Monday, June 17, 2024

Mukosha joins Makwaza at Lime


Coach Ronald Mukosha has left FAZ Division One North side Lumwana Radiants to join Lime Hotspurs as an assistant.

Mukosha will assist recently appointed Lime coach Linos Makwaza who signed a two-year contract last Thursday.

The ex-Zambia and Power Dynamos defender has previously coached Kalulushi Modern Stars and Geokas Curve.

“Yes, I will be working with Coach Ronald Mukosha from Lumwana,” Makwaza revealed on Tuesday.

Mukosha has left Lumwana sixth on the 18-team table with 17 points from 12 matches.

Meanwhile, Makwaza begun his resign as Lime coach with a 2-1 defeat away at Premium Sport in Kabwe on Sunday.

However, Makwaza is upbeat that his bottom placed side can turn tables and win promotion back to the Super League.

“The league is wide open, even the team at the bottom can rise and take over leadership. It is a matter of commitment and hard-work from
players,” the ex-Nkana and Forest Rangers trainer said.

Lime have eight points from the opening 12 games after managing only one win so far in Division One North season.

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