Monday, June 3, 2024
Home ActionAid urges Zambian government to share findings of KCM audit

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    • I just saw Sara on the Znbc 19 hours news.My God he looks healthy.Haters like Ndobo,Wanzelu,Jay Jay,Engineer and that broken English boy Nostradamus must be ashamed of themselves.

    • I just saw Sata on Znbc 19 hours main news ,oh God he looks healthy.Haters like Ndobo,Wanzelu,Jay Jay,Engineer and that broken English user called Nostradamus must be licking their behinds now in shame.

    • @Gwen
      Good for you that your Sata has resurrected as Sara from his death bed,,,,,,,,,keep praying so that next time you at least hear his voice when he is stup!ding his ministers

    • ActionAid is an international non-governmental organization whose primary aim is to fight poverty and injustice worldwide @Mushota

      This is truly a classic story how the west gets richer from african resources as the ingiduous suffer. Just as Glencore who has a net worth of $232.689 billion refused to pay $350 million for operating the Mopani mines to the Zambian people and ended up giving it to the Swiss instead. I don’t think ActionAid nor any other NGO can do anything about KCM simply because Fujairah Gold has enough net worth ( just like Glencore) to be part of what I call a Privet Empire. And Privet Empires run governments and control what happens in Zambia, United States , EU, United Kingdom and the rest of the world. So ask yourself what can you really do about it ?

    • That’s why you’re dull, because you argue even for the right thing,you pretend as if you know nothing. Tokkwene kabotu

  1. Don’t worry Action Aid, government will show still pictures @ 19:00hrs ZNBC main news of their findings at KCM.

    Full of Bull!

  2. Sata has not fully recuperated from his near death sickness and, his sudden recent public appearance is, but another PF attempt designed to mislead the masses that Sata’s state of health is alright, yet the opposite is true. Sata is completely frail and weak, thus, he is not fit to rule Zambia and a thick dark cloud is hanging over his forehead. He must do an honourable thing by elementarily pledging to resign and, subsequently relinquishing the reigns of power to a younger man with a vision. It is disgusting for any party with a reasonable leadership to parade a sick patient with an incurable chronic disease before the entire world and, simultaneously assure the audience that he (Sata) will rule his followers without any biasness. He must pack his luggage and leave.

    • @boom
      you are right my brother, cudnt have put it differently. these minions went on to tell a serious lie that sata chaired a cabinet meeting without supporting photos or even a video clip but they decide to post old photos. I suspect sata is dead and they are buying time in order to cover up their tracks coz they know that they are going and will certainly be investigated

    • ## 4.2 matipa
      The truth and the PF are incompatible, therefore, it is our onus to instil morals in the PF hierarchy and its disciples. If we pretend that the general public is ware of the wrongs which are perpetuated by the PF hooligans, then we are equally guilty of corruption and crimes against humanity in Zambia. The PF has transformed and distorted all facets of social life in Zambia and, the criminal justice system has been restructured in such a manner that it criminalises almost all actions of private citizens, except when private citizens execute criminal activities in favour of PF. Then it follows that such actions/behaviours are not sanctioned by the corrupt PF criminal justice system. Thus, I am of the view that it is the responsibility of everyone to be vocal and stubborn.

  3. demons wil neva stop talking about Sata even if he adressed thousand ralies or press comferences today u stil talk the samething thats the nature of the demons,they wil never repernt to God there end is the lake of fire.they ar making sure dat whey deceive as many people as posible whom to go with to hell so i cant blame u because u ar not yourself,u ar demons which ar not fresh but spirit in nature.for Gods sake how do a normal human being celebret wen is fellow is sick? eventhough u had differences or GRZ has been hiding n not being truthful y cant u wait 4time to catch up with them? then you take the way foward.moreover this story is about ACTION AID but u ar busy talking about Sata .for once y cant u divide tim for politics n serious work?wen ar we going to work n develop as…

  4. Have they completed the audit, or have they completed the audit ***report***? Those are different things. When the audit is finished they start writing the report

  5. Leave Sata out of this.Others want to know whats actionaid is and others need to know which one comes 1st btwn findings and a report.KCM audit people not Sata.

  6. Sata is a dead man walking, that is if he is strong enough to lift his carrot-like wobbly thin legs. Sata’s lips collapsed due to being gravely ill and, the demons which are haunting him have brought about unexpected and unwanted metamorphosis in his inner cycles. We will continue to conduct a longitudinal study about Sata problematic lifestyle and, this is a rare study which is likely to take about 4 years. His boastful and fake approach has birthed many opportunities in research-led education sector. Notwithstanding, his disciples will never exploit such chances insofar as to maximise their would-be benefits. Such inabilities are due to unnecessary pride and lack of quality reasoning in terms of sieving facts from concoctions, especially the predominantly Bemba PF. Sata is a zombie

  7. Zambians just accept that you are plain dumb. us investors like exploiting your cheap labour and we make ourselves wealthy by controlling your resources. we promise to leave your country after the resources have been significantly plundered

  8. Please people of Mother Zambia, can we for once please be serious? This is a serious matter. That is why we are never taken serious by anyone because for us everything is about politics and who talks loudest. Come on people – wise up. And I thought Pamela Chisanga was Country Director of Action Aid and not Spokesperson.

  9. It appears Christopher Yaluma has soft spot for Vendata. Has he chewed too much bribes?. ACTION AID should monitor his bank accounts because I am beginning to smell something fishy.

    He says nationalising KCM is out of the question, how come govt nationalise Zamtel?

  10. This is truly a classic story how the west gets richer from african resources as the ingiduous suffer. Just as Glencore who has a net worth of $232.689 billion refused to pay $350 million for operating the Mopani mines to the Zambian people and ended up giving it to the Swiss instead. I don’t think ActionAid nor any other NGO can do anything about KCM simply because Fujairah Gold has enough net worth ( just like Glencore) to be part of what I call a Privet Empire. And Privet Empires run governments and control what happens in Zambia, United States , EU, United Kingdom and the rest of the world. So ask yourself what can you really do about it ? Our politician never look at the bigger picture, they never get to the root of the problem and the people are only worried about his health…

  11. This is truly a classic story how the west gets richer from african resources as the ingiduous suffer. Just as Glencore who has a net worth of $232.689 billion refused to pay $350 million for operating the Mopani mines to the Zambian people and ended up giving it to the Swiss instead. I don’t think ActionAid nor any other NGO can do anything about KCM simply because Fujairah Gold has enough net worth ( just like Glencore) to be part of what I call a Privet Empire. And Privet Empires run governments and control what happens in Zambia, United States , EU, United Kingdom and the rest of the world. So ask yourself what can you really do about it ? Our politician never look at the bigger picture, they never get to the root of the problem and the people are only worried about …

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