Government conveys its congratulations to First Lady Dr Christine Kaseba-Sata on being honoured as the first Special Envoy of Electronic Health (e-health) by the International Telecommunication Union, ITU, at the ongoing 69th United Nations General Assembly in New York, United States of America.
This recognition adds to the growing list of international accolades the First Lady has, and continues to receive, for her passion, love and selfless service, above and beyond the normal call of duty, particularly in championing the welfare and wellbeing of women and children.
Government notes with pride that In May last year, the First Lady received a Frontline Award from the Global Coalition on Health in recognition of her work in women and children health issues.
The Coalition also recognised her work in reproductive health, cervical cancer, and her efforts to improve maternal health.
The First Lady was also conferred with an Honorary Fellowship Award for her professional work as an Obstetrician-Gynaecologist at the 61st 2013 American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (ACOG) Annual Clinical Meeting.

In September 2012, the First Lady was honoured with the Global Leadership of Excellence Award by the Cancer Foundation – Susan G Komeni.
The Award recognised the exemplary personal commitment of Dr. Kaseba–Sata in the fight against cervical cancer in Zambia.
Government deeply appreciates such noble works as they are in tandem with its agenda to improve people’s quality of life.
Government also conveys its appreciation to the ITU for the honour it has bestowed on the First Lady, and through her, the country as a whole, by designating her as its First Special Envoy on e-health.
I re-affirm Government’s commitment to working closely with the ITU in developing the ICT sector as a vehicle for delivering quality health care and other social and economic services to the people of Zambia.
Hon. Dr Joseph Katema, MP
Minister of Information and Broadcasting Services and Chief government Spokesperson
23rd September, 2014
My son received a certificate ,also in a university library like the first lady can I send the picture for the media to publish also? ….I’m wondering why the hullabaloo for every little certificate awarded probably influenced by virtue of being first lady.
Thank God ,someone gave her the message of bu chiseke- seke.
Christine is hardworking and smart, not like ba Maureen.
What exactly has she done ? All I see is the big smile and being awarded certificates on A4 paper at different geographical locations by companies or organisations set to benefit by making contacts with a high ranking Zambian officials… The only real First Lady Zambia had was the late Mama Betty Kaunda.The rest were and are clearly just enjoying tax payers monies at the expense of poor Zambians
Lies, she is killing the husband slowly for her own publicity?? apart from her talking and Tour of Duties?? Nothing tangible has come from her hands?? so how do you classify her as hard working?? that’s why Africa will always be behind in that it’s all about impressing the leg in state house. she is nothing but an embarrassment.
I agree with you Nubian Princess. Dr. Kaseba was a distinguished professional and well respected among her peers in Zambia and overseas BEFORE she became First Lady of Zambia. Dr. Kaseba is a skilled surgeon and outstanding teacher. She is a compassionate doctor who has TREATED AND SAVED LIVES of women. Chi Maureen Mwanawasa can never come close to being Dr. Kaseba’s equal. Chi Maureen’s ‘honorary doctorate’ is garbage from a back street university.The great academics would laugh or rather pity this fool who thinks she has a doctorate. The ‘doctorate’ of that fool is equivalent lower than a nursery school education when you compare it to a authentic PHD. Maureen is nothing but a useless chikopo who bought exam papers at UNZA and was only admitted to UNZA after administration was…
Where is Ndobo, can you see my shirt here on left??
Ba Kabanshi invited me. Ba kwesu, nothing intimate about this latest relationship.
Fyachabe chabe ifma awards fyakwa First Lady, e-health! Come on-when we have our mothers giving birth on floors of UTH?
Thrash Metal take your ignorance elsewhere. You are not a doctor. nurse,physiotherapist etc who care for patients with a smile despite the difficulties at UTH. YOU ARE NOT IN THE NOBLE PROFESSION WERE LIVES ARE SAVED! Dr.Kaseba is bringing awareness to health care issues through her appointments at the UN. Dr Kaseba knows first hand how patients suffer due to limited resources at UTH. Dr Kaseba has used her brain to SAVE LIVES AND TEACH STUDENT’S TO SAVE LIVES!
Thrash Metal take your ignorance elsewhere. You are not a doctor, nurse,physiotherapist etc who care for patients with a smile despite the difficulties at UTH. YOU ARE NOT IN THE NOBLE PROFESSIONS WERE LIVES ARE SAVED! Dr.Kaseba is bringing awareness to health care issues through her appointments at the UN. Dr Kaseba knows first hand how patients suffer due to limited resources at UTH. Dr Kaseba has used her brain to SAVE LIVES AND TEACH STUDENTS TO SAVE LIVES!
Jelita and Mulenga Cakubaba!
Now we understand why our president was dragged all the way to the USA in that condition…to escort the first lady to receive the awards…ala kwena no satambe
Congratulations Madam first lady, Dr. C. K. Sata. You deserve the honor.