Monday, June 17, 2024

Sate Sate- 12th title is near for Nkana


Striker Reynold Kampamba says Nkana is on course for a record setting 12th title.

Kampamba said last Saturday’s rally at home to draw 1-1 against second placed Zesco United was not a setback.

“Our championship chances are still very high and the result was not bad. The draw was better for us,” Kampamba said.

A win over Zesco last Saturday would have secured them their first league title since 2001 and also see them set a record 12th title.

And Kampamba said he is targeting to finish the season on 18 goals.

He currently sits on 15 goals, his totally amassed in the 2012 season that also saw him walk away with top scorers award in that campaign.


    • That Chap left for spain wth his agent bt thnz fail apart & am told hes in Lsk as per Yesterday..Nkana needs to scrap off some players in readnes for CAF Confederation

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