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  1. As usual LT reporters who hate Nkana just can’t admit that Nkana is good and the loss to ZESCO was just a slip

    Why do you say AFTER AN EXPECTED WIN as if we were playing a bottom of the league table. You now want to paint the picture that Power Dynamos is useless, LT this is very unfair , you have to be objective. You don’t have to become the ZWD of sports please.

    Nkana played well and don’t take that away from the team.

  2. when i said eyes on da ball this is wat i meant, kalampa abalampa..wusakile boys hope takwachiba bamuposa mabwe..

  3. Good win for Nkana. As a neutral i still believe that despite the draw at Zanaco, Zesco are playing some exciting football and are far better than Nkana

    • Rod. Spain and Barca play exciting football but Brazil and Bayern respectively got their important wins

  4. @ Rod, Zesco beat us at their home ground, now wait till they come pacilata for you to conclude that Zesco is better than Kalampa. Otherwise U will prove that its the other way round and that Kalampa is here for the 12th title.

    • ha! ha! ha! u’ve made my day.

      If we don’t beat them on the pitch, then we will definitely hammer them outside.
      But iam sure it wont go to that. We will just hammer them mu pitch.

    • Yaba i almost forgot, that we dealing with the devils eh stylo yenu iyo yine.. This is exactly what i meant when i commented on the Barner that was posted saying Kalampa is nolonger the Red Devils, they have repented to Red Angels. My comment was right kanshi it was the Weed talking as always. Ifyamba bakalampa mukaleke

  5. Zesco United will win the league, the gulf in class and depth between the two sides is their for those of us who are not blinded by loyalty to see. Zesco gave us five players including our captain and top scorer or i forgot! including their former coach Masauso Mwale and when we played them in Ndola they outplayed us and proved their superiority.Over 30 games, nkana can never match Zesco United.I agree with Rod. am a nkana fan but am realistic.I missed my kitwe derby for the first time in over 30 years and since i was near arcade, i rushed to sunset and gentelemen! Zesco is playing good and mature football needless to say they have depth, imagine Lottie Phiri wasn’t even on the bench!

  6. Did MANU give up just because Manchester city has better players and play world class football? We are natural born Champions KALAMPA!

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