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Kampyongo defends Zambia Police, after catholic Bishops criticism


Home Affairs Minister Stephen Kampyongo
Home Affairs Minister Stephen Kampyongo
Minister of Home Affairs Steven Kampyongo has defended the police service from attacks of being unprofessional.

Mr Kampyongo says police are working within the confines of the law.

Mr. Kampyongo says if people are not happy with the operations of the Police, they are free to use laid down channels to air their grievances.

He says it is unfair for anyone to suggest that the police are not professional when they are ensuring that there is law and order in the country.

The Minister was reacting to the Zambia Council for Catholic Bishops -ZCCB- who have alleged that the Zambia Police service is not being professional in its work.

Mr. Kampyongo says Government is still studying the letter and will look at other issues that the council of bishops has raised.

And Mr. Kampyongo says Government has received information that there is a group of people that want to disturb public security.

He says the move is going to fail because police are working hard to safeguards public property.

Mr. Kampyongo has also urged members of the public to be alert in terms of security and report any suspicious activities.

And The Zambia Republican Party- ZRP- President Wright Musoma has disagreed with the statement issued by the Zambia Council for Catholic Bishops -ZCCB- on the state of the nation.

Mr. Musoma says the Bishops must have made a fair research before issuing the statement.

He says the police service is mandated to maintain law and order and it is not right for the bishops to label them unprofessional for arresting any law breaker.

Mr. Musoma says the Catholic Church represents all political parties and must not be seen to support a particular political party.

The ZRP President further urged the Catholic Bishops to be fair in matters that boarder on national peace.

He was speaking in a walk-in interview with ZNBC News in Lusaka today.

On Sunday, the ZCCB issued a statement on the political situation in Zambia in which they among others things called for national reconciliation.

But Chief Government spokesperson Kampamba Mulenga advised the Catholic Bishops to also engage the opposition UPND on its activities.

Ms. Mulenga says the opposition party has on several occasions refused to recognize President EDGAR LUNGU as a legitimately elected Head of State.

She says government has however ignored all this because it is focusing on serving the interests of citizens.


  1. There will always be a sycophant who is willing to defend wrong as long as his pockets are full. This moron actually think that police brutality is right. I bet he will sing a different tune if he was the one being brutalized. The sad fact is that Zambia will go the way of Zimbabwe. They are very passive and the alcoholic dictator will destroy their country. The judges and the police are all Lungu’s puppies. We now see that the judiciary is full of weak minded people. The real church has spoken out. Those evangelicals fake churches profit cults are useless and will praise the government as long as Lungu let them do what they want. Zambians must stand up or else prepare to become refugees in southern Africa. Phiri, Priscilla, Rupiah and the others have all their families abroad…

    • The fact that Musoni you were accorded an interview by ZNBC, it is clear which side is your bread buttered from. As for the minister that very service it will soon serve you, however, you will be their client. The observation will come to pass.

    • Of course the police are doing their job.

      The same Catholic Bishops, if something went wrong in the nation, they were going to be the first ones to castigate the police for failure to keep law and order.

      Now, who told them them you can keep law and order by praising law breakers and offenders.

      You keep law and order by bringing to book offenders.

      When you supporters law breakers you are the same as law breakers.

      Why are the Catholic Bishop failing to take a leaf from what their fellow Catholic Bishops did in Rwanda and Burundi.

      It is this same behaviour of taking a partisan stance and failing to condemn wrongs but promoting people’s and groups by Catholic Bishops that ended millions of lives in Rwanda and Burundi.

      This same HH did a very abnormal thing by campaigning…

    • This same HH did a very abnormal thing by campaigning against the referendum which was in the internet of the public, but the Catholic Bishops never condemned but confined him.

      They have supported every wrong he has commited. Do they think the role of opposition is just to fight government, and so thru think he is doing his job?

      Do the Catholic father’s believe that it is okay for people to refuse to move when presidential motorcade is passing? Are the Catholic Bishops comfortable with anarchy.

      I think that the Catholic Bishops must get back to the Bible and realise that there is a place where God expects them to honour those in authority.

      If they continue to cheer the anarchy being perpetrated by the UPND they will cause problems to the nation.

      The Catholic Bishops must…

    • The Catholic Bishops must understand that their fellow Catholic Bishops in Rwanda and Burundi never intended to cause the genocide they caused but failure to apply the right principles and conduct resulted in that regretable occurrence.

      So, please Catholic Bishops, there are many who look up to you for wisdom, leadership, counsel and guidance.

      Do not allow yourselves to be agents of harm, but peace. Both God and the citizenry expect that from you.

    • Advice, you seem to have failed to distinguish between keeping law and order from shear brutality of the police. Shooting to dead and threatening to break people’s bones because they are not in agreement with pf. Rwanda issue is a different issue which you should revisit by reading the history and dire understand it.

    • @ 1.5 Sad to be Zedian,

      Are you telling me that refusing to give way for the presidential motorcade is “holding different views”?

      Are you telling me that calling on the public to rise and fight is “holding different views”?

      Our thinking is very parallel, I think I have noticed that from your submission. Of course you have also noticed as I have observed.

      I will never agree with you, that breaking laws is holding a different view.

      Is holding a different views expressed throught law breaking? If yes, explain.

    • Kampongo is very lucky. Hh is like mandela . He will forgive and forget
      once he goes to state house

      Viva upendi

    • @Advice, you are missing the point, the catholic bishops didn’t say that HH did not break the law, and no one is saying that. All they are saying is that a road traffic offense is not a treasonable offense nor does it require 600 armed police to raid and destroy his house.

      If you can’t get that then you are sick in the head.

      And not recognizing the president is not a crime. Trump never recognized Obama as a legitimate president but he did commit a crime. Sorry my example is not good. I should not compare US and Zambia

    • I remember when Edith Nawakwi rushed into Lusaka Police Station to release her cadres…when she blasted IG for being a cadre live on TV and how easy Lazy has leapfrogged him from a low rank to the highest rank in the force. Now the same words have come back again…the man is not worth saluting to, he is a disgrace!!

      IG you can arrest me if you want at KKIA…you bootlicker, silly saugage!!

    • This guy belongs to then ‘Monkey Fountain Zoo’ in Ndola or Mundawanga Garderns. No ministerial qualities at all but just another ECL megaphone.

    • @ 1.8 Manb,

      They are mistaken.

      HH did not necessarily commit a road traffic offense.

      HH willfully committed a security breach. He willfully chose to out the life if the head of state in danger thereby outing the security if the nation at risk.

      The fact that the offense was committed while driving dies not make it a traffic offense.

      Confirm to me if the chaps arrested in Europe in connection with driving vehicles into buildings or crowds of people are charged with traffic offenses?

      The fact that they use vehicles to commit the offenses does not make them traffic offenders – they are terrorists.

      The bushing of buildings by those chaps is not by accident but intentional, otherwise it would traffic offense.

      This is the same with HH; his act to put the life of the head…

    • @ 1.8 Manb,

      This is the same with HH; his act to put the life of the head of state at risk was not by accident, but by choice. Hh’s act was intentional.

      The offense hh commited is treason because what he did put the safety and security of the head of state at risk. And he did so intentionally, not accidentally.

      And that is what the law say? Any person whole intentionally puts the security and safety of the head of state or plans to endanger his life shall guilty of treason, regardless of what you use

      Tell me, did HH refuse to give way accidentally or intentionally?

      So, you can even use a football to endanger the head of state’s life, depending on how you willfully chose to use that ball. You can’t say, “but when did being a footballer become treason?”

      It is not…

    • @ 1.8 Manb,

      It is not what you use, but the act you commit with whatever you use, wherever you you use it, and whenever you use it.

    • @Ichalo Lifupa… – you will be shocked if you went to Nation Assembly website and saw the qualifications these so called ministers possess. Its disgraceful…these are people who can not listen to advice from civil servants!!

    • @ 1.8 Manb,

      And you say Trump never recognised Obama as a legitimate president.

      So, was Trump blocking Obama’s Motorcade?

      You say if i don’t get what you are saying then I am sick in the head.

      Well I think that there is nothing convincing about what you are saying.

      Right now I have explained in detail even for others who were doubting that HH committed treason.

      But for me I will not even bother about the state of your head even if you don’t get.

      If you are sick, you are sick. If you are not, you are not. But you contribute and I will contribute then people will determine who is sick in the head and who is not.

      My contribution however does not depend on you contributing or reading, but for those who will understand.

    • @ Advice

      PLEASE stop crapping and insulting human intelligence.
      Your legal knowledge is equivalent to your IQ, ABSOLUTE ZERO.
      Can you go and finger your arse in private instead of spreading your inbreed 1mbecility in public?

    • @ 1.16 Advice to 1mbecile,

      Whatever you have asked me to go and do with my fingers I cannot do so.

      Unlike you, I was raised up differently. You sound very comfortable with what you have said regarding the use of your fingers. You .must have acquired these ideas during your up-bringing.

    • Use knee instead, you may feel better. If you do not believe, ask “dorika”. She may advice you on the best way.

    • @ 1.18 Advice to 1mbecil,

      It is a pity we have to debate with minds like yours who delight in filthy, as the only ideas their minds can offer.

      And so, regardless of the topic you still manage to bring on board what your mind is good at.

      While people discuss constructive, progressive and developmental issues, for you the mind still brings out what it can only afford and enjoy – filthy.

      It is a pity indeed.

    • Ati..”still studying the letter on other matters”…PF is very dull indeed. That letter is only 10 pages. Anyway how can they read a full sentence even, when they are always drunk!

  2. Police are unprofessional. UPND have been arrested several times for alleged murders of PF cadres but all the time UPND were just victimized like Hon Nkombo and others in Livingstone. Katanga had at one time said she was closing in on Tonga on oath during Pres. Sata’s reign. Up to now she has not arrested anyone. Is this being professional?

  3. IF Bishop Mpundu respects peace he SHOULD HAVE COUNSELED HH on his conduct to INSULT KEY INSTITUTIONS OF GOVERNANCE;Courts, Police, PRESIDENCY including PARLIAMENT and EVEN THE CATHOLICS THEMSELVES WHO WERE PART THE CHURCHES COALITION TO MONITOR ELECTIONS! HH had long said he would not accept poll results BUT BEFORE,DURING and AFTER POLLS FAILED TO PROVIDE EVIDENCE OF RIGGING! Bishop MPUNDU was being accused of being PF DURING SATA’s TIMEtime for some reasons that were based on some relationship. That time PF was doing wrong including intra-party fights. What did he say about it? In THIS CASE UNDER LUNGU, POLICE WENT TO ARREST A PERSON DEEMED A THREAT TO NATIONAL SECURITY, WAS RESISTING SO THEY HAD TO FIND HIM WHERE HE WAS HIDING!!

    • You full!, now my head is spinning from reading your drivel.
      Do you always have to say something even when you have no clue what you are saying?

    • @3.1 Kayote.. THAT IS HOW A FOOL REASONS, wanting all the people to agree with them!! That is MY OPINION on what Bishop Telesphore Mpundu said. What YOU and ME believe is there for sharing on this site BUT HARDLY CHANGES THE REALITY ON THE GROUND, HENCE NO NEED FOR INSULTS UNLESS YOU ARE LIKE THAT PERSON WHO HAS INSULTED AND DARED EVERYBODY and is now being TAUGHT LESSONS OF WISDOM and HUMILITY UNDER VERY TRYING CONDITIONS!!

    • They went to steal , not to arrest. Was HH hiding in the food they were eating? Bunch of thugs, illiterates. what do you expect from an alcoholic buffon like Lungu. The police are not trained, they are Lungu’s henchmen. Why did the security not to go ahead and clear the road before the motorcade? Because the security are untrained thugs. Motorcade my foot, a car is too good for this gap teeth bastard of Mugabe.

  4. @bwafyaa,Proverbs 12:16 The anger of a fool becomes readily apparent, but the prudent person overlooks an insult.That is wisdom bane,for the God fearing!!

  5. The police are there to enforce law and order. I don’t think if its will be a good idea to allow lawlessness in our country as such it will break the country. I appeal for calm on both sides of the political parties.lets allow unity to prevail as you know that its a disaster to be a refugee,just because of a few selfish political individuals.

    • You need to plead with Lungu who is abusing the police and courts to intimidate and humiliate the opposition. It is Lungu who has brought Zambia to this lowpoint.

  6. Of course the police are doing their job.

    The same Catholic Bishops, if something went wrong in the nation, they were going to be the first ones to castigate the police for failure to keep law and order.

    Now, who told them them you can keep law and order by praising law breakers and offenders.

    You keep law and order by bringing to book offenders.

    When you supporters law breakers you are the same as law breakers.

    Why are the Catholic Bishop failing to take a leaf from what their fellow Catholic Bishops did in Rwanda and Burundi.

    It is this same behaviour of taking a partisan stance and failing to condemn wrongs but promoting people’s and groups by Catholic Bishops that ended millions of lives in Rwanda and Burundi.

    • This same HH did a very abnormal thing by campaigning against the referendum which was in the internet of the public, but the Catholic Bishops never condemned but confined him.

      They have supported every wrong he has commited. Do they think the role of opposition is just to fight government, and so thru think he is doing his job?

      Do the Catholic father’s believe that it is okay for people to refuse to move when presidential motorcade is passing? Are the Catholic Bishops comfortable with anarchy.

      I think that the Catholic Bishops must get back to the Bible and realise that there is a place where God expects them to honour those in authority.

      If they continue to cheer the anarchy being perpetrated by the UPND they will cause problems to the nation.

    • The Catholic Bishops must understand that their fellow Catholic Bishops in Rwanda and Burundi never intended to cause the genocide they caused but failure to apply the right principles and conduct resulted in that regretable occurrence.

      So, please Catholic Bishops, there are many who look up to you for wisdom, leadership, counsel and guidance.

      Do not allow yourselves to be agents of harm, but peace. Both God and the citizenry expect that from you.

      Catholic Bishops, are you not advocates of the rule of law? Are you not advocates of obedience?

      You have heard HH and Nevers Mumba several times call on citizens to rise up and fight, and you are okay with that.

    • Do you understand what it means to the guy on the street to hear “rise and fight, better die fighting than die of hunger”.

      Now you are calling on the head of state to call for dialogue meanwhile you have condemned him and convicted him of being the guilty one, setting your own premises for dialogue where one is declared right and the other is declared guilty.

      Is that how you call for dialogue? Is that how you mediate? Is that not how you destroyed Rwanda and Burundi through your fellow Catholic Bishops that part of the world?

    • Sata was advised to stop fighting with Chitimukulu he did not listen were is Chitimukulu and sata today ?Lungu has been advised not to vitcimise or kill his political opponents he goes for HH’s thought we shall were Lungu will be soon. Embasy park.

    • Two weeks ago PF’s Mumbwe Fhili said the same things that the Catholic Bishops are saying now – THE POLICE ARE UNPROFESSIONAL.

  7. Kampyongo should just wait until Lungu fires him and then he gets involved in mysterious road accidents once every month. Chishimba Kambwili knows better now!

  8. Then he can lecture us about the Zambia Police professionalism! Or when they come in the dead of the night to “Penza” him with two “benchmarks” in the head leaving a dead “enabled environment”

  9. Really laughable…the fact that he Kampyongo a former Currency Dealer a PF minister is out there defending ZP as if he is a spokesman speaks volumes. The problem with PF is that the treat ZP as their security wing.

  10. I don’t see value in government responding to these men in dresses because its clear that these bishops are being political instead of being religious leaders they should be.
    I don’t understand why the 14day period regarding petition cases was included in the new constitution if we can just ignore it like that.

    • @ Munone

      You said it.
      Your lack of understanding of the BASIC legal knowledge does not give you right to insult representatives of 1.2 Billion Christian followers.
      Instead of posting ludicrous comments, try to google “Rule of Natural Justice” and read carefully.
      You never know, you may become more knowledgeable on the issue than PF minister of Justice.

    “Let Justice flow, … down like a river that never dries …”
    (Amos 5:24)
    – Catholics Bishops

    • So you want to bring justice using injustice?

      Take a walk to Syria, and ask them how effective the route of injustice is at bring ing justice.

    • It is interesting that you mention Syria. Even with Russia on his side, Assad has ruined his own country with his dictatorship. Nobody is a winner in that country. Assad has failed to maintain peace by bombing his adversaries.

  12. @chalochandi nalasa inga mukela. Truth be told only those who don’t want the petition to be heard in court can burn the courts down.

    UPND cherish the courts that’s why they want the petition to be heard not on the streets, in bars, but in court.

  13. Professional police don’t throw tear gas in confined spaces, a very unprofessional thing to do! Professional police don’t tear gas the head of state while he is enjoying a soccer match. A professional cop caries an ID, will introduce themselves before stating what their mission is. When effecting an arrest, a professional cop says “You have the right to remain silent or anything you say will be used against you in the court of law”. A professional cop will not do what that cop did to Garry at a filling station – on duty under the influence and being an armed nuisance to the public. Unless we are missing something, can we be educated on what a professional cops looks like!

    • How about one who aspires to be a leader refusing to give way to presidential motorcade.

      Is that showing leadership? Is that what he is teaching the public to do if ever he became president?

      HH must understand that regardless of how well and democratic he thinks he can be there will always be people that disagree.

      So would he want those people not to obey the law because they disagree with him?

      You don’t become rebellious because you don’t agree with authority. The Law will deal with you.

    • @advice, the discussion is about the professionalism of cops. A professional’s behaviour is not contingent on the behaviour of another party. An accountant, lawyer or doctor does not change his/her behaviour on the basis of the client’s or patient’s behaviour.

  14. It is a very shameful time to be a Zambian. Surely the Police go and tear gas somebody’s family to pick a political opponent who always responds to Police call outs and you say the Police operated within the law. What a shame!

    • They did more than teargas. They trashed HH’s home, burgled his home, stole his food, urinated on his bed and brutalised his family and workers. The whole episode was about humiliating, intimidating and possibly to kill HH.

  15. We are heading to a predictable showdown….we have men and women in ‘power’ that are desperate to be ‘recognised’ and respected (feared)….a bad combination. It’s similar to the scenario where the bully is in a community soccer grounds and is threatening a toddler that he can crush him if he is playing with him…..and he actually attempts to do so, until bystanders gather together and put down the shameless bully.

  16. WOW! The cat is out of the bag now! This thug Kampyongo has defended the Zambia Police atrocities and abuses because HE IS THE ONE WHO GAVE THEM INSTRUCTIONS TO DO BAD things which all normal citizens have been critical of. It is common sense that had the Police acted on their own without his blessings, making his party, the PF mecome demonized, he would have blown the fuse against them!! BUT because they (ZP) were acting on his express instructions to be brutal to HH and his household, he cannot speak ill of their works! This man has just betrayed his behind the scenes activities. He is the one who is issuing instructions to ZP to be cruel, deplorable, as mad as hell while at HH’s household, and arrest anybody complaining about our newly created crazy, Police State.

    The problems we…

  17. The police are operating within the confines of the law! Are you joking, Mr. Minister? I wonder what you have to say about the traffic police who are using private vehicles, and even taxis to harass motorists on the roads and coming up with all sorts of charges and fines. They are behaving as if they have actually been ordered to intimidate and ensure that people rise up against the government…! Very unprofessional, if you ask me.

  18. If this guy found his wife bent over and lungu inside her. He would still find a way to defend lungus actions. Pathetic cadre. Jombo licker

  19. They want to set political sides against each other. Why would they support openly wrong people committing violence? Either they are not able to understand the conflict or have a motive. It’s those JCT Group.

  20. What about Kaizer zulus assault on a police woman in front of a packet stadia ?? Of course condoned and joked over by lungu….

    Investigative journalists need to probe the education qualifications of Zambian Catholic Bishops at the Zambia Qualifications Authority to clear the suspicion that our Bishops are intellectually deficient. Zambian Catholic Bishops cannot match the intellectual prowess of the Anglican Bishop based in Cape Town – they are billion miles backward in their analytical faculty.

    We appeal to some Western Embassies or the Oppenheimer Group of Companies to sponsor Zambian Catholic Bishop for an educational Tour of Rwanda. They need to visit a Special Museum which curates specimens of genocide victims. This tour will later instil wisdom for Bishops to appreciate the concept of peace in Africa – and Zambia in…

    • Or sponsor the bishops to tour the ravages of Congo, one of potentially the richest countries in the world, the dispaire brought about by the mobutu dictatorships.

      Or they can tour to the south of us and witness the ravages of the mugabe dictatorship that had resulted in more the 3 million Zimbabwean refugees in other countries.

      Maybe then lungus budding dictatorship can be addressed with more urgency…..

    • Your idea of peace in Africa is about subjugation of minorities and people with different viewpoints. That’s only peace for PF and its supporters and not for the rest of the country. Lungu is heading Zambia towards Rwanda genocide.

  22. Any opposition leader who has ‘a walk in iterview at ZNBC is useless.

    Others are charged for criminal trespassing at a public institution

  23. Kapyongo is a lunatic. He behaves like an excited little boy. Your Moslem boss Edgar is not in control of the country and has no clue of what he is doing. That is why he is an illegitimate president. Legitimacy will haunt you for the rest of your life together with your judges and pfolice caders. It’s better your lot realise that not everybody like you just like not everyone hate you. One day, you shall run like rich dogs.

  24. Kapyongo is a big fool with no brains. Him and Lusambo are not capable to be Ministers but Bakaponya useless Ministers.

  25. This is a new dispensation where the heads of the Catholic Church in Zambia are getting a battering. So where does this leave the Catholic Lay faithful, how do we respect the Bishops? How do we believe them? Also note interestingly how the Archbishop reacts to dissent in the church in Lusaka? Remember how not long ago he negatively described Father Chilinda, a Jesuit of St Ignatius Parish? The Bishops are creating divisions at all levels of the church in Zambia. The effects of these comments will be felt in the Catholic Church many years later.

  26. Even Guy Scott with his thick skin is disappointed at the turn of events, that the underfive he wanted to be president last year is in fact an underfive donkey.

  27. It is fine! Nothing can please Catholic Bishops, Hazaluza Hagain and his tribal supporterd on this blog! We know why they all behave the same way! Zambia is not for sale to people who pocketed money from privatization and those who poured in money for the campaign of one losing party!

  28. In 2021 UPND will struggle to attract prominent politicians to stand on its sure once very popular MPs have learnt a lesson and cannot wish to stand on UPND in 2021.if the following politicians (Patrick Mucheleka(Lubansenshi MP),Levy Ngoma(Former Sinda MP),Sylvia Masebo(Former Chongwe MP),etc stood on PF,all of them could have won in 2016.even Mulenga Sata,Potipher Tembo,Maureen Mwanawasa cant ever try to stand on UPND or associate themseves with UNVOTABLE HH in 2021!!EXPECT PF TO KOLOPA VOTES IN 6.5 PROVINCES IF THEY DELIVER THEIR PROMISES IN 2021 AND UPND TO DO THE SAME IN 3.5 PROVINCES!! IF THAT IS ACHIEVED,THEN OBVIOUSLY THE 2021 WINNER WILL BE PF ONCE MORE!!

    • It is not what you use, but the act you commit with whatever you use, wherever you you use it, and whenever you use it.

    • How come just 3.5 provinces managed to threaten Lungu enough to rig the elections and win by a mere sliver of 13,000 votes? PF can never win in those provinces and they are making themselves unvotable-for in the other 6.5 provinces in 2021. Remember, that there is no more $9.2 billion to spend on more fake massive infrastructure developments between now and 2021. In 2021, there will be no excuse for voting or rigging for PF.

  29. @ 1.8 Manb,

    They are mistaken.

    HH did not necessarily commit a road traffic offense.

    HH willfully committed a security breach. He willfully chose to out the life if the head of state in danger thereby outing the security if the nation at risk.

    The fact that the offense was committed while driving dies not make it a traffic offense.

    Confirm to me if the chaps arrested in Europe in connection with driving vehicles into buildings or crowds of people are charged with traffic offenses?

    The fact that they use vehicles to commit the offenses does not make them traffic offenders – they are terrorists.

    The bushing of buildings by those chaps is not by accident but intentional, otherwise it would traffic offense.

    • @ 1.8 Manb,

      This is the same with HH; his act to put the life of the head of state at risk was not by accident, but by choice. Hh’s act was intentional.

      The offense hh commited is treason because what he did put the safety and security of the head of state at risk. And he did so intentionally, not accidentally.

      And that is what the law say? Any person whole intentionally puts the security and safety of the head of state or plans to endanger his life shall guilty of treason, regardless of what you use

      Tell me, did HH refuse to give way accidentally or intentionally?

      So, you can even use a football to endanger the head of state’s life, depending on how you willfully chose to use that ball. You can’t say, “but when did being a footballer become treason?”

    • It is not what you use, but the act you commit with whatever you use, wherever you you use it, and whenever you use it.

  30. Police have become cadres who fail to see logic before arresting someone. They steal from accident victims. They brutally broke in HH ‘s home, looted whatever came into sight and one can imagine more than 600 pf police cadres leaving human excreta in HH’s yard and one calls that “acting within law.

  31. Peace for zambia when did you re invent yourself as Advice. Style rhetoric the same. I enjoy reading tnis on line site.
    Can wverybody treat Zambia as a nation and not look at what is happenning as a ‘football match” with one lot of supporters pf and the otherside upnd. A nation needs constructive dialogue not barracking one eyed for their team

  32. When slaves get into power this is what a nation gets. Zimbos did not think they’ll one day have their women cross the borders to do prostitution for a living. Zambia under Lungu can cause the nation to sink worse than the Zimbabwe way. Don’t let f00ls like Kampyongo and Lusambo deceive you. The Catholic Bishops unlike the Pentecostal of the likes of Pukuta who have been bought by brown envelopes.

  33. Kapyongo is simply an ass kisser. The police under PF rule of terror have become nothing but terrorists. Stop supporting wrong stuff just to keep your ass oiled.

  34. Criminals enforcing the law. Kampyongo and your criminal friends, stick to power and cut off ICC or else Charles Taylor and Bagbo are waiting for you.

  35. I last saw apartheid south africa tear gassing children in homes….we are on the civilised side now….avoid thinking that others are less of human beings…..the kampyongo case……



  38. Ask yourself: Where is Laurent Ggabo? Your time will come. The same cops will arrest you for crimes against humanity. Take heed.

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