Saturday, June 15, 2024

General News

Mbala man arrested for sex with a Cow

Police in Mbala have arrested a man for having sex with a cow. ZANIS reports that the man only identified as a Mr. Sipanzya was...

Guy Scott has shown good leadership – ZCID

The Zambia Centre for Interparty Dialogue (ZCID) says vice president Guy Scott has shown good leadership by apologizing to Tonga speaking people over his...

Appoint people on permanent basis, Msoni

Opposition APC president Nason Msoni says not having permanent people in key government positions is undermining the performance of government. Speaking in an interview Mr....

PF’s pursuant of former MPs rendering constitution irrelevant – FODEP

The ruling Patriotic Front (PF) has been advised to be cautious that it does not render Zambia's constitution irrelevant through its continued pursuant of...

Sata is a property of the Zambian people – Milupi

ADD President Charles Milupi says he does not agree with government's resolve to allow only state house to be the sole source of updates...

Acting President Winter Kabimba in Kaoma for Nkoya traditional ceremony

Acting President Winter Kabimba has urged people in Kaoma district of Western province to work tirelessly in order to mobilize the party in the...

ABZ praises Mambilima’s courage

Opposition ABZ has praised Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) Chairperson Irene Mambilima's courage to challenged acting republic president and Justice Minister Wynter Kabimba to...

Wina dismisses suggestions of power struggle in PF

Patriotic Front (PF) National Chairperson Inonge Wina has dismissed suggestions that the up-roar sparked by Vice President Guy Scott's utterances that Lusaka Mayor Mulenga...