Sunday, June 2, 2024
Home Barack Obama calls for a new model of partnership between Africa and America

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  1. …….“Mr Obama said African leaders at the summit pledged to step up efforts in pursuing reforms that attracted investment”….I wonder if our UNEDUCATED PF colleagues (according to the Mwembeshi Reject Wynter) truly understand the meaning of this statement by Mr Obama?

  2. hahahaha @Obatala.

    Your friends (Journalists) are working. Bad reporting for sure!!! I wonder which schools these guys go to.

    All eyes of the West especially Europe r on Africa. Europe ve nothing to offer they ve to go back to there colonies….!!! Welcome home to Africa !!!

  3. What partnership? When he has protectionist policies. …Obama is just a trojan horse and puppet. ..we have nothing in common with him.

  4. Ah!!!!!!!!!!!! Stay away far from us you kill us many years we dont want your policy
    how many policy you creaty for us? you do in oder to finish us your kill Gadafi and many more Know you you call us your friend we are not .

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