangwa otherwise Nepotism is everywhere even in developed countries…..Swaziland the daughter is a Minister….Malawi the entire Chakwera family is in Government….Angola even worse….HH and his entire clan in Government

    • Developed countries?
      Swaziland the daughter is a Minister….Malawi the entire Chakwera family is in Government….Angola even worse

  8. Pf thugs are born liars. The story about muzoka was made up and published by some pf paid coon who works at LT. Go check official records you won’t find anyone employed as diplomat by that are desperate kikiki

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