Tuesday, June 11, 2024
Home Black Friday – A Luta continua

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  1. U guys r just wasting yo tym coz no one is intererested in de black friday nonsense and is it the first tym inlation has risen in zed bafyatile imwe,lekeni Sata ateke pantu e mesiah twalefwaya uyu wine,SELENI TUBOMBEKO

  2. The black Friday thing is nonsense. The people of Zambia have agreed to sacrifice as long as the fruits of their sweat will be seen, that is development. Sensible Zambians will only complain if the money raised from subsidy removal is misused. The people who voted for PF are quiet, all this nonsense is coming from the loosers whose votes PF can do without.

    • Even the anti-3rd term started small (Remember the green ribbon?). What was the effect? Check your intelligence reports bwana………..

  3. Get a life people.Its about time you moved on.Why continuing with this when you know that the government will not change its position ?

  4. iam being tracked by ba shushu,i have found strange entries of a name and email address alread filled up for me,ba LT baffikala yashani mwatampa?

  5. LT please check the security of your site. Somebody’s info is on my name and email spaces. ‘WORDS OF WISDOM’ you’ve been exposed to me and maybe others.

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