Thursday, June 13, 2024
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  1. What the Japs are not saying is that the SADC region decided on the European DVBT model and only Angola who they bribed with a new broadcasting building, opted out. I hope the Japs will also build a new station for ZNBC, if their system is adopted, then border towns like L/stone, C/bombwe, Cipata, Chirundu, Siavonga, Ndola wil have no TV….because by international law, they are supposed not to broadcast in a model not regionally agreed to. Secondly, RSA tested both system and settled on the Europen model as a better system. So, Zambia, be careful before you decide which mopdel you finally pick.

  2. Thanks, Japan. But no thanks.

    We will decide ourselves what standard we will adopt. This sort of aid with strings attached is distatesful.

    I hope have engineers at Ministry of Communication and ZICTA can brush this aside and determine what is best for Zambia considering, among other things,economics of scale and suitability to our environment. We dont want unpractical, solar-guyser-without-running-water-type solutions.

  3. who is interested in (ISDB-T),around the globe they teaching (DVB-T, DVB-T2), the jananees take their system somewhere e.g south america, we dont need in in africa.

  4. this has to be a regional decision. zambia has to integrate its systems with southern African region or will find ourselves in a corner. japan knows the meaning of divide a rule.

  5. this has to be a regional decision. zambia has to integrate its systems with southern African region or will find ourselves in a corner. japan knows the meaning of divide a rule.

  6. hey people look at our streets all over Zambia 95% of the vehicles are from Japan. Even in our living rooms almost 80% of domestic electronic gadgets are of Japanese origin. Why should we doubt Japanese technology now?

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