Sunday, June 2, 2024
Home Mazabuka District Cooperative defrauding the Govt-Magoye MP

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  1. Thanx Mr Mweemba. We need more of people like you who will expose thieves even if it takes you to lose an election. That’s why I’ve been saying that the whole thing about FRA & MACO should be changed whereby the following should be done:
    1. Distribution of inputs be left to social welfare ministry who’ll identify deserving members of the community & met out punishment when one abuses the system by selling inputs. Chiefs, headmen, the church can be included at community level.

    2. Construction/maintenance of storage facilities and feeder roads should be left to local authorities

    3. Put in place a revolving commercial crop production where provinces will be contracted to grow particular crops year-round. At the same time put measures for processing livestock & crop products

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