Thursday, June 13, 2024
Home FRA directed to offload 1m tonnes maize

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  1. so we subsidise even the foreign zed ni zee,i thot it was to be offloaded to local millers with a view to reducing mmeal ptrices,oops economist guide some of us.

    if MMD did this they would be called thieves, QFM would be interviewing all PF sympathisers on how our food basket is being given away for a song

  3. I am of a view that this maize could be sold to the millers at a reduced cost. These miller can then process the maize into various finished products like mealie-meal and various animal feeds which can then be exported at a higher cost than what raw maize is fetching. In this way, our millers will be given be empowered and the general zambian masses would benefit from reduced maize products.

  4. I think its better for the govt to sell this maize at a reduced price and get something than to see it go to waste. It is imperative that some moeny is realised from this than for it to all be wasted. Millers can also be beneficiaries so that mealie meal prices for us the locals are further reduced.

  5. @4, dc Zambian millers where approached but most of them have enough stock to last up to the next harvesting season. They can not buy more maize as storage space is an issue to them. I believe the maize going at $135 is bad or rotten grain meant for stock feed.
    It is not the first time the gvt is selling maize at this price even last year it was sold at the same price.If the maize is not sold now, the gvt will have problems to buy the next harvest because of storage space and stock management issues. 
    This is a good move and must be recommended.

  6. I now see sense in what president sata meant when he opened parliament. he talked about gvt encouraging Zambian farmers to grow other crops such as rice, finger millet etc, which have alot of market out there. maize at the moment has very limited market. Brazill is offloading alot of cheap maize in countries such Cameroon, Angola, Nigeria and most west African Countries.
    The gvt should train and employ more agriculture extension officers to train farmers, as a way of encouraging them to grow other crops.

  7. I thot the MMD govt was actually telling lies that there is a bumper harvest. According to Guy Scott, these figures are fake. I guess MMD’s performance is there to see and is actually benefiting the PF. Imagine taking over a country that has no food? But you are condeming the performance of a govt that has food.

  8. @6,8: U’re right. there’s need for diversification. It looks like every farmer went into maize farming resulting in the market flooding with the same crop. I’m sure lessons have been learnt. I have been planning to do some farming this year. I will plant beans which does not require fertiliser but fetches more money.

  9. YA BA YA BA , GBM milling more money in your pocket, why cant you offload the maize to millers so that the staple food can drop to k15 pin via GRZ subsidence or are scared GBM wont make profit,Plz can someone teach PF  Why nations like kenya never experience hunger does PF KNOW  Successful Buffer and Emergency Reserves, MY FOOT !!!


  11. it’s a chaalenge to eat it all, it’s a challenge to sell it and it’s a challenge to store it all… BUMPER HARVEST indeed!!!

  12. iwe marubbishi there is more maize in Zambia that the government is auctioning it.if you don’t
    understand that is what is called BUMPER should go to school

  13. iwe marubbishi there is more maize in Zambia that is why the government is auctioning it.if you don’t understand that is what is called BUMPER should go to school

  14. WHO ‘S GONNA CARE FOR ZED??? zambia.its pointless to have a 3months reserve, zambia needs a 2yrs reserve maize storage facility so that even if heavens takes the rains our ppl should not die for stupid governance.if u can have 3 consective yrs of plenty then starving will be total negligency and poor planning for the authorities.

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