Saturday, July 27, 2024

General News

Expulsion of Assistant Secretary General Sikwindi Situla is final-Edgar Lungu

PATRIOTIC Front (PF) disciplinary committee chairman Edgar Lungu says the expulsion of assistant secretary general Sikwindi Situla from the ruling party is final. Mr Lungu...

8 law firms file a motion in the Lusaka High Court to defend Acting Chief Justice

EIGHTEEN law firms have filed a motion in the Lusaka High Court to represent acting Chief Justice Lombe Chibesakunda in a case in which...

Kapiri villagers and their traditional leadership protest against dam construction

Villagers in chief Chipepo’s area living along the banks of Mulungushi River in Kapiri Mposhi district have protested against their impending displacement to pave...

Shoprite workers return to work

Shoprite workers in the country have resumed work today following the meeting held yesterday involving Shoprite management, National Union of Commercial and Industrial Workers...

Barotseland activists treason trial moved to Lusaka

THE Lusaka high court has transferred from Mongu to Lusaka hearings in a case in which former Barotse Royal Establishment (BRE) Ngambela Clement Sinyinda...

PF Lusaka province chairperson asked to resign because of his connections to an aggravated robbery in the past

A LUSAKA-BASED Non-Governmental Organisation, Speech for Growth, says Patriotic Front (PF) Lusaka province chairperson Geoffrey Chuumbwe is not fit to hold such a sensitive...

Masebo admitted to UTH, asks for prayers from friends

MINISTER of Tourism and Arts Sylvia Masebo has been admitted to the University Teaching Hospital (UTH). Vice-President Guy Scott yesterday took time to visit Ms...

Kapeya dismisses calls for dissolution of cabinet

GOVERNMENT has dismissed as careless and alarming, calls by the African Parliamentarians Network Against Corruption (APNAC) that President Michael Sata should dissolve Cabinet for...