Saturday, June 8, 2024
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  1. Epic! this is like one of those Martin Luther King Jr moments. Well said Dora!well said.Mr Speaker sir Listen to us the Zambian people.We care for our country and refuse to let a few individuals hijack the futures of 13million Zambians

    • Martin Luther King was not a corrupt, thieving hule! So please do not compare him to this piece of crap. Dora and her fellow MMD hypocrites had numerous opportunities to do things right but they didn’t because of their greed. So mama chisusu should just zip it

    • The levels of ignorance displayed in some of the comments is astonishing? How do you people live with yourselves.Dora has articulated well where Zambia’s fundamental flaws lie- our archaic colonial laws enshrined in the constitution.MPs are there to represent the 13million Zambians.Why should the cries of Zambians not be heard.Perhaps you people living abroad do not care about the expensive mealie meal prices,the lack of press freedom,the abuse of power by Sata and his stooges. Who cares if you think Dora is corrupt- let he who has never sinned cast the first stone. You hypocrites,holier than thou..its you obsequious dunderheads taking Zambia backwards.You don’t derserve to be online commenting on serious issues.

    • stop b******g. you devoted your time in govt to corruption, stealing and looting. And you did these things with impunity!

      you are one of the reasons MMD lost power and having parliamentary seats nullified by the courts today.

      you should have been a role model especially to girls and young women, but you lamentably failed them due to your insatiable appetite for immorality.

      while you are entitled to your opinion, your article changes nothing of how Zambians generally view you and your corruption, moral bankruptcy, thefts, lies etc

    • @ Mushota,
      I beg to differ!
      Are you telling me that if your carreer is to serve the people nomatter how much goodness your contribution would bring despite having relasped once or twice which is by the way normal in life, would you rather stay away and watch your country dwindle down the mudslide?
      History has told us that all great leaders had once or twice stumbled and used the power of their leadership to cover the tracks and at one point everything comes up to the surface. Have you seen the documentary tittled Mistresses? Since ancient times to date, great leaders fail victim to the prowess of their mistresses, besides corruption, treachery etc, so no one is pure to lead or stay away from the lime light and who are we to point fingers?!

    • @ex moma what can be epic about a speech that begins with “IF”? Ifs don’t make history. Dora, the explorer – she had her chance to make history and what did she do with it?

      It’s kind of hard to be top notch again after selling out.

    • If wishes were flying pigs!! People can dream !! Delivering a motion outside parliament! LOL

      Dollar Sillier ya munyokola njala and she is missing the money and perks!!

      Sorry, babes, won’t happen. Can’t never.

      You blew you chance by bribing in elections. Best to keep quiet and and appear wise than to open your mouth and reveal f00lishness!

      And iwe chi ex-Moma, please do not compare this has been to MLK. Man has no size.

    • Iwe ka Cindy, grow up. Dora is nobody’s role model. She pooped in herself when she was minister and now she is trying to stand up with the poop behind her. Get lost.

    • Flip-flop is the key word here. Once again, we’ve seen the levels of hypocrisy in our politicians. Not long ago, this lady clown was untouchable when she was in government. She had an opportunity to champion for the change of the constitution. What did she do, she sided with vultures and today she is preaching decency and all blind people jump on the her rhetorical garbage even comparing her to revolutionary saints of Kings speech. My foot. Yes this government has followed the same undemocratic tactics of yet again trying to sleep the constitution under the nose’s of Zambian for their own selfish political machination. Zambians are the worst cowards when it comes to as a matter of principle fighting for what is right for the country’s future. Cry for the beloved Zambia.

    • Hi Cindy
      I completely understand where you are coming from on Dora but..
      Couple of thing:

      -She is no great leader in my assertions at all, She was’leading’ not by virtue of deserving but rather by stumbling into her posts.
      – She has made embarrasing headlines, marital, embezzement and while i understand in you explanation that we shouldnt judge her on that, I find her legacy and contribution diluted as per above point

      Overall the first thing I want to do is protect women and Bembas ( wont get much love on here for saying this, ) but she has polarised my opinion and I it difficult to look at what she had done in the previous regime for me to stand up to her

      She doesn’t appear candid and is what what was wrong in MMD in my opinion.


    • Thank you very much Hon. (yes Hon.) Siliya. PF MPs are the worst lampoons in Africa. They sabotaged your effort for 10 years and now they are bumming around looking for new lies to tell the very silly youth and poor people of Zambia.

      Awe mwandini….

    • Dora though you were part of the regime that never acted to enact a constitution that would curb some of the powers from the president, I support you on these issues you have just raised because they affect every one whether PF or Not unless you are in denial.

      Sata should be warned that Zambian people are not happy with the way he is running the state and are planning to do what ever it can take to remove him from power. If he does not change course now, then I would not be surprised if the soldiers move in to overthrow him.

      Soldiers are watching these sad events unfolding carefully, because both their families and their extended families are equally affected by the government ‘s recklessness.

      It s just a matter of time before they move in to intimidate Sata or possibly remove…

    • @ Mushota,
      I think she has that quality vigour in her that attests to a better polititian! Mushota sometimes being a public figure can bring about certain sentiments meant for laughs be construed as the main thing in our topics. Remeber words are always taken out of context many a times in our lives but they dont define us. I dont think her only sin was to serve under RB, maybe… but every muddy road can lead to a smooth path. Give me a name or any Zambian politician old or current who has never blundered, even just on an international belt? Dora is one of a kind and she is 100% better than Sara Palin, if given a chance she can level up to Hilary Clinton without bringing up her past, so lets give her a chance people!

    • @ Cindy

      I wouldn’t quiet put Hilary Clinton and Dora Siliya in the same sentence.

      On the part of her being misquoted probably, and I agree it is harsh to judge someone on ‘hearsays’, But I dont even think of her more favourable than Masebo who I still despise.

      Of Course there is rehabilitation in any transgressions. One thing I would exceptionally agree is that perhaps she is better person (still don’t know her being a leader) than she was before.

      Unless you have a soft spot for Ms Siliya, are related or have met her I find it slightly eccentric that you espouse someone like her.


    • Iwe ka Cindy, shad up. Wabwekeshapo. Taumfwa ayi? Dora wa fake. She rose from reading news to the bed where she rose through her skate to where she was… so shad up.

    • Mr Speaker, if I were in Parliament…”. The irony of this statement is that she was already in parliament, much longer than the current Speaker. And just why does she have to be in parliament to say or write what she has written? There goes the catch: she’s asking Zambians to send her to parliament again to go and compete with Masebo on who can abuse their office the most.
      Seriously Zambians stop recycling failed politicians until they d!e. If they failed you once, chances are that they fail you twice. In Lozi we say ‘Wasae kasi yenene’ (literally means ‘old habits die hard’). Be warned!

    • I should point out that the preceding quote is a Luyana saying… Luyana is the original ‘undiluted’ language of Barotseland language, ‘Silozi‘ is a mixture of Luyana and ‘Sikololo‘, the later invaders from the South. Cheers!

    • @GEN, I am sure you must have spent a lot of time in 2011 reading propaganda pieces from Fred Mmembe’s Post Newspaper. You may wish to know that it is the nature of man’s world that when a strong woman appears they will always destroy her by calling her a prostitute. It is how they have destroyed women in public life for millenia.
      The Petauke Central election results were nullified not because Dora stole money or any such thing but because Dora said that if Mr. Sata wins he will allow men to marry other men and for distributing Chitenges. Iam sure you know that Mr Sata told even more outlandish lies and by now you are already seeing vitenges being distributed by PF. As for failure I do not think MMD failed. They were in office for 20 years and left Zambia with a growing and strong…

    • When she was in parliament she did not want to debate but was busy flashing the middle fingers at the speaker but now that she is out she wants to debate with hm. The same will happen with those people who are boycotting debates in parliament. They will also be writing letters purporting to be addressing the speaker when they are removed by the voters or the courts of law.

  2. Ba Dora shut up,how different are you from PF MPs and government? Politicians are all the same they lie all the time to get votes….atleast i can see some of the things PF has done from the time they got into Power Ba Dora you were just a thief…You will have your day in court!!

    • @DON JAY: Learn to be realistic than behave like the Dull MPs in parliament. These are facts and it’s about Zambians not opposition. Dora is right, the past has gone, so let us now focus on correcting mistakes. It’s all about the goodness / well-being of our people and the country. I hate to see that We Zambians never get serious with things, talk too much with No facts and Come out as STUPID people. Why can’t we be an example in Africa and change the way we do things? MPs and all Government officials have to be held accountable than go to Parliament to get Fat on the Poor Zambians account. Change your attitude.

    • If a known coward decides to fight a notorious bully, let it be. If a known thief decides to help catch a notorious illusive thief, let it be.

      Dora, you used to irritate me so much when you used to abuse your office to mock Zambians BUT you are still useful to us. Speak out sissy. The truth can come out of a lier.

  3. NEW CONSTITUTION; you couldn’t give us one that would stand the test of time in 20 years you’ve been in power, what the hell are you talking about?

    • Get your facts right!

      It was PF MPs that sabotaged the MMDs effort to get a Constitution through Parliament, again playing party politics instead of heeding the will and needs of Zambians.

      There is the flip-flop party. PF!

    • PF (and their bedfellows UPND) shot MMD new constitution and so what are you talking about? I bet you have just awaken to Zambian politics. The best is to keep quite. It is funny that both PF and UPND have changed their stances.

  4. Ba Dora you even have the balls to say PF is more corrupt than your MMD party.? Are you for real.? What did you do as MMD and a cabinet minister during your time…my answer is Steal, steal ,steal and steal from us so please take a seat. Some of the questions you raise though make sense but I would rather have PF and judge them when their tenure ends than have MMD chaps for 20 solid years.

    • I am more certain that it was more than three zeroes…Do you know that you will cry when you look at our GDP figures, the amounts are crazy…its around 20 billion USD but look at the people’s living standards, while chaps like Dora and her family are getting fat

    • I would rather have MMD and Never PF. PF is the most confused party to have ever assumed power anywhere in the World. Whatever standard you use to judge them, they are still mediocre and terribly below par. This is a Government that should never have been. We dribbled our selves and scored many times in our own goal mouth. Zambians wake up. PF is not worth the status we have bestowed on it. This is crap and marabishi of the highest order. Thank God they will stay but for a short time!

  5. Keep your mouth shut madam Dora, you should be the last person to talk about issues you ar raising especially that you were one of R.Bs right hand people, so close to him you misled him on the constitution making process. Keep your mouth shut plizzzzzzzz!

  6. Dora is back!
    Dora this is the reason that country need you inside the ring! You tell it like it is and I love it. If only that parliament had ten women with your calibre we could have seen the constitution by now. Where are the women of that country, what will you speak of, for, on womens day? What are you going to tell your daughters?
    Shame on you men and especially women who cast the stone on strong assertive females like Dora!
    If the leadership of that country had even half a brain to develop Zambia not only Economically but politically, socially etc, they would have encouragemed more women with this calibre! Yes they want docile women who will nod their heads, kneel for them, bring water for their bath, run hastedly when they call, but the world is changing and so is Zambia

    • Nomba nasumina. Cindy ni Dora nawo Dora ni Cindy. Takwete ifyakuchita. Atase, fuseki, get out of here. You are a thief and you come here to talk about the constitution?

    • softbums Dora who could not be satisfied by her husband, Zamtel saga, Zicta!!!! I will not forget in a hurry!

  7. Umwela onse ba kamba! Court or no court tell it as it is!! No flip flop. Its bi-stable behavior from ba kateka. Shame!

    Well said Dora

  8. Now she wants to play wise ha ? She shouldn`t forget that not too long ago she was in governemnt and they failed to change an efing thing.Just keep quite madam chisusu.

  9. Dear Dora,

    kindly help an ordinary Zambian like me who may not understand fully what you mean when you say the President has too much power that need to be reduced? can you provide a table with at least three columns indicating in the first column all the powers the president has, in the second which powers you would like to see remain, and in the last one comments on why remove or retain certain powers. it sounds academic but educative but simple.

    • Joe,
      You are very interlligent!
      You may wonder why I think so? Well, most Zambians educated or not have no idea what sort of, how much power a head of state should posses and how far he can go with exercising them! Just your nature of thought about this enlightens my soul. It is for this reason that, when various political leaders from different parties are campaiging they should not only talk about what they will do for the people or character assassinate each other but educate the masses on what politics and leadership entails. With great education on such matters, certain vile vices that come with power will be properly handled for the people will be empowered with knowledge. I hope Gen Miyanda, Chipimo, HH, Dr Mumba and Father will read this blog today, very educative indeed

    • @Joe, many thanks for asking Miss Siliya a very pertinent question which needs answers immediately. These are the powers Dora should have asked RB to relinguish, but alas, Dora abused them with impunity. It is too early for Dora to stand at a platform and convince me and of course some intelligent Zambians about anything. Dora did not respect Zambians when she was RB’s right hand lady. So ba Dora, wait for 10 years and lie to the children who are below 10 years now and they will believe you.

  10. Damn Zambians so who should talk then? If all are busy sugarcoating SATA? Let’s get serious and voice ourselves. Forget the past. I never liked Dora but she is right on this? Let’s not pretend that things are good under PF. Actually they are an Embarrassment to all Zambians. PF are a Bunch of liars with no Strategy. Sometimes makes me wonder how intelligent people get so brainwashed to get Dull at the level of the current Zambian Government. Facts Dora. Well Done.

  11. Is it me or just all those asking Dora to” shut it” seem to be the worst kind of human matter that life has ever germinated? I think it’s you guys pounding on her for stating what a decent human being would offload on a bunch of numbnuts, who keep drooling on the contistution which in actual sense could have been passed onto the the public. Or a once and for all statement given on why it’s still hanging instead of every uzeless unimportant cadre have a say about why it’s still in the space!
    Now! If Dora should “shut it” according to your judgement, then the entire leadership of the Zambian political life span should drop dead, for allow me to say all of them since independence, there has been no one apart from a few 1, 2, 3, individuals who carried the day as far as loyalty is…

    • Cindy you are smart, but let me ask you this, would you rather demand for Sata’s head with regards to the constitution issue among others, who has only been in power for roughly 2 half years and judge his performance accordingly.? I am one of the people asking Dora to shut it because she had an opportunity to do the right thing but what did she do.? MMD claims they couldn’t give us a new constitution because PF MPs stood in their way…MMD chaps think we have forgotten how corrupt they were for all those years.? I personally think we should have a scale which we can use to determine who the better devil is between pf and mmd. Cindy remember all politicians are the same. Politics is too important to be left to politicians.

    • @Big L,
      All am saying is… lets hear what Dora is saying before we dimiss her all together because of what she might have done or not. I will not crucify the president just yet for not delivering 95% of what he promised, but lets allow for interlligent follow ups be it debates, or peaceful protests to keep him on his toes! I understand people may not be acceptance of Dora because she was with that team which is partly to blame for what the country is today. I also think this signing over ther constitution of every Jim and Jack kinder gets on my nerves sometimes, but you will have to bear in mind that in a maize field every Rabbit wants to take a bite, so every one will be running about so much that it’s confusing at times to differentiate whose genuine or not.

    • @Cindy well said my lady, maybe the problem is everyone including Dora are busy making noise about the constitution. But I strongly believe pf will give us the constitution which they (mmd) kept on changing clauses to suit themselves. Now lady Cindy lets wait and see. I will own up and concede should pf fail us.

    • @Cindy:

      I think what infuriates people is NOT necessarily the MESSAGE but the MESENGER!

      Dora Siliya was once uniquely placed in govt to influence great decisions. She was one of the trusted ‘CHOLA GIRL’ minister to RB. If she really wanted a new Constitution, she could have ‘song’ the same ‘song’ she is singing now to people like the late George Kunda.

      I am afraid indignities against Zambians by politicians will never end for as long as we keep tolerating people who should have done the right thing when it mattered most. Why is it that politicians only seem to be on the side of ordinary folks after they are politically neutered? Can you just imagine Kabimba pontificating to the next Administration about this same Constitution if he fails to deliver it himself? Crap, right?

    • @ Yamba yamba,
      In short you are saying Zambians in general dont forgive easily? How come others have been forgiven? I know some people must never be allowed an opportunity to steal again, but hey, I have a soft spot for Dora because I feel she has learnt from her mistakes and she is very young to make up for whatever, besides shes a woman that alone gifts her naturally the wisdom to never again betray her judgement. Otherwise, I wouldnt say the same about others whom I wont mention, you are very right they dont need any second chance for then they would only come to finish! I hope Dora will be given a chance and when it happens she will faily execute her duties for the sake of Zambia and not along tribal lines, gender, or friendship, good luck to her!

    • @cindy:

      Trust me, Dora is saying and doing this now to gain people’s confidence—nothing less and nothing more!

      If you have followed arrogant politicians’ careers before, they all tend to behave in like manner. Mess up while in power and act like ‘little Angels’ later. Given another chance, Dora “the explorer” will be back to her old ways.

      Yes, I am sure Zambians are a forgiving bunch. I am one of them. But we are not stup!d to be F00led twice by people whose only interest is transparently self-serving. I can forgive Dora as a person, but I cannot forget what she and her ilk did or failed to do for this country. For who gagged Siliya during MMD to ask the same questions she is asking now? At a minimum, she should first acknowledge her failures before admonition someone…

    • @Cindy (Dora), you are asking that Zambians dont forgive easily? We do, the only problem we are shooting Dora down is because 2 years it too soon for her to open her mouth. Dora is no role model to a lot of us. She abused power with impunity with her RB. It is easy to forget so soon. The next generation will listen to her (you) not us. Like someone said, the message is ok but the messenger should not be Dora please. Her name stinks.

    • No Cindy
      It is not you. It is the folks blinded by regional and ethnic affinities and loyalty which have no tangible accruals and effects on national development save for intangible warm feelings about a lamentably and disastrously failed project called pee off (sorry PF). In short You and Siliya are right and I applaud you both.

  12. Is the price of mealie meal today under PF twice that RB left at K38/25 kg??

    Did Zambians vote for PF to get more money in the pocket, lower taxes and more jobs?

    Did PF promise a constitution in 90 days?

    • Only the an ignorant person with an arrogant mind will not see sense in what Dora is saying. A lot of you just talk on social media of here but Zambia is in a crisis, if you think your voice will be head, please go to parliament or statehouse and present a motion on behalf of all Zambians!! We at a point as a country where every voice that can be heard should speak out, its not where that voice is coming from but what the voice is say. Of the millions of Zambians, we only have less that a thousand public figure who can trigger or influence decisions, so big up Dora not every Zambian is ignorant as those attacking your statement here, we need more pressure for Zambia at 50 years of independece to be meaningful

    • Well, Dora deserves all the scorn and ridicule as a lesson to the current PF, MCS & clueless henchmen like Kabimba. PF, we the people want a new constitution and it is this PF government’s responsibility to deliver it, however scary it may be to your tenure in government.
      Dora lacks moral and ethical standing to be calling for the people driven constitution when just 2 years ago, her and the rest of MMD misfits had an opportunity to save the Zambians from the acrimonous constitution debates and national assembly stand offs happening. Most people are hence pouring scorn on her despite raising serious concerns in her article.
      On the economic side, it is short term consequences of removing subsidies that are not being managed, but the actual positives will come in the longrun.

  13. She is the last person I expected to complain about the new constitution.How long did her party sit on this ? Zambians kept on crying for one while her and her Rupiah were busy getting drunk in state house, and now she wants to cry foul ? Kwena nimwe bachisusu chishinka.

    • @ Saulosi,
      Maybe her eyes are now open so much that she is willing to do what she was expected to. Sometimes they say disasters carry with them great opportunities for a second chance! Should we disband her from helping building the house because last time she carried the brick she let it fail to break in to pieces? Ofcourse not! for this time around she will keep it close with a strong grip not to let it fall to waste. Lets not look back but forward and Dora is still on board to develop Zambia. Yes it may seem as instigating noisy debates over the long awaited constitution to some short sighted people, but remember not every gong makes excruciating irritating sounds, some carry with them sweet melodies if you pay attention!

    • Yeah Saulosi, who sabotaged the process mu MMD? Since you won’t answer, I’ll tell you who, it was your sata and your PF. How ’bout that? What you going to say now?

    • @ Cindy, good observation, however, I wish to refer you to all the UNIP cadres we have given a chance to right up to where PF stands now. Yes, most are turncoats from one dispensation or the other. The problem appears to be that when these politicians are given a second chance they simply modify their cunning ways without showing the change that the second chance demands. A second chance is noble; however I think Zambians have been taken for gullible I.d.i.o.t.s each time they have extended that generosity. Perhaps it is time to move over to a new set of “chancers”. In this case the devil you know may just be shielding the angel you need.

    • @ Kalok,
      Maybe we should then learn from the past and screen the ex offenders extensively before giving them a second chance for we may just blow away a chance to equal the scores! I agree, we have been beaten once too many a time for being so forgiving and now we are paying for it. But remember you can again taste that sumptuous meal after chewing on rotten nuts!
      “The devil you know may just be shielding the angel you need” I love it!

  14. let others speak not Dora. MMD left a lot of issues including constitution. Why didn’t they give us a constitution in 20years they were in power? You politicians you are the same. am not even going to vote in 2016 because i cant see the reason of voting.
    I only praise God because we are still enjoying peace.

    • @ Kamenga, dont you believe in second chance? People do change. Wasnt the current leadership in Chilubas team, even propagating the third term? Now see how they have turned out (depending on which side you are). Dora was in the later part of mmd rule which at least attempted to come up with some semblance of a constitution which was only derailed by the collective opposition vote. How abt those of the current leadership who were part of the first ten years of mmd? What did they do towards the enactment of a people driven constitution?

  15. This is HYPOCRICY at its best. Politicians are a STRANGE BREED of humans indeed!

    Can you just imagine Kabimba saying the same DAMN thing years from now if the PF fails to give us the Constitution? That would be an insult to our collective intelligence as citizens of this country, wouldn’t it?

    Yah, “the past is gone…blah, blah, blah,” but aren’t people supposed to OWN and take RESPONSIBILITY for their past? Yet, none of these “proud for nothing fat cats” from the MMD era seem to want to ‘own up’ to their failures and injustice they inflicted on this country. I know we are all entitled to free speech and free expression of opinion as citizen of Zambia, but there are just certain individuals who will do us all a GREAT FAVOR by just sh!ting it—Dora Siliya is one of them!

    • @dudelove we are not kids…you expect a grown up man with sweaty balls to believe that sata, pf mps stood in their way.? why didn’t sata and pf stand in their way and stop them from looting.? Get real Dude.

    • @dudelove:

      Well, following Ghanaian politics wasn’t such a bad thing for my nerves after all than MMD treachery.

      That said, now tell me how the “PF sabotaged the process”? The MMD had all the numbers they needed in Parliament to do anything and everything they wanted on the Constitution. MMD poached all the PF MPs they needed plus near all (if not all) UPND MPs to pass any motion on the Constitution if they really wanted to do so. So what “Sabotage” are talking about? Or are you just saying this now, like a true disciple of prophet HH, who thinks everything MMD did was perfect simply because PF is in power now?

      Bro dudelove, at least I wasted my time on Ghanaian politics learning, but with you it seems you wasted your time just ‘scratching your pair’ and observed nothing!

    • Scratching nuts is preeetttty enjoyable dude. Blab all you want, you wankers are on your way out. The incompetence of your leader and government is surreal and beyond compare. Like it or not and whether they stole or not, life under MMD was waaaaaayyy better than under these clueless bozos. I should know, I live here and I pay taxes. You live over there and have the comfort of being theoretical without going through this poo you call a government. sata can never ever be a leader and it speaks volumes about your reasoning where you would defend to the death a president who CANNOT face his own people and would rather Facebook you chaps. Thats just wrong and you know it. A chap who assures diplomats about the constitutions and ignores Zambians and you defend this?? Please guys!!








    • Bushe tapaba ama small letters pa computer yenu? Please use small letters. It is just polite and more professional to do so.

    • It’s called freedom of expression! No matter how grammatically wrong or inconsistent one is! That’s the price we pay for using technology instead of Handwriting! Elyo naileya handwriting pantu Teacher wa handwriting ali mukali!

  17. Zambians also know that there are more roads than what KK left. You don’t have to be an economist to know that when you spend money on infrastructure building then you are putting more money in circulation and currency will not remain the same. Developed countries like America and Britain can afford to seat back and not build anything because they have already all the infrastructure they need. We have no roads, no sewer systems, not enough electrical energy, no running water in our homes and we want to seat back and be happy about the exchange rate of the kwacha to a dollar. We are truly hunter gatherers who just want to remain the same for centuries!

  18. Look who is talking, this ***** should be the last one to comment on such issues. What did she and other imbeciles do with the 20 yrs? just steeling i guess. Let those with short memories and small brains support your hypocritical statements, given a chance to be in government you can still behave the same, so stop annoying us by shutting your stinking mouth *****!

  19. Dora you are partly the reason why we do not have a new people driven constitution. You could have written the same while serving in mwanawasa’s or rb’s govts but alas you chose to be boosting about your bums in katete.

    I have nothing against what you have written, my only observation is that your call or timing is rather selfish. Why now?

    Individuals once voted into governance should respect their tenure of office and remember important national expectations.

    PF the ball is in your hands , currently people are appraising you on key performance indicators and come 2016 people will speak out, for or against.

  20. Well said Dora, with DSTV subscription now at 491 awe Sata is killing us.No wonder some of cried when he was announced winner we knew what to expect

    • I for one wouldnt blame Sata for Dstv and other wants which are never needs! You can simply turn the tables around against the providers yourselves! Look at it this way, gather rich zambian enterprenuers who would come up with a private TV station like DSTV, or even less but provide important programmes aswell as entertaining ones to destress.
      Fight the temptation of subscribbing to Dstv, in no time they will reduce their fees and improve service, if not, help improve ZNBC to an international professional standards, build quality in Jounalism. Take that responsibility yourselves, certain things are not caused by the head of state but by you the zambian people, you design and equip every area of your life! Quit pointing fingers and act now, not brutally but decisively and stop being…

    • Earth to Cindy, he means the Kwacha’s depreciation to K6 to $1. He’s not really talking about provision of TV services.

    • Iwee ka Kaluba DSTV is a luxury and even if it is K1,000 it is not imporatnt. We are discussing the constitution, mealie meal prices, windfall tax and more disposable income for majority Zambians and you are talking DSTV? You are totally fake! In any case PVR is 520, but so what? Learn to debate serious issues that affects people’s day to day lives than DSTV. Mwaice iwee, just watch TV!

    • My God Mundetelele did you not see my comment to Cindy??? Kaluba is lamenting about the depreciation of the kwacha and is using DSTV as a euphemism! Kaluba, a little help here please!

    • @Cindy and Mundetele I do not take kindly for PF to take away the luxury that my kids and I once enjoyed all because of gross incompetence. If they concentrated on working like their predecessor did instead of lies for breakfast lunch and supper like KK used to say we would not be in this mess.I am extremely upset that the so called “clever Zambians” that carried black pens to the polling station contributed to the suffering we are going through. PF has no clue of what they doing ruling by decree creating district after district instead of following the national development plan.Wake up you two smell the coffee

  21. One thing I have learnt through my life is to appreciate good contribution from anyone. Jesus once said to a woman ” Woman has anyone condemned you?” and the Woman answered ” None” Then Jesus said ” Neither do I. Go and never sin again” Who are we then to condemn Dora for our perceived misdeeds she committed? What is important is her contribution. Does it make sense or not? Do we agree with what she is saying or not? Dont look at which group she belonged before but her contribution now. Was Mr. Sata not a member of both UNIP and MMD before he formed PF? Should we continue holding his previous associations gainst him? # Mushota and Gen learn to debate issues instead of being parrots for PF. I respect your opinion but for once give us better debate than your usual crap.

  22. It is surprising that just after two years pipo expect to see all the changes promised by PF. Those of you who voted because you believed in what politicians said are shocked. who in his normal senses will believe things can be done in 90 days? It was a political slogan and those of you who believed remain shocked. MMD was in power for 20 years did they give us a constitution? May Dora also compare the prices of Mealie meal and Fuel left by MMD to that which UNIP left. Corruption, why are so many MMD fellows appearing in court and not UPND,NAREP, ADD, HERITAGE etc?

    • So what made you vote for them if it were not promises they made? Anywhere in the World Politicians are voted into power over their promises? What criteria did you use to vote PF into power if it was not what they promised? The constitutional issue is not about 90 days but their U turn over it! They are now telling us that it is not a priority when the whole campaign or a least 90% of it was based on the constitution. Well, For PF zealots who have no ability to think on their own (but depend on the great leader to think for them) they can wait until the great leader produces an animal driven constitution. Some of us are in a hurry to have people driven constitution that Mr. Sata denied us when he was in UNIP and MMD and which he is continuing denying us even now. continue supporting PF

  23. All nice words, but look who is talking now? Dora, of all people! She has no moral authority on this issue as others have already indicated above. Why is it that Zambians seem to be all the sudden wiser when they are in the opposition?

    This is what is k!lling this country and all its fabrics. It goes like this:

    A person is trusted with the authority/power to rule and change things for the better for everyone. Instead they go in and selfishly only think about their riches. When all the power ends, gain they think of the ordinary people.
    Unfortunately the same ordinary people get snckered in and start sympathising with the same self!sh hyp0crites. No wonder we end up with recycled politicians over and over… refer to case study example below.

    • 1. Sata is a humble person who works hard for his family by sweeping the tunnels of the London subway;
      2. He joins UNIP government and all of a sudden he a demi-god who is almost untouchable;
      3. He is out of UNIP and is in the MMD opposition again he is a likable ‘people’s man
      4. He joins MMD government, and suddenly he is a god who wants to be worshipped… doesn’t listen to anyone.;
      5. He is out of MMD government and he in the PF government and he vows to do anything under his power to improve people’s livelihood, oh what a man!
      6. He becomes President, and all of a sudden he into the worst enemy of the people, ever..

      This is the story of a Zambian politician and the easily cheated electorates. Dora can che@t some people, but not me.

    • Apologies, point #5 should read: “<5. He is out of MMD government and he in the PF Opposition and he vows to do anything under his power to improve people’s livelihood, oh what a man!

      Please correct the other grammatical errors. The moral of the story here is: Dora is no different from Sata, except in gender only.

  24. You mean you are still in politics? I thought i had seen you reading news on Muvi TV and saluted you for going back to your God given profession. Sorry ba dora there is literally nothing you can tell us about constitution making. You had an opprtunity to do so but you squandered it. You chose to take the corruption route and all you could do with your Rupiah was STEAL, STEAL, STEAL, STEAL AND STEAL. If Liato who was just a minister for casual workers could afford to bury K2,000,000,000.00, what about you who was even getting free airport radars on behalf of Rupiah? TONDOLO MUSUMA BA DORA. Nganamupya, tampeniko fye ukufula ngaulya bapost bakopele ku show yakwa Fally Ipupa tizakutengani for short time and pay you something aini.

  25. Way to go Dora! We need more of your generation to stand up for our people, most of us have our arms folded whilst the Madalas’ who retired 20 years ago return to take charge. How do we expect modernisation to take effect in such a competitive world with old mindsets? It is all Madalas night!

  26. What Is your concern? Is it Dora or what Dora is saying? It’s like throwing the baby with the bath water.

    • It is Dora. What she is saying is perfectly regit… maybe she should have handed over what she is saying to someone else who is not tainted. Coming from her sounds hollow… a case of Peter Chishala‘s Ba Church Elder… Google it and listen to it on Youtube if you have not heard the song.; its about hypocrisy.

  27. LOL!
    Zambians do have short memories… No wonder we are so academic,.someone writes a piece of article which everyone else would have done, as it is right there in their face, and everyone is clapping and before we know it,..

    This,…. Coming from Dora??? Where was she during her time in MMD???


    What next?! Muhabi Lungu “academically” beating Miles Sampa in a debate on TV, When Miles Sampa is CLEARLY working hard and results are showing as Matero MP…..!! I’m tired of all this letters/articles/talking/theoretical crap!!

    RESULTS are what matter at the end of the day… That said, the PF do need to pull up their socks.

  28. Dora and her bunch of MMD and UPND gluttons must be rounded up and caged for having squandered colossal money on useless National Constitution Conference. Where are they getting the courage to push PF for a constitution? Their useless NCC gobbled huge sums of money which would have been put to good use to develop the country. The PF government is now trying hard to change the land scape across the country in terms of development. Had the MMD regime done much to bring development, PF government would not have found rubble as if the country had been plunged in a protracted war.

  29. Martin Luther King Junior was a noble person whose push for emancipation of black people and equal rights in the USA has paid off. Likening Dora to Dr. King is a manifestation of delirium. Martin Luther king was noble. Dora is ignoble.

  30. I think if you have to judge others, you have to start with yourself. We all have issues; ‘skeletons’, for lack of better tame, that are hidden in our lives. We cannot point fingers at those whose issues are in public domain because ours are hidden. Having said that, i think Dora has highlighted factual issues affecting our country, that should not be ignored or viewed in the light of her personal shortcomings.
    While i believe and uphold high moral values, i still believe we can debate critical national issues without being sidetracked by personalities, sects, ethnicity etc. This can help move our country forward.

  31. Am no big fan of Dora Siliya, i ve always had something against her character and arrogance especially when she was in power. But if am to be level headed, this is a great speech by Dora. I hope she has learnt how it feels when you are not in power and fighting for a just cause but those in power deliberately turn a blind eye to it. Fellow bloggers the issues raised by Dora here are of cardinal concern and it does not do us any good by attacking her days in MMD. this is the same reason why we unanimously voted for PF to give us what they promised and the constitution is one of them. MMD is gone and those who had a hand in destroying our nation are already facing the law, what we have is PF and we must at all cost make them fulfill their campaign promises.

  32. Kalaba you have made my day DSTV nai nina sana ayi kikikiki kekekeke hihihi! Wa li basa mu ka iwee!

  33. …… “it’s not even about whether the President is competent or not”…… Dora, 2014.

    Ms Siliya be brave and say it, this is what all this borders on, for real it is competence issue with correct and timely decision making. Yes, Ms Siliya your article is well thought through. However, your past image is and character makes it difficult to reconcile with you now thinking. We would have not reached this stage only if you did the right thing then.

  34. Ladies and gentlemen,Please let us read and analyse what Dora has said instead of talking about her past because we all sin at one time or another.To me i see a lot of sense in her speech despite her bad past.Please take the best and leave the rest.Who can say that the economy is doing fine,who can say meal meal is cheaper today,who can say the dollar is at K4.75 and to you all she has said is bad because of her past.We can only develop once we see things clearly and support the best no matter who has said it.The truth pains!

    • The issue here is Dora, not what she has said. Let others speak and not her please. Cilefwayafye attention ici chanakashi. Tondolo musuma bane.

  35. I have been following the constitution debate very closely.However what I am failing to comprehend is the release of the draft itself.We are busy second guessing on the contents with the Chiefs now joining the bandwagon.My plea would be to the Zambian people to demand that the Technical Committee releases this very important draft to allow us to debate intelligently.I will only say the PF has failed us if they reject the constitution process after it is SUBMITTED.Yes lets pressure for the release then its from there that we are going to go to the next stage.We should be asking the the technical Committee to come clean and deliver.We gave them work and it is the results of their work we should be calling for.Then if the PF doctors the document then I will say they have failed us.

  36. Mushota,
    I used to enjoy your postings but not anymore. You’re boastful, your political inclination is horrible, your writing has room for improvement… You’re just pathetic these days. Dora Siliya is quite honorable. And she’s smart. You just can’t take away that from her. Did I mention how beautiful Dora is? To die for, my friend. The complete opposite of your profile pic.

  37. Dora she didn’t go to school. Here is a leaf from my Grade 5 Civics lesson. The National Assembly is when the house (Parliament) meets the President. This happens when the President is opening parliament. Her first 2 questions are silly purposeless and not meaNT to be answered I think. I read them and decided not to waste my time reading the rest of the gibberish. If this is the kind of opposition we have then I know now why the PF is ruling.

  38. Two issues:

    Firstly, on the issue of the new Constitution, no amount of “massaging” the facts and no amount of “spin” to the fact that Party election Manifesto did promise new “People Driven Constitution in 90 days”, and that it is a fact as it is a fact that based on the Party promises in its Election Manifesto were repeated on daily basis on radio, TV and of course in the Post.
    There is no argument on above facts and anybody who denies the same, denies that after Night there is always New Dawn.
    Majority of voters believed Party promises and decided that the Party represented PEOPLE ASPIRATIONS for ONE ZAMBIA based on the principles of Fundamental Rights and Natural Justice.
    How sad that they aspirations are now treated as a “gimmick” given to “mentally challenged”?

    • “s it true Zambians believe that the PF is more corrupt than any other government..that Zambians believe the PF is the most untrusted government since independence” sounds more like admission that also her Party leadership enjoyed fruits of the corruption. From 1991 to 2011.
      What she is conveniently avoiding to say, that her own Party won on the promises of ONE ZAMBIA, FREE ZAMBIA, PROGRESS, DEVELOPMENT, HONESTY, JUSTICE.
      Success of failure of those exciting days and dreams were judged by the People of Zambia in 2011.

      In 2011 People of Zambia realized power of their right to vote.

      Let us hope that after almost 50 years of Independence, Zambians get theirs Constitution which shall guide Country to better future, justice and freedoms.

  39. If you think this cpountry is backward and should have been better, then look at nost comments on this topic.

    Like the ever !!!intelligent!!! (!=reverses the meaning) Mushota, whoever she is be glad she is not your woman! Surely, many people do not look at Dora in a fabvoarable way, she did things that even her is not roud of.

    But if you have even half of a monkey’s brain, you will see that she is right: Just because she was/ is corrupt is irrelevant, it does not even matter that she does not believe in what she said, rather it matters that she has raised serious questions that highlights our plight!

    Ask yourself if we as Zambians do really need the Constitution and if we do, does it matter if someone, anyone, says we should be given that particular constitution?

  40. Not surprisingly a large number of comments are pissed not because of the message, but by the messenger, Dora. Knowingly her exploits while in government detract heavily on what she says here, though it’s a sensible and succinctly put demand for Zambians to elected officials mu Parliament. Yes, we all make mistakes but the fact is she chooses to be the ‘holier than thou’ spokesperson for a bunch of corrupt individuals who have themselves plundered and switched sides just to maintain positions of power so as to continue the decay we as Zambians despise and suffer at their hands. Comparisons to MLK are poppycock; it brings to mind a quote by the man (MLK): “judge a man by the content of his character..” Thusly, people are doing just that, it’s only natural.

  41. I think the issue is not whether what she says makes sense. Any ***** can at times make sense, depending on the circumstances and what they may want to get. For me, Dora is clearly someone who’s ‘sweet talk’ should be taken with a pinch of salt and cannot be trusted. ‘Unprincipled’, comes to mind. Just like a lot of people currently in power who can’t speak the truth, even if they know it, because they are in a position of comfort. Standing up for justice and what is right, should not depend on what has ‘since happened to you’.

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