Thursday, June 13, 2024
Home Angry mob kills man after he assaulted a 68 year old man with an axe

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  1. End times indeed, am so hurt about the children! really the one who did this if i could be given a chance? i would finish him slowly and painful, first i would make sure he stays conscious all the time! but chankalipa abana so? Lord let these criminals pay!

  2. sana #1, it is painful indeed but leave all vengeance to the God you have used to declare your country a Xtian nation… Most of what is happening is in keeping with the reality on the ground, not the declaration. By inflicting slow, painful death, you will basically be perpetuating the same. Don’t be like some belief groups that defend their god and inflict untold terror on populations…

  3. Two people are killed by suspected mobs; police response: “appeal to members of the public to desist from taking the law into their own hands through the act of mob justice.”

    Thought: so the police are not immediately interested in apprehending the murderers. Where is the appeal for the public to come forward and report the perpetrators?

    Two very litte girls are raped; police response: “urge parents and guardians to be more responsible especially over children saying they risk being charged with negligence.”

    Thought: Am I missing something here? Shouldn’t the primary focus be the immediate an urgent appeal to the public for information leading to the arrest and prosecution of the rapist(s)?

  4. #1 and #2 Please spare us the religious clap-trap. In my view #3 says all there is to say about this. The police are not interested in pro-actively looking for perpetrators of crimes. They are only good at harassing political opponents of the sitting government. Often crimes where arrests are made it is the result members of the public practically taking the suspects to the police station. In some cases it is the result of pressure from politicians. Even when the suspects are known, the police are more interested in extorting money from the suspects than arresting and charging them.

  5. “and they started beating the deceased leaving him seriously injured.” why not just say ” beating the attacker leaving serously injured before he later died at the hospita.”

  6. As usual, the police come late… if they come at all. So woe unto him who underestimates the vengeance of an angry mob!

  7. Just imagine for a second how Sata used to whine and yell about these same things when he was in opposition!!!! He never cared what subject was in public discourse…he guy would just open his loud trap. I recall Dr. Chongwe had to remind him that “this is between lawyers Michael just shut up you can’t understand anything here”. Now birds have come home to roost and the man is very loud with his silence…..

  8. Chipata chaps with high criminal record! Icamba sana you fellows. Previously you were good people, what has gone wrong?

  9. Some mother do not deserve to be mothers because of their carelessness where child care is concerned. Very unfortunate for what happened to the toddlers! Let the law take its course.

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