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Friday, May 3, 2024
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Africa Investment Bank coming


African Union (AU) Finance Ministers will converge in Addis Ababa , Ethiopia tomorrow  to discuss the possibility  of establishing an African Investment Bank and Stock Exchange aimed at fostering  development on the continent.

AU  Commissioner for Economic Affairs Dr. Maxwell Mkwezalamba  said  consultations were carried out for the establishment of the bank to be based in Tripoli Libya.

Dr. Mkwezalamba said the bank will focus on programmes that are regional or continental in  nature.

The Bank once established will finance private sector initiatives that are active in more that one country.

This is contained in a press statement made available to ZANIS by First Secretary  for Press at the Zambia Embassy in Ethiopia  Dorcus Chileshe.

Mrs. Chileshe said  capital for the bank is expected  to come from diaspora  and contributions  from partners and the private se4ctor.

AU ministers will also discuss the continent’s response to the global financial crisis and lobby for a seat on the G20 group of nations.

Zambia deputy Minister of Finance  Chileshe Kapwepwe is expected  to attend the meeting.



  1. But how can you start a new Bank considering the so-called Global Finacial Crisis?

    A Stock-Exchange in Africa? OK !! I only hope we are not importing the same Virus that led to the Global Financial Crisis. Africa is known to be a good location when it comes to experiments. When everything becomes Roses we all know who benefits.

  2. Where is this globalition taking us. What comes to mind is New World Order. Those who have the ears let them hear what the Spirit says.

  3. Another initiative financed by the deep pockets of African diaspora, too bad zambia is the only place that thinks diosporeans are only good when they come back home. I like the iniative of the bank having only african shareholders. And I do not believe a continent wide security market .

  4. It is a very good initiative, it is about time that we seriously began to inject some confidence in the entrepreneurial spirit of African business people. Banks such as the African Development Bank do serve a purpose in assisting African governments address a lot of public sector challenges. However, sustained development and growth requires innovations and calculated risks that tend to thrive in the private sector. It is a step in the right direction for the continent.

  5. The best bank in Africa is the Matress baba. No bank charges, no captured ATM Card, It is VISA on its own however it only becomes liquidated if umo ala sunda pa bed !

  6. “AU Commissioner for Economic Affairs Dr. Maxwell Mkwezalamba said consultations were carried out for the establishment of the bank to be based in Tripoli Libya.”

    Why place it in Libya? Let it be based in Central Africa Republic whic is more in the Centre of Africa. We need to spread development across all Africa instead of concentrating all powerful business ventures in areas that are already doing well.

    Please Zambia deputy Minister of Finance Chileshe Kapwepwe, consider taking this message there should you attend.

  7. #8
    You are right.Globalization promotes regional and global government, a one-world economic system of trade and a form of fascism where global corporations and their elite control the policies and directives of individual governments.This is bad news people.Wake up.

  8. @ 11 Ba Maureen !!! You are naughty!! You make me laught!! Anyways you are right!! Reminds me of banakulu Mpundu (my grani)!! She never allowed anyone to sleep in her Bed for that reason. The Women had Cash and never even seen a Bank from the inside!! Awe naseka sana

  9. #14
    According to Henry Kissinger (former U.S.Secretary of state), the rapidly unfolding economic depression and accompanying misery for billions of people “generates a unique opportunity for creative diplomacy” to usher in “a world financial order” and force sovereign nations “to face the reality that its dilemmas can be mastered only by common action,” that is to say through world government and a New World Order, a phrase Kissinger repeats several times in the article

  10. #16 Theres a differnce between a conspiracy Theory and Fact. Usually conspiracy theories have little or no evidence and are based on assumptions and disjointed stories. I believe in common sense and quoting Mr Kissinger does not make it true. i can easily quote a man that says ridiculous things and say hey look it’s true. The new world order is a good fictcious story that was born out of people misreading the book of revelations .

  11. 16. 1984, I think you understand where we are moving in this new world order. If you remember alot of things have been achieved. Polically we are almost there. EU, AU, Now even Americans are making a union with North America.This financial melt is one way of getting hold of banks to be controlled by the state so that Govtments can control financial houses. This has been achieved. Watch out for Climate Change something will come out which will force head of religious church to make a big statement which will cause the christians to unite for one cause. We are very close at the end of this world history. Only the wise can understand.

  12. #17
    Are you now saying Kissinger is paranoid?I can quote any of these world leader does it it means they are a compiracy theoriest.

    I quote Kissinger “An international order will emerge if a system of compatible priorities comes into being. It will fragment disastrously if the various priorities cannot be reconciled,” writes Kissinger. In other words, if nations do not embrace the “international order” in response to the bankster engineered global depression, they will be left to twist in the wind, sort of like Zimbabwe and other third world nations where absolute poverty and human misery are the rule of the day.
    in the article.

  13. I is very hard to anticipate for better services, lower interest rates when our domestic financiers have not done so. Regardless i welcome the institute and pray that i not be contaminated behaviours of the older folks on the scene.

  14. 17.Shalapungu, I doubt whether you understand the book of Revelation. That book is full of prophecy which is revealed in Daniel. So that the students of prophecy have no problems in interpreting what is happening now. Remember we are at the feet of the statue which Daniel revealed in Dan.2 You need to understand Revelation chapter 13 for you to have informed opinion.

  15. #21 So tell me does the book of revelation mention a global financial crisis and new world order? Or are you just one of those that think the mark is a microchip? because if you do then you probably are just another fantasist because the marks in the book of revelations are not physical.

  16. Kissinger is a fantasist. Human beinsg are obsesssed with the unknown and are always looking to make stories to feed their fear of the unknown. How is kissinger an authority on anything , what he stated was just a mere opinion not fact. You are taking his opinion for fact just like any conspiracy theorist would do

  17. #22
    Tony Blair is pushing for the one religion(inter faith)

    Former Prime Minister Tony Blair will teach his first class at Yale on September 19, marking the start of the “Faith and Globalization Initiative,” a three-year collaboration among Yale’s Divinity School, School of Management and the Tony Blair Faith Foundation.

  18. Credit crunch is a British-steered attempt to impose the dictatorship of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) on the entire planet, wiping out all hope of economic recovery, the modernization of the developing countries, and national sovereignty at the same time.
    Under this plan, the IMF would dictate the economic policies of all states. The IMF orthodoxy is austerity, sacrifice, deregulation, privatization, union busting, wage reductions, free trade, the race to the bottom, and prohibitions on advanced technologies. These policies would strangle humanity.
    The Brazil-Russia-India-China bloc is reportedly objecting to putting so much power into the hands of the IMF, which is dominate

  19. #22, Yes if look at chapter 13:15-18 you will notice that the power which will make this new order will force the financial crisis. By not buying and selling, that is financial crsis. You are right the mark is not microchip as you have put it. Remember their two things which will matter in the final analysis, the mark and the seal of God. You either receive the mark of the beast or you recieve the seal of God.

  20. Problem =reaction =solution

    They(Globalist)create a problem and then there is a reaction(people)
    then they(Globalist)offer a sulotion to the problem they created.

    This is how they manupilate world events.

  21. #30 Thanks, but why are they doing all this? Problem = Reaction = Solution as you put it.Dont you think they must be some one behind all these issues?

  22. The world gorvernment promoters,using the IFM as their softening up tool,follow three main planks
    1.Loan money to individual countries
    2.Force them to sign the conditions
    3.The implentation of these conditions results in the loss of sovereignty and independence of each country.

  23. #31
    Bankers, oil and arms industries’ Bilderberg group, basically people out to call the shots with their monied influences from behind the scenes.

  24. #23 Shalapungu Banton
    My advice to you is.
    Follow the money, follow the power
    Discern illusion from reality, especially with media outlets
    Listen to experts who offer a meaningful critique
    Study & verify sources and footnotes
    Apply liberal doses of common sense

  25. Have you ever wondered how capitalism was pushed over the edge of the cliff just six weeks before the American presidential election?
    According to financial experts, the world, as we know it will change dramatically by the year 2012. People, who provided for their families only three years ago, will be desperately searching for food.
    The story of the economic meltdown of 2008 begins and ends with the United Nations and its carefully managed One World Order.

  26. This is good news for Africans. Its well overdue that we had a seat and say over global issues and by showing that we are organised-forming an African stock exchange-the world will take us serous, investment will flow in the form of FDI

  27. Honestly I dont want it.

    I am religious and I think this is all leading to the infamous “ONE WORLD ORDER”.

    and just to clarify, the mark of the beast is not a physical mark. If you read the bible it is on the forehead and the right hand. This means “IN MIND AND IN DEED”.

    Debt is the new form of slavery. Keep them in debt and they are forced to work in order to pay it back. Don’t forget stractural adjustment programs that the world bank and IMF forced on us.

    Guys if you have not purchased your bible today, do so now. You’ll need it to get through what is coming.

  28. 1984 your name says it all for me. I have read your posts and All I see is incoherent driven dribble. Am sure you have watched a lot of youtube videos by Alex jones before you came to your laughable conclusion. Unlike you I have taken a lot of time to research world history to know who the real owners are and funny enough you make no mention of them instead you mention corporate groups like bilderburg and the rest to give credence to your illusions. I especially laughed out loud when you mentioned the 2012 theory , let me guess the mayan calendar catastrophe. Read real history and you will see the world has been run by the same people since the first century.

  29. #41 Thank you tell these people, they think the mark of the beast is physical. The beast has already been idenitified and people as far back as when the new testament was written knew who the beast was . And yet here we are 2000 years later characters are claiming the beast is here. Most people that will accept the beast will not even know they have done so. using the excuse of global financial crisis as a beast new world order is laughable because world financial crisis have been around since goodness knows when.

  30. And also 1984 humour me this, where in the bible does it say there will be a one world religion and government

  31. the mark of the beast has been in existance for a long tym otherwise how can u explain ubuloshi/satanism ,having the mark of the beast could be anything , doing things tht are contrary to percieved upright society norms without repenting or conforming:@)

  32. the mark of the beast has been in existance for a long tym otherwise how can u explain ubuloshi/satanism and the like all those activities tht disadvantage innocent souls ,in my opinion having the mark of the beast could be anything ,especially doing things tht are contrary to percieved upright society norms without repenting or conforming:@)

  33. Shalupungu my bro, you either do not know or you have decided not to know. The writing on the wall is loud and clear for even the simplest of minds to see that we are drifting into some one-world system.

  34. The world has always been a one world system , why you chaps think this is just happening now is why I think you are paranoid . You seem to be ignorant of world events that fulfilled prophecy of revelations and yet somehow you are scampering like cochroaches that the one world system is coming. For example the world was divided up during the treaty of Treaty of Tordesillas, even the law in all countries is subject roman maritime law, haven’t you ever asked yourself why all countries are subject to the same condition?

    What you are worried is coming was already happened. So stop worrying about petty matters.

  35. #44
    There are three interlocking elements that are key to any society: Politics, economics and religion. The three are interdependent and cannot be “unhinged” into separate components. Every facet of human interaction is wrapped up in these three elements,meaning that there are no more than three elements

  36. Another one:

    “Established in 2007, the Africa Finance Corporation (AFC) is a private sector-led investment bank and development finance institution created to help mobilize and channel required capital towards driving Africa’s economic development.

    AFC’s mission is to address Africa’s development needs in a profitable way, creating benefits for both investors and societies in the region.”

  37. #53. areaboy

    It is Barack Obama.

    The bible says this person will perform miracles. Obama will perform economic miracles during this global recession.

    The whole world is all excited about Obama. World leaders will be willing to give their power to Obama.

    Anyway why is everyone worked up about this. If God has decided he has decided. We should be excited that Jesus is coming soon, after all, these “dark days” will be short lived. Don’t worry. It is about time this evil world ended anyway. The world has become a terrible and evil place.

    All I have to say is FINALLY this world will end. In fact it is long overdue.

  38. Disclaimer to comment #55:

    By the way whatever I wrote is just my opinion. They are not facts on which one can find ground to sue me in the courts of Law.

  39. Good Morning Everyone, Baby C you are now using the real name or it that imposter…I thought you wanted to Mantain Pinkly…

  40. We already have enough development banks. However the notion of an African stock exchange is just plain ridiculous. Especially coming from an inconsistent non performing, non agreeing institution such as the AU.

  41. I call upon all metal products of all generations to donate some funds towards this.

    He said the school had sunk five boreholes but did not have hand pumps and other accessories for the boreholes to become operational.

    Kakumbi said Chizongwe Technical High School was not connected to Eastern Water and Sewerage Company.

    He also said the school was in need of funds to rehabilitate the school hall, which he said was in a dilapidated state.

    Kakumbi further urged former pupils to help address the problems the school was facing.

    “We need help from well-wishers, former Chizongwe pupils and the government to urgently address these problems,” Kakumbi said.

  42. Please this is just another toothless bulldog that wont get us anywhere.In Africa we still have a lot to achieve before we even get to this level of having an african investment bank.Just look at the AU what has it achieved in its short lifespan.its predecessor the OAU at least succeeded in attaining its goals securing political independence for all african nations.Today we need a body that will attain economic independence only then can we talk of African investment bank.

  43. If these organisations really bring about development Africa would be the most developed continent in the world today.These are some of the economic org i can think of;SACU,SADC,COMESA,GREAT LAKES REGION,EAST AFRICA BLOCK,CENTRAL AFRICA… AU,OHADA,NEPAD,ETC

  44. Just to add some light on the various comments regarding some world power that has been there for a long time as written by 48. Shalapungu Banton, who is quite well-read as I know him by different names with a marked tone of writing that is distinct, I will provide a section of Holy Scriptures below.
    But first, this #48 was/is with me at Bwanji. com when he had a name WTF, on LT he has been Mwine Filimu (whatever the spelling), dobo (or bodo) Banton.LLB, and so on. His understanding of things is mixed up with confusion of mis-interpretation of enough Holy Scriptures and he has a been a pleadged attacker of SDAs. He claims to be a YESHUA religious individual of some Hebrew group of people.

  45. 66. continued.
    Lets go now.
    2 Thessalonians 2 + KJV Bible
    2:1 Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and [by] our gathering together unto him,
    2:2 That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand.
    Self explanatory stuff that let us not be confused (troubled) about the coming of Jesus Christ as everything necessary for us to know is clear.

  46. 67. continued.
    2:3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for [that day shall not come], except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
    2:4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.
    2:5 Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things?
    Before Jesus Christ comes back, first there is a FALLING from normal Scriptural ways of following God, the Creator. Also, the Man of Sin will be revealed for all to understand scriptures and chose whether…

  47. Yaba, There you go again your false prophet following lost man. You are the same one claiming the SDA’s are a remnant of the hebrews and yet you do not even keep the torah. You call me confused and yet you are the same one I taught and you insulted me and now you claim to follow my teaching. the evidence of Ellen Gould

    w w

    The whole world knows of your false prophet but you still hold on like an ignorant villager

    #43 the beast is rome and all it’s organisations

  48. 68 continued.
    …to follow that MAN. The MAN OF SIN is referred to as a Son of Perdition which simply tells us about his BEHAVIOUR. When you look at John 17 where Jesus Christ was praying for all in including us who are alive today (17:11 And now I am no more in the world, but these are in the world, and I come to thee. Holy Father, keep through thine own name those whom thou hast given me, that they may be one, as we [are].12 While I was with them in the world, I kept them in thy name: those that thou gavest me I have kept, and none of them is lost, but the son of perdition; that the scripture might be fulfilled.), you immediately notice that Judas Iscariot was the son of perdition here.

  49. 69. Shalapungu Banton, greetings to you. Today, I am helping people to understand you point. I have given you enough informatiom already about your confusion on the SDA Church and so I will not write more about it on here because that will be repeating what I have given you in two LT thread where you sought my explanation.
    Have a good day.

    LT 2008 Award Winner. =; for Zambia in 2011.

  50. w w

    Your prophet hated jews and also said the John miller was right about the second coming.

    Purge yourself of the leaven ignorant man!! You are a shame to this world.

  51. #70 continued.
    So the son of perdition who is Man of Sin has a behaviour of showing that he is doing things following God or to be specific Jesus Christ, but his moves are driven by the devil as Judas Iscariot was in the crucifying of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. For the intention is to bring down the name of Jesus Christ and in fact whole Godhead (1 John 5:7 For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.) to disrepute – as if they are not LOVE.

  52. #73 continued.
    2:6 And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time.
    2:7 For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth [will let], until he be taken out of the way.
    So, there is a time when the Man of Sin will be revealed nicely to avoid congusion. However, the work of deception, SIN, as a Son of Perdition was already working in the time of the apostles (Disciples) until the time when Jesus Christ will end it at his coming. So, there is a SYSTEM which has been there for a long time deceiving world Citizens.

  53. The name jesus christ wasn’t even in existance then[-( His name was Yahushuah Ha Natsarith or Yahushuah Ben YHWH. That is the holy name that came from heaven not jesus . You hate the messiah’s real name and yet a name he never even answered to and was never his is the one you claim, this is why I say christianity is a fallacy.

    You call the Ruach Ha Qodesh by pagan titles like Holy Ghost. Just wait for jdugement day You will learn. YHWH , Yahushuah oor the ruach qodesh do not change names the names they has then will be the names they will have always .

  54. #74 continued.
    2:8 And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:
    2:9 [Even him], whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,
    2:10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.
    The explanation is already covered in the above. However, the SYSTEM which has been there is still here to day until Jesus Christ shall destroy it at his coming with His brightness as expressed in the Scriptures above.

  55. #76 continued.
    2:11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:
    2:12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
    So bad news for those who will follow in the footsteps or religious instructions of the referred to SYSTEM which is no other than what 69 Shalapungu Banton has expressed as “#43 the beast is rome and all it’s organisations”, I am afraid for those who will find this new or offensive as studying the Book of Daniel, even Matthew, and Revelations in the Holy Bible will prove true to this.

    For now I end here as I have a lot to do since I am a university student reading.

  56. What africa needs is a stock exchange where pipo can buy and sell shares.Also let companies to be listed.

    This will allow us to invest in the continent. I know we can do it

    I hope it wont be Mudock type bank.

    Na yo pa,

  57. For a secular audience, George Orwell’s novel 1984 may have framed the concept of the days to come. But closer scrutiny of today’s world reveals that we’re actually much closer to this apocalyptic scenario than we might have imagined. We’re going forward with small, but steady steps in which everything appears as normal as can be.

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