Tuesday, June 18, 2024
Home Pictures of Soccer fans watching Zambia Vs Burkina Faso at a local Pub

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  1. This is just how disgusting and just how our society has become so debased with so many loafers putting in little into the system and wanting to extract tons. All they know to do is drink beer beer beer left right center and everywhere you look.

    Even women who are supposed to hold society together have joined this senseless debasing of our society through excessive and open indulgence into beer, just like men.

    Call me old and old fashioned, this was not the sight in my days when I was growing up. Only hookers openly consumed beer the way women do it in Zambia nowadays.


    • Who are to Judge these people? If you dont know them personally, u have no right to undermine them. Your not old fashioned but stupid!

    • Over reacting for nothing you probably do have ex-tra affairs in the dark and want to label these happy soccer fans for nothing…tone down its just soccer….

    • Ba observer,
      You are a lunatic, deluded psychopath. Dont see your sins in other people. you dont have any right to suggest how people should spend their time and live their lives. FOO.L…!!!

    • I probably drink more than these fellows but that doesn’t mean I’ve nothing better to do in life. Maybe it’s just that I can afford just like they can.

  2. We were told that to be a defending champion is to defend the title by avoiding any possible loss from your opponents at the afcon. Our boys did just that. No win, No loss, No quarter final, No Semi – final, No final, No title and no KR450 allowance for each. Well defended championship. Bravo ba guy.

  3. RB (Rebased Bodies). Very UNPRODUCTIVE. No free S**x this time as it was last time when you got the trophy. Ni Golf chabe. My Sisters mukomeko na loko.

  4. Sleeping with a drunken woman, disgusting? Worse if she is Zambian… if a Russian or such blond ones you may compromise.

  5. It got to show who we’re than impersonating to be a Christian country, shame, how can you be consuming beer/poisoners liquid like water

  6. The boot to Mbesuma’s head when he missed a header in the box should have been a penalty. Now the referee was scared of being sent home. We could have won.

  7. # 1, the OBSERVER is very correct. I am young, but retain memories of when only whores frequented the illogical watering holes. Bars clubs and motels are only deserving of women of ill repute. ‘WOMEN’ are the custodians of a nations moral cadence; therefore a yard stick for how much a society has fallen. Rome and Greece fell not to military might, but due to perverse ideals. Morals were in the empires men married men, and women were only a conduit for children. Bless only Jesus my country, thank him not alcohol.

  8. Dirty pub with a single very small screen TV but the people are so happy and thats what really matters.

    Was the chap in pic 12 at the correct venue or lost due to umwangashi?

  9. Haha,Mosi,Smirnoff and Castle lager says it all.It was all drunk to numb the pain of watching us get what we deserved.I’m glad my prophecy of defeat came true coz we were never true champions.We never won anything the hard way and now we need to get back to cleaning our towns,building classes coz thats what matters.Soccer is a waste of time for poor folks like zambia.

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