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  1. God help us, your creation is not fit for this universe!!! mad men control your insunciable appetite for sex, it really hurts me as a mother. Honestly where is this world taking us!!!

  2. This is wat ban ki moon says should be recognised as human rights?western madness should be accepted in our society!i chalenge all men with swollen anus to come out in the open n tell us how God made them like dat n hw much they enjoy the act!

    • This is a misrepresentation of what gay rights seek to achieve. That statement is too obvious to require further elaboration.

  3. :(:-w  This is very very sad,imagine that boy to be your son what would you do?  this man must be arrested 

  4. Thats what happens when you bring in Indians and Muslims in your society, you hit 7 centuries back and live like animals, let them send him to jail so that they can have an orgy on do you explain banging another man?

    • Buddy, I agrre with you that the man (if found guilty) should be sent to the gallows. However, please do not generalize to Indians and Muslims. You are being RACIST with your comment (and I doubt that you are). FYI — there are Zambians of African origin who are having anal sex too. Let us by all means avoid racist remarks and rather look at individuals as humans.

    • Stop accusing a whole race of some evil act. Sodomy and rape are done in all racial groupings in the world. Just condemn the act not the identity of the culprit

  5. The child’s ordeal was traumatising enough and the court should have sensible enough to protect his integrity and not subject him to ‘a pact court room’. He is only a child for goodness sake!!!

  6. A lot of these muslim men are gay and pounce on young boys at these madrasas! This problem has always existed in zambia – young boys sodomised in the villages and also in boarding schools. It is just technology use helps with reporting to the public. We really need to legalise homosexuality so that men like these can get a consenting male partner as opposed to abusing our children and paying them a pittance. The man should be sentenced to death

    • legalising homosexuality will not stop homos pouncing on boys, we have in this country countless cases of men raping young girls when there are alot of grownup women they can propose love to. The chi mwenye should not only be jailed but killed. We are tired of having such rottern minds in our society.

  7. such barbaric characters should be jailed for life. The poor boy will live with this traumor for the rest of his life.

  8. #4 Derick Manzila do not be a racists………it is the evil that men/women do that needs to be condemned regardless of colour or religion!!!

  9. I’m for castration of anyone who sexually abuses minors.

    The journalist reporting this gets too graphic in reporting this case. A lot of it was not necessary. Did the genius lawyer just suggest the minor and the abusing freak to demonstrate the abuse…seriously????????

    • ‘the accuse’s lawyer Edgar Mweetwa appealed to the court to allow both the minor and the accused to stand close to each other and demonstrate how the act was done’ Ba Mweetwa… How appalling!!!

  10. Not surprising at all!
    Today it is common place that when people fail to use common sense,they resort to sex sense.Animals per se, are exceptions in this matter.Leave the children alone do not sodomise them!

  11. tears tears tears…oh my ! God protect the little boy and heal him.That defence lawyer Edgar Mweetwa is really %@@$$ how do you suggest for a demo of sodomy….No feelings what so ever for the poor boy! Oh Lord this world is so evil.Let your people rise up because when good men do nothing evil prevails.Let good people run boarding schools not these animals.I don’t even thing Islam teaches sodomy.If this was Iran that guy would have been stoned to death questions asked afterwards.

  12. Please people stop sending minors tothese boarding schools people have become animals. In case you are one of the people who have entrusted your child who is under 12 years to leave with strangers one day you will get a life time shock. This religion has something about it which is hard to understand.

    • it is a shame on a ppl and on that teacher to hurt a boy that is entrusted to you for instruction. so this happens all over the world. the boy will not be happy for a while but will forget, the teacher will always remember what he has done. there is always hope for ppl

  13. The accused being represented by a Bishop lawyer, what kind of a bishop is this who can protect this animal? or maybe he is one these bishops of money we see around.

  14. Zambia a nation of id.iots! Why the heck was a 13 year old child in an open court? It is true that a nations character is judged on the way it treats weaker members of society. In civilized societies this kid would have given evidence behind a screen and not in an open court. This boy has been sodomised for the second time by the backward Zambian judicial system. Pathetic country for children!

    • I agree and I commend the reporter for his sensitive reporting. He did not identify the boy like The Post would have done

  15. A chimwene a lawyer senior counsel Bishop Sturbridge Chirambo,
    this is surely not the case to defend, if you are still a man of God, and not a man of gold, and if you still have the same Christ-like conscience.

  16. Very foolish man,how do you enjoy you fellow man’s anus.where do you get the feeling?why not go for prostitutes who line up the street uptown there?please cage that devil for defilement and case against order of nature,infact commit him to high court.All these adjournments are deliberately,the magistrate and the prosecutor will be oiled and that will be the end of the case.

  17. Very foolish man,how do you enjoy you fellow man’s anus.where do you get the feeling?why not go for prostitutes who line up the street uptown there?please cage that devil for defilement and case against order of nature,infact commit him to high court.All these adjournments are deliberately,the magistrate and the prosecutor will be oiled and that will be the end of the case.please journalists follow this case and make sure justice is seen to be done not only be done.

  18. sadly as a muslim i m deeply frustrated and disgusted on hearing about this unhuman tragedy…i agree with mr mwine bala that we shudnt condemn tha society nd relegion at large but rather tha act and the perpertrator,,,this man shud pik up soap in jail nd he deserves a flamingo!!!! homosexuality is a grave crime nd n unforgiven sin in islam….

  19. Very sad news. I guess he was not sodomising the boy by hiding behind the Koroan. The wanker should get toys instead of ruining the boys future

  20. sad indeed,n the court wanted the accused to demonstrate how he perfomd the act with the kid,damnnnnn,jus jail the guy.pipodnt b rasists pliz

  21. The new Constitution should have provision for Sharia Law to apply to Moslems so that this poofter can have his ding-dong wrenched off before he is stoned to death.  If traditional Zambian law applies to traditional matters, shouldn’t Moslems also feel the effect of their own laws?

  22. The kind of evil we hear these days is shocking, many people’s morals are worse than animals and it is unbelievable that some world leaders like Obama are in support of obnoxious gay marriages. It’s disgraceful!

  23. mwenye, lebanese, greeks, boers like yakumbuyo with street girls now that police are harassing them boys are their next victims

  24. this man is surpose to be out of the community .cage the barstard ,how many cases ve gone unreported?i think he’s bn doing the same for a long tym.parents consider the age of yo children to be sent to boarding schools.these lads and girls needs yo attention

  25. There are alot of prostitutes in Chipata, why doing such dirty things to an innocent child! Give that animal good treatment. No human rights apa.

  26. if we had have this pa zed b4,this is the worst of all.the accused should be hunged naked so that people can see his fackin umuntolilo.judges do your work not the work you normaly perfom but a serious be asked when i come over there.shame,stupid islam.

  27. He is lucky. Shaira Law should have applied on this case.

    This “moslem mulla” appears to have catholic blood in him.

    These acts have become the order of the day, especially from those hiding behind God’s name such as Bishops, Fathers, Revrds & Mulla’s from all religious dominions. Though the catholic has always been on the top league and kept a blind eye, by just moving bishops from place to place.

  28. So sad! What has gone wrong in Zambia? 
    Shocked at lawyer’s request for a demonstration.
    Where is our professionalism in subjecting the boy to a “repeat”
    of the heinous act?
    Hope the boy recovers. Such events are life-changing!

  29. All the above comments are STUPID and baseless.
    The matter is in court and let the court be the judge.Let us awate for the medical report to be presented.Only then can a right standing HUMAN can comment.

  30. I really think we should start advocating for castration of these animals before they defile all our boys and girls. Whats wrong with indian?

  31. “Fully packed Court room” – this is a serious error in law by the magistrate. He should have cleared the court and allowed only the relatives of the minor to be present. The minor’s identity ought to be protected for his own benefit in future!!!!

  32. This is very sad indeed. very saad indeed. The boy is a Juvenile, why have the court in open. it must have been held in camera.

  33. 35 comments and counting just because the culprit involved is a gay man…LT publishes a lot of these cases involving adult men defiling young girls and the most I see is 9 comments. 

  34. #33 easterner, It’s not fair for you to call others stupid for their views on an issue that has been made public in the media. People are free to comment just like you too have made your comment. By the way, what do you mean by ‘awate’?

  35. I am sure the defence lawyer wants to find some technicality such as the man is too tall to reach the boys anus after he bends down, what trash!!! Jail the bugger!!!

  36. Such offenders should be given extensively long jail sentences (30 to 50 years) with hard labor to protect our children and our society from these predators and deter other would be offenders. The child needs professional counseling to help him through this trauma.

  37. I think this is a wake up call for the Government to Investigate such kind of institutions country wide to ascertain that no such sick behaviours are condoned in the country, and the culprites should be visited by the law.

  38. In fact I know a young man who was caught in some gay activity who has recently ‘converted’ to islam. Now I get it. Islam is demonic, from the instruction that anyone who is not like them is lesser (infidel) and deserves to live, to the hatred of women and now this?

  39. This man does not need to be represented by lawyers, because honestly, as a lawyer how do you defend such a filthy case, the facts are screaming in your presence, please Mr. Chirambo, stop representing this animal, or is just for more money in your pocket

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  41. Lot of fuss about nothing. Most of my fellow attendees at prep school in the sixties were sodomised. In my case, after a (deserved) severe caning on my bare buttocks, my housemaster gave me a good seeing to with his big penis and, indeed, made me suck it afterwards. It never did me any harm!

  42. It made me giggle to read that the boy was asked to bend over to illustrate how he was taken and then defence counsel suggest the accused should stand behind him. Why not a full scale reproduction of events – the whole cort could watch the man’s big penis disappear into the boy’s pouting anus and his scrotum bounce rhythmically against the well spread buttocks!

    • this should be made into a TV drama. I would like to volunteer to be the teacher – I have an enormous todger – and would want to run a casting session with suitable boys before choosing one who can accommodate my fat winkle to the hilt in his dirty little anus

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