Monday, June 17, 2024

Zambia Seek Spark Against Somalia


Zambia face winless Somalia on Friday looking for a win to see them through to the quarterfinal of this year’s Cecafa Senior Challenge Cup.

Zambia is in second place in Group A on four points level with leaders Burundi who face third placed Tanzania on three points in their final preliminary round matches.

Dario Bonetti’s side must win to guarantee their last eight spot for a second successive Cecafa Cup outing.

Meanwhile, Bonetti will be looking forward to an improved performance after his team stuttered to a 0-0 draw on Tuesday against leaders Burundi.

However the team looked very basic on Tuesday and Bonetti is surely now hoping that he could have had the quality of bad-boy players Rainford Kalaba and Felix Katongo to call upon.

Strikers Felix Sunzu has failed to click in attack,Venecious Mapande is blowing hot and cold in the Dar heat although captain defender Billy Mwanza has led with a heart in abrasive fashion.

But whatever the case, Zambia need victory for fans to have some positive news to talk about in the midst of the mayhem of the Faz wrangles.


  1. Where are these games being played kanshi?I hope it is not somalia, as a government we do not have ransom money to pay somali pirates when they kidnap the chipolopolo.

  2. hi u people i can see that cup is coming to zambia becoz have just from wacthing zambia and somalia .
    zambia has ply well i gave the the credit for that
    zambia let as GO and bring happyness of zambia

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