Monday, June 3, 2024

Zamtel is under threat- Harrington


William Harrington

Former Communications and Transport Minister in Second Republican President Fredrick Chiluba’s government William Harrington has said Zamtel now owned by Libya’s Lap Green is under threat following the sanctioned imposed on Libya.

Mr. Harrington said following the economic sanctions being imposed on Libya’s government which has affected Libya’s investments in other countries, Zamtel is also at risk of collapse.

He said that it was important for government to start working out a plan to ensure that the company does not crumble should the effects of the sanctions extend to Zambia.

He said the company has a number of Zambians in its workforce whose jobs are threatened.

Mr. Harrington has also backed former republican vice President Enock Kavindele’s call on government to start mobilising local investors and individuals to take over Zamtel in case economic sanctions on Libya incapacitate its operations.

Lap Green Networks owns 75 per cent of Zamtel after buying the country’s sole fixed line operator at US $257 million in a controversial deal.

LAP Green Network is a component of the Libya-Africa Investment Portfolio, which is part of the Libyan Investment Authority, the sovereign wealth fund for Libya.



  1. This is what you get when leaders start personalising the Country’s business. Instead of looking at a bigger picture, you loose focus and start doing the people’s business like you are selling ‘ka ntemba’ to a straggling street marketeer. Trying to extract some kind of personal financial gain from the National privatisation process has really blinded a lot of people in govt. They somehow feel so entitled that they even forget whose interests they were sworn to protect safeguard in these higher govt positions they temporarily hold.

    At some point, “RB & Sons, Inc” will have to answer to the mess that ZAMTEL is about to turn into. Dora Siliya better start saving up for her legal expenses she will soon need.

    “Munshumfwa aile namafi ku buko.” So the saying goes!!!!!!!

  2. This actually exposes Dora & RB’s dealings and interest in making sure Lap Green got the tender. Credible companies like South Africa’s Telkom walked away because the manner in which this was sale was done suggested those in power (RB & his cronies) wanted a cut soon and Libya’s Lap Green was willing to do just that cheka.

  3. This doesn’t make sense to me.Were they not buying a controling stake with the intent & agreement to engineer a finacial turnaround?Is this not supposed to be a self sustaining business through profits?So with that in mind where do santions come in since zed is not under santions?Even the sactions were only imposed on individuals close to Gaddafi and on arms.That still leaves Libya to conduct other business as usual including zamtel.

  4. @5, Enka Rasha:

    LAP Green is Gaddafi, and Gaddafi is LAP Green!!

    Nothing that goes on in Libya is far from Gaddafi or his relatives (son) or his closest friends. That is why sanctions, or freezing of Gaddafi’s asserts have ramifications on Libya’s investments through LAP Green. Due diligence was not done on this deal by the Zambian govt because of some personal financial interests of our President and his cronies (his sons and Dora).

    Watch this space, ‘wina azalila manje manje’. This issue will bite someone in the rear-end very soon!!!!!!!!!

  5. No. 5 sanctions come in many forms . you ll soon hear that international banks stop transacting with zamtel etc…. its serious. when you read more you ll find a fine line exists between Gaddafi and his cronies and the fund that supports LAPGREEN. Its sad….

  6. Zamtel is doomed bacoz according to CNN all the money that the allies are spending on Opperation Oddessey Dawn in Libya will be recovered from Libya Investment Authority and this is the company that owns Zamtel. Zamtel will soon be abandoned ernment will start pumping money in Zamtel again. This is what you pay when you have poor and corrupt leadership.


  8. I hope someone “UP there” moves in quick enough to put emergency measures in place such as to cushion Zamtel employees from any possible doom.

    Mistakes have been made, but for now save ZAMTEL, and then of corse punish the culprits involved.

    Remember, not so long ago we had chains and chains of opposing statements against the sale of ZAMTEL from the Zambian people … but someone said we go ahead!

  9. How can you sell a strategic national company to a despotic regime with an unstable tyrant with blood dosh?
    We have seen how our African leaders troop to Worship Qaddafi as a sign of allegiance, am sure most are petrified at how far they went just to please a mad man in power.
    The chickens are coming home to roost with Zamtel.

  10. A question was raised in parliament to this effect (Zamtel and LAP Green) by Mpombo and Vice-President George Kunda simply responded by saying, ‘That company (ZAMTEL) is doing well and money is available in the country’.” This was a question that needed to be answered with a level head and a bit of diplomacy, instead of just dismissing it.
    And earlier, responding to Lusaka Central member of parliament Guy Scott who wanted to know what government’s position would be on the sanctions imposed on Libya, Vice-President Kunda said he would not engage in speculation over the matter.What speculation? this is reality, Libya is in a state of chaos and whatever is happening there will have an effect in one way or another on Zambia and this issue ought to have been debated at lenght in parliament

  11. As long as the company is functioning as planned there is no need to do anything due to political changes taking place in the north of Africa. Of course it would be wise to work out some plan with the current management of what to do if they experience business problems due to the changes taking place. It is important for the Zambian government to work closely with the new owners to protect the interests of Zambians. But I see no need for any excitement over this issue.

  12. Too wrongs do make a one right! People protested about the sale of ZAMTEL but the Andrew Chipwende
    & others cronies including the leadership in power settled for a messianry and you will see how this will affect Zambia. The head of the Telecommunication in Libya is Kadaffis elderst son so what do you expect. The head of Security is Kadaffis son who is believed to have been killed so what do you expect?

    Zambians watch out and be alert not allow the Kadaffi family to make beehive in Zambia like Sadam Heissen tried to do. Can you imagine Kadaffis only daugther was sitting in the defense council of Sadam Heissen Regime. This is time to scrutinize our leaders with who they eat with when its support time

  13. These are the stories you don’t find the MMD sympathisers commenting! They are ashamed but they forget, that this issue affects us all (MMD and Non MMD). I see Senior Citizen, MMD Bootlicker wagging their tails right now! At the same time our Vice President is embarrassing us in parliament. Responding to a question from Kafulafuta member of parliament George Mpombo, who wanted to know if Zamtel, whose 75 per cent stake belongs to Libyan-owned LAP Green, was affected following the freeze on Colonel Muammar Gaddafi and his family’s assets by the international community and the United Nations Security Council during the oral answer session in parliament, Vice-president Kunda said that fears were largely speculative.

  14. Lets look at this objectively, noone could have predicted what is happening to libya now and the portfolio that owns Lap has credible investements all across Europe. To try to blame government for selling a dead company and saving some jobs is being stupid and immature.

  15. #3 I concur with you and this has been my worry ever since Zamtel was sold for less than $300M even though its net value was about $1billion. RB knew that LAP GREEN was indeed Gaddaffi’s as the transactions were signed off in Tripoli between him and Gaddaffi. Everyone knew and they still know now that this was a dangerous move but for personal gains the telecomminication heart of Zambia is in a dire situation. How could you allow a Govt entity of another country to buy your govt entity on the pretext of mismanagement. shouldnt that be a reason for improving your own management. One noble thing for RB to do is to return the millions he and his clonies received and freeze the LAP GREEN assets. without returning your bribes you will be hunted down. West is frzing his asts and RB may do jst…

  16. Lets look at this objectively, noone could have predicted what is happening to libya now and the portfolio that owns Lap has credible investements all across Europe. To try to blame government for selling a dead company and saving some jobs is being dullard and immature.

  17. #21 In Zmabia we always has two options, to be decisive or to debate. We could have debated the Zamtel into its liquidation, and lost everything. An opportunity came to save jobs and payoff creditors and it was taken. Valuation is rarely objective so the 1 billion valuation is not the bone contention but the economies surrounding the company, the employees, etc.

  18. #20 with due respect everyone knows what Libya and Gadaffi are about. LAP GREEN is a Libyan Govt interprise owned by Gadaffi. While it may have european ties it does not mean that it’s a viable firm. All the West and USA have said is that ‘it was nice doing business with you but we have now frozen your assets. Will Zambia do that – I doubt it. If RB and his clonies were credible they couldnt have even contemplated flogging the heart of out telecommunication for a few million dollers in their pockets

  19. @ Rose above, operation odessy or petunia maybe Lilly what ever the are calling it will remunerate money spent on firing 110 tomahawk cruise missles. Which cost $ 569 000 a piece, the re-embursement shall be drawn from Libyan investment portfolios and reserves. Therefore operation tulip shall affect Zamtel directly and indirectly. Firstly Libya shall have to rebuild and feed it’s people, clothe and provide shelter plus everyday necessities like education and health. Zambia has to have a backup plan for Zamtel starting three months ago not today yesterday nor tomorrow.

  20. #25 I am not against exploring ways of saving the company, it just that I dont agree with the point that It was a mistake or government should have know that it was a mistake to sell Zamtel to LAP.

  21. Sober up bawesu, I trust that if no other under-hand methods are used we can survive and dear ZAMTEL shall be redeemed. I can imagine the families with children and anxieties that are going on. For sure this is beyond political beliefs and thanx to Bo Harrington for the courage. LOVE ZED

  22. Mr. Harrongton, during the sale of Zamtel, not a single Zambian investor bid for the company. About 3 companies bid for the company (UNITEL, LAP GreenN and Altimo). My question is if Zambians were not interested in the company then, what would make them interested now??

    Zambians want everything on a silver plate. These are the after effects of UNIPs socialism. They feel govt must do everything for them whilst they sit back. Mr. Kavindele’s proposal is genuine, the only question remains, how many Zambians will take him up on his offer??

    Fact still remains, ZAMTEL was insolvent and had to be saved through privatization. No one could have predicted what is happening in Libya but it has happened anyway. Way forward is what we should be looking at.

  23. You do not mobilise businessmen in the manner that you do for cadres to attend a rally. Businessmen need to be presented with an actual investment opportunity from which they can make their assessments based on their perceptions of the attendant risk……In fact rather than playing to the political gallery I am most certain that if LapGreen were offered cash today they would walk away from Zamtel……the only challenge would be to find someone who would have the requisite power of attorney and to ensure that the transaction in itself does not violate the same sanctions that we are attempting to protect Zamtel from…..

  24. # 25 villager, do not argue with your tongue in your cheek! Why should the GRZ sale a parastatal communication company to another governments’ investment portfolio? There is everything wrong in this transaction, first this is the lead and service cost trend setter for the industry, directly/indirectly security related and the majority of the Zambians were against the sale of ZAMTEL to Gadaffi lead Libya. The first negative social impact was loss of jobs by techonologically and technically qualified Zambians and this was justified by the RBish lead government and politically, a timely warning in parly by Mr. Mpombo brushed off by S*T*U*P*I*D Kunda! # 29 Capitalist the Zambian government under RBish has never inspired Zambians to invest, e.g. forced sales of Zain shares at lower prices???

  25. @ #31 Her Ladyship

    Please don’t give me that crap. Just because you don’t want to invest does not mean the Zambian govt has not encouraged locals to invest.

    The govt as been very vocal on local participation in the economy. Even in PPP, the govt has bemoaned the fact that foreigners are taking up most of the opportunities. The locals are just not interested and would rather govt does it for them rather then step up.

    So you can take that “the Zambian government under RB has never inspired Zambians to invest” and flush it down the toilet because it is crap.

  26. We have arotten leadership. RB has never achieved anything in the past so I do not know why all of these RB supporters felt he could just turn into a Jesus overnight. As those who have worked with him before. Luckily, we have only worked with him for over 2 years. NEVER AGAIN, go back to the farm. Take Dora if you want but our country is too precious to be mesed up by you and your Dora.

  27. The MMD MPs are quiet when things are getting out of hand for LAP Green. These are things they should be correcting @ MANDA Hill not just waiting for gratuity. RB and Dora messed up so maybe they have been left to answer to us the OWNERS the people of Zambia. We want answers on the way forward for ZAMTEL. Sata do something and do not concentrate on GAY rights, what we need are answers from RB or are you already toothless coz of your GAY rights advocacy? Where are we going with our politics?

  28. Chekelako Bosses,

    Ba Captain Chilufya M. Sata, :(( people are crying for your help and please whats the way forward?

    Youths are busy dancing to Donbolo ya pa Ma Weekend\:d/ . Zambian you are to blame for all what is happening in our country. So vote wisely in this coming elections, :”> BABA

  29. 33.Mr. Capitalist do not insult Her Ladyship. There are valid points in what he /she is saying. You are too theoretical If you are a REAL businessman, you wont support transactions like Zamtel/LAP. Zambia has BIG businessmen and women who are being sidelined by the MMD/RB and Sons in big deals. Your leaders are busy selling our country and you have the audacity to insult those opposing that. Shame on you. Zambians have been bidding for companies like KCM, Mamba Coal mine etc but have been overlooked because Chinese and other so called investors have your leaders in their pockets. We had a case of businessman in Kitwe building a 5 star hotel from his own pocket and the gov failed to assist him with rebates on material. So YOU spare us your crap!

  30. This is what Mike Mulongoti was implying when he said Dora has no morals. He just couldnt mention the LAP Green saga because he is bound by the oath of secrecy but he has a lot of info on the Zamtel saga. Its a pity he has been permanently shut up by RB & Sons Plus Dora.

  31. @ #36 Dinx

    If you go through all the right channels, there is no reason as to why govt cannot assist you with rebates provided govt is supposed to assists investors with rebates as an investment incentive. If that is not in the investment incentive package, then there should be no complaints.

    I like the Zambian building the 5 star hotel in Kitwe. At least he is taking a stand and doing something to contribute to the nation and his pocket. These are the kind of Zambians we need.

    I am also curious as to the names of the Zambian companies that bid for KCM and Maamba Coal Mine. For ZAMTEL which is the topic, only 3 companies bid for it and non of them were Zambian so why complain??

  32. cont from #38

    I am also curious to find out which businessmen would not take an investment from LAP GreenN when many European, American and South African companies have been doing business with LAP.

    I also did not insult Her Ladyship and I challenge you to quote me on one insult I have uttered at her.

  33. question: why did the chicken cross the road?


    FTJ: the companies on the other side of road were not yet privatized and the chicken wanted to take privatization there.

    KK: the chicken was not supposed to cross the road. Crossing did not make any difference because the other side of the road is also in Zambia. One Zambia one Nation

    Levy Mwanawasa: It does not matter which side of the road the chicken goes to, the Law will still catch up with the chicken.

    Kalusha Bwalya: The chicken’s committee is illegal. Fifa and the government have endorsed my side of the road.
    Rupiah Banda: due to good government policies the chicken will have more roads now to cross. It will get tired of crossing roads and the abundant food due to bumper harvest.
    Sata: The chicken is…

  34. # 33 Mr. Capitalist. You are curious because you DO NOT believe that Zambians are doing business at the level. And do not advise me about those RIGHT channels. I have been there and know what l m talking about. All real money opportunities are being controlled by some invisible hand. The Kitwe businessman followed the right CHANNELS. Why was he not assisted? And you should ask yourself why reputable companies like Telkom pulled out.Are you telling us that the three companies short listed were the best for OUR asset. The idea of privatization of Zamtel may be good but the transaction was flawed. We have for example the Optic Fibre having been bought( through loan) by Zesco being included as part of Zamtel Assets. Lets not be theoretical when dealing with national assets and interests.

  35. @ #42 Dinx

    I think by now, if you have followed me on the blog, you’ll know never to accuse me of things I have not said because I will challenge you to prove it. If you have to accuse me of saying something, quote me on it.

    I never said I do not believe Zambians are doing business at that level. I am saying there aren’t enough Zambians doing business at that level. It is my wish that Zambians emulate the Kitwe businessman building a 5 star hotel. The only problem is we always here Zambians whining about how govt should do this instead of actually doing something. If you know me, you’ll know that I am a Free-Market fundamentalist through out.

    I also asked if rebates are part of the investment incentive package, you have not answered me on that question.

  36. cont. from #43

    If rebates are not part of the investment incentive package, then there is no need to complain because the Kitwe businessman must have planned his business knowing this unless he decided to build a 5 star hotel without adequately planning (which I doubt. Everyone plans before they get into business).

    If you are asking of “assistance” then you’ll have to elaborate more on that because as far as I’m concerned, there are set incentives depending on the investment and you cannot expect govt will miraculously extend their arm at whim.

    And who or what is this invisible arm you speak of? As far as I know, the only invisible arm that could direct the flow of capital (money in this case) is the market so again, you have to elaborate more on that.

  37. @29 According to ZDA about 6 or more companies bid for Zamtel and those 3 you mention were shortlisted after other companies presumably did not meet the criteria. Kavindele has been eyeing the telecoms industry for sometime now so if the govt were really interested in giving the company to zambians they could have tried him.

  38. We are going to pay a heavy price for Zamtel to keep operating as things stand now Lap Green has been distablised. Well we are back to ZCCM days of subsidising govt owned entities. Govt should not feel shy lets get back Zamtel by increasing our stake to 85%. Those who rushed into concluding he deal should realise that things done in a hurry dont go very far away.

  39. cont from #44

    As for Telkom pulling out, companies pull out and invest all the time. What makes Telkom so reputable?

    As for the fibre optic, I am assuming it was to make sure ZAMTEL stands on some feet where it’ll start making profits and pay taxes. Why have a power company control a communication asset?

    and finally on the companies that bid for ZAMTEL, I did not tell you the three companies were the best companies (and I’m wondering where you got that from considering I was very clear in my statement), what I told you is there were the only companies that bid for ZAMTEL. There is a difference there.

  40. What are the sanctions that have been placed on Libya? I hope Harrington is not mistaking sanctions on Gadafi and his immediate family with sanctions on Libya.How do they(sanctions) threaten Zamtel? How would Zamtel collapse in the event those purpotted sanctions are implemeted? I have noticed that many people who purport to be socio economic anaylsts in zambia have very low business understanding going by the shallow input from the likes of Dennis Wood, Prof Sassa and Bob Sichinga over the FBZ case wherein they got excited to give a position without knowledge of the content of the banking and financial services act. Trying to look clever. There is basically nothing concrete about what Harrington is saying by giving those generalised statements?

  41. # 43 and 44 Mr. Capitalist . What incentives has the MMD put in place if they can not assist the Kitwe businessman? We are not whining but merely stating facts that our government would rather assist a foreigner than its own citizen. We do not want handouts from the government but they must create a fair business environment. Most Zambians are now only involved in buying and selling the real business is in the hands of foreigners. You also have not answered me if the three shortlisted companies on Zamtel were the best to take over our ASSET-Zamtel. You must just accept that there is corruption in Zambia. Just recently,it was reported that an Egyptian is interested in buying NCZ. hOW

  42. Stop referring to this guy as formerr minister, he is just Harrington period! Who cares, he has a failed political carreer!! Better if he had stuck to his transportation business!

  43. @ #50 Dinx

    If you want to know the incentives, you have to ask ZDA. I don’t know about you but when my family was starting a business in Lusaka, they received tax incentives (the same ones you claim only foreigners get) so yes the govt does offer incentives. That is why so many Zambians are now getting into business. I just wish the number of Zambians getting into business was larger.

    The business environment is fair. I honestly do not know how much more fair you want it to be. For example, blocs at the Nansanga farming bloc are up for grabs (I think), it’ll be interesting to know how many Zambians have actually bid for these blocs. I would like to see a hoard of Zambians bid for these blocs but if they have a skeptical attitude, they’ll miss out on opportunities.

  44. cont. from #55

    Well I cannot tell you whether they were the best or not because I do not know all the information on each bid made by each company. Due to that, I cannot make an informed opinion on this. ZDA had all the info therefore that question if for ZDA but if you are asking my personal opinion, I will say yes they were the best because they were the most solvent and most willing to invest.

    I have never denied that there is corruption in Zambia and I challenge you to produce a quote of me doing so. If there was no corruption in Zambia, organizations like the ACC would be redundant wouldn’t they?

    I also wanted to ask what is wrong with an Egyptian expressing interest in NCZ?? If he can make the company profitable why not. If a Zambian can do the same, why not??

  45. #31 her Ladyship, You points are valid but very theoretical. Of cousrse Lap ia a Libyan Government institution but in the Zambian Govts perspective it in ‘private’ hands, which means our governmet will not have to put in any tax payers money in Zamtels operations. Capitalist has tod you that the company was insolvent which means it could not borrow but wait for liquidation. For your information some of the jobs which were lost were extinct anyway, eg head driver, typist, head cleaner, see what i mean

  46. Cont #50
    How was this company selected? From the reports its like they have already started negotiations with the government. The problem is that Zambians have come to accept that CORRUPTION is part of life. But we can not allow that to go on for ever. Zesco needs optic- fibre for their internal communication. I m surprised that you are not worried that such a huge asset was transfered to another entity without a penny. Is that good governance?

  47. @ #58 Dinx

    I have to go but I’ll quickly address your points.

    As far as I know, ZDA selected the company. What criteria they used, I cannot tell you because I don’t know. As for those reports that bring about the perception that negotiations had already started, I will not believe that allegation because no one has provided me with proof.

    As for fibre optic, the reason I am saying it is better under ZAMTEL than ZESCO is because under ZAMTEL, it’ll be able to maximize profits. ZESCO as you have stated needs it for internal communication but ZAMTEL can put the line to greater commercial use therefore maximizing profits from the asset and paying more in taxes. ZESCO can still use it but from ZAMTEL. That is my view.

    Have a good day sir.

  48. These are the issues that were being raised when RB and his concubine dora were busy dinning with Gadarfi. Now, let the music play!

  49. Does RB know anything about contigency plans? He is always looking for the best viaggra to satisfy his young wife and trying to cover up for what he missed when he was at the farm

  50. Harrington, you are still active in politics and an ex Minister of Telecoms. Why don’t you start by giving an alternative? Else, you are just 15 minutes fame.

    LAP’s investment will not dwindle because Third Party Derivates covers them.

    In a worst scenario, only LAP Green would loose their money, which they have pumped into Operations, upgrading the Infrastructure & Fibre Networks in the Metropolitan areas, now advancing in Rural Areas. Otherwise, the GRZ would ask the Underwriters to look at the Business Model and transfer the transaction to the next bidder in line

    I am yet to see any Consortium of Zambians to come up with that money, so this talk from Kavindele is all baloney.

  51. However, experts familiar with the running of companies under LAP say if the conflict persists, there will be serious financial consequences on some of these companies.

    They say that whereas a few of these companies are sound enough to run on their own some will not survive the current storm in Tripoli.

    Recently Bank of Uganda moved to allay fears of a possible Tropical Bank insolvency that the public had linked to the current events in Libya.

    Established in 1973, Tropical Bank with an estimated equity and assets valuation of Shs247 billions, is owned by the Libyan government (99.7 percent stake), with strong financing from the Libyan Foreign Bank.

    The government of Uganda holds a dismal 0.3 per cent stake in Tropical Bank through the Ministry of Finance.

    The bank was…

  52. Its amazing how ABSOLUTELY IGNORANT some of these comments are, Zambia is not the only country that the Libyan Sovereign fund has invested and if anything the Zambian investment is one of the smallest compared to the substantial investments that they have in the likes of Italy, etc. LAP Green went through a rigorous selection process which saw a number of international, global “supposedly big time Telecoms players” dropping out cause they wanted to pay peanuts and cheat the Zambian people. Yes it is concerning what is happening in Libya but no one could have predicted what is happening. Those of you in the diaspora, make use of of the Diaspora desk attached to State House instead of making baseless accusations.

  53. cont’d from 64:
    Those of you in the diaspora, make use of of the Diaspora desk attached to State House and ask questions where you’re unsure instead of making baseless accusations based on what you read from non-entities like Mr Harrington. Just out of interest, what significant things did he do in his tenure as the Honourable Minister of Transport and Communications??? Just question #asyouwere

  54. @ #22 Amayama on your comment of “$300M even though its net value was about $1billion”

    It will be interesting to find out the financial models that you used to arrive at the valuation of $1billion, please enlighten us as Zamtel had more debts than it had income to cover and Im assuming you’re intelligent enough to know that unless your assets are greater than your liabilities you’re actually running losses which effectively means that Zamtel would’ve had to shut down if the government had not intervened in the way it did. the minute LAP Green entered the /Zambian market, call costs dropped, but then again you wouldn’t know cause you’re in France…

  55. Dora’s links with the North African Gangsters when she was First Secretary at the Embassy in Cairo will now cost the country our resources. Why has she got so much appetite for ‘things’? Zamtel could have simply been sold anywhere or auctioned well without underhand methods.

  56. Government should just take over kwasila, we cant move forward looking backwards times for dwelling in the past are over.

  57. Prince we need to look back in order to do things betters in the future. Just like your name you are not just Jones; you are Prince Nyendwa Jones.

  58. Harrington and some bloggers here obviouly assume that government is sleeping. Since he was one of the petitioners that lost the case against Hon. Dora Siliya, I suppose there is a case of sour grapes here.
    In the case of Finance Bank, the Post and the likes of Harrington mounted a campaign that the bank was collapsing and there was a run on the bank. Well what do we know now? I have not withdrawn my money and many others did not. And with hindsight we now know that the government knew what it was doing all along.

  59. Well thats is why you do not sell one Zambia’s biggest asset to a dictator in the first place, you halfwits! Transparency; listen to your people and do your homework next time.

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