Saturday, June 1, 2024
Home Saileti laments Nkana defeat to Zesco

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  1. I am puzzled…. what does the table show about the standings of these teams??
    * The defeating champions lost 1-0 at Nkana Stadium
    * winless run against fifth placed Zesco
    * Nkana still seven points behind second placed Zesco

  2. Lusaka times,do you have an editor who approves these stories before they are uploaded or its who ever has a story and wants to upload can do so. I think its time to improve bane.The observations made by Kanjimaano are very correct.You are just confusing us.People read your site very much and can not be confused by you people.In case you did not know, the output of your work determines the calibre of people at Lusaka times.

  3. I hope Nkana wl win at Nchanga coz things will not be good and please I would sugest Nkana breaks after this weekend,s game to give time to recover fully coz they have a big one pa Cilata with Alhy of Egypt.

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