Monday, June 3, 2024
Home Standard Chartered Bank stakes K5 billion for Kwacha rebasing

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  1. There is nothing more sexy than an educated and loaded woman…maybe in my next lifetime Mrs Melu will be mine, just maybe

  2. Iwe ka Mizinga, stop charging exorbitant loan intrests. It is killing workers and stop the crazy atm charges. Here u are boasting about the super profits u making. atase. The profits being made using depositors money yet u fail to reward the same depositors. let us withdraw massively and have a run on the bank.

  3. What a shameful pack of spineless bloggers. No woner Zambia is what it is. Rather make your daughter and sons to emulate Mizinga instead. Yeeeish. Zambians.

  4. The chic I met at News Cafe and shagged on Friday is 1000,000,000 sweeter and hotter than Mizinga Melu. Unfortunately I didnt get her her number, but Iam going back to News Cafe this Friday hopefully I pick her again. Mizinga Melu atase, that kama nose, atase. Mine is beauty without brains.

  5. very useless ventures,old man still day dreaming of Kaunda days. i know someone is getting kick backs from the company printing this money.i can imagine it will be tough for prostitutes counting and carrying those coins.

  6. K5billion for a pointless exercise. And that’s just one bank. Has anyone really counted the cost of this rebasing? Especially that non of the perceived benefits actually translate into tangible value creation. Useful, yes. Buts its not urgent, and its most certainly is not a priority. Just saying.

  7. What a waste of money. This re-basing is NO priority. Farmers need their money. PRIORITIES PLEASE. NKONGOLE NKONGOLE where are we going kanshi?

  8. Ms Melu, I am worried about my shares in your Bank not earning me income. I know you have doubled your pay over the time plus bonuses whilst shares of investors are not earning them anything. You use our money to make those profits but you let us go without dividends from our shares. Give us what is due to us if you are worth it.  

  9. Mizinga, you’re boasting about profits. What about our shares which are now selling at K2.00 per share? What is our divident this time around. We spent money on
    those shares. Do something please.

  10. Thes foreign owned banks are thieves I ll never bank with them. They dont even give back to the community even in the face of such super profits. We need money for our soccer team and computers for our schs. Ndalama zatu izo

  11. Thanks for all compliments for the Tonga chick, right from Mazabuka!! No wonder our Bemba brothers have harpooned our sisters. And even Mizinga is now a Melu. Bro I envy you for the catch with beauty, respect, and moooooolllllaaaaaaaaa>>>>>>>>>>she is loaded in Pound Sterling!! Twalumba womuchihi wesu Mizinga, watusumpula toba Tonga. Leza abe anduwe nhimbi.

  12. #14 Kapiji mema thats right this bank is British and they’re here to milk us dry just like they did by colonizing us.Lets emulate kenyans who recently sued the Brits for their exploitative colonialism and abuse.

  13. There is nothing here to see don’t see what you boys are drooling about here, just some banker MD promoting her bank by releasing pointless statements as usual!

  14. But how have you rewarded your customers for giving your Bank such huge profit? Please give back to the community. 

  15. So 5 billion kwacha is a drop in the ocean if you can make so many billions in six months. What have you given back to the customers? Is it us milking forever?

  16. These foreign banks Stanchart and Barclays should start sponsoring football teams like Zanaco bank. They’re just reaping from Zambia without paying back. Standard chartered shares are the worst performing despite their cost conciousness. Zanaco’s shares are the best perfoming. Barclays is not even listed.

  17. She is Mrs Mizinga Shansonga Melu. Young sister to fugitive Attan Shansonga but the bembas were swift to get her. Sharp good looking Ila lady and very down to earth. Off course she has mooolaa in pounds sterling. No doubt about that. Genuinely worked for. Wezu ngwangu mushimbi ndamuyaya loko nkambo ngu musongo.

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