Tuesday, June 18, 2024

ULP still a force to reckon with in Zambian politics, Sakwiba Sikota


The opposition United Liberal Party (ULP) has put in place programmes that would enable the party compete favourably in the 2011 general elections.

ULP president, Sakwiba Sikota, said the party has embarked on a daily recruitment membership’s exercise.

Mr. Sikota said in an interview in Lusaka today that the party membership has been growing since the recruitment exercise started.

He added that a lot of people have shown interest of joining the opposition ULP.

He also said the party has put in place continuous programmes that would help in developing the party’s manifesto.

Mr. Sikota further said that ULP has been informing Zambians on what the party’s intentions were and what the party would stand for in 2011.

He said ULP has also been participating and contributing to different national issues affecting the country.

He said, with the different programmes put in place, the party would make the party much stronger by 2011.

Mr. Sikota noted that ULP was still a force to reckon with in the country’s politics, adding that the people of Zambia should not look down on the party.

He said the ULP was still very popular and that the party had support not only in Lusaka but also in other parts of the country.



  1. I thought Sakwiba Sikota had rejoined the MMD if my memory serves me right? Has RB denied him a ministerial post? Yaba!

  2. YABA. Bo Sakwiba always riding on other people’s effort. Firstly on Mazoka’s, then on Sata’s and last year on RB’s. Your party is only popular in your diary.

  3. On “Mr. Sikota noted that ULP was still a force to reckon with in the country’s politics, adding that the people of Zambia should not look down on the party”, I can only wish Mr Sakwiba Sikota and his ULP all the very best in his future endeavours.

    If Mr Sikwiba Sikota you fail to make it with your ULP, please consider going back to your original political party the mighty UPND like the Biblical prodigal son went back to his father’s home when he could make it alone wherever he went to enjoy himself alone after taking a portion of his father’s resources.

    May the good Lord God bless you, Mr Sikota.

  4. Zambia sweet mother Zambia
    your freedom you give has been seen by your children participation in national duties
    now Mr Sikota you luck confidence
    how do you say pipo shud not look down. its becoz u do look down on it
    en popularity is not sung but seen
    wish you all the best as you come number ……………….
    Zambia sweet mother Zambia
    i love en miss you

  5. If Sakwiba drinks beer i was going to say he was drunk & uttered those words in a bar at the counter.Sakwiba should concwtrate on his diminishing business & leave politics.The character has completely nothing to offer apart from being a hired gun for Bwezani atase!

  6. #5….thats a good one, the party is only popular in his diary! The best Sakwiba can do is re-join UPND, settle down and contest whatever post he likes. ULP???? well, even PF was this small in 1996….lets wait and see.

  7. #12 Mikomfwa
    There is a wide range of professions among the contributors to this site. Some are politicians, some are technicians while others like Abigail just enjoy the boundlessness of being Zambian.
    There are no restrictions to the form of expression, whether poetry or parables, as long as the words are not offensive.
    I personally hope she continues to grace this site with her poetic analysis. Good day.

  8. let the man do what he has to do! Its his right, everyone is free in zambia. In any case you never know where this country is heading. Good luck to all with good intentions.

  9. Iwe maestro thats typical UPND cadre mentallity. Why should he rejoin UPND? What is there to go back to? Saki soldier on!

  10. Here Hon Sikota you have gotten it wrong ,lone voices are mere detour to national development.You and General Miyanda should consider forming a humanitarian NGO, not running lone political parties….

  11. Saki’s sh*t is hilarious. But hey he got to find attention somewhere. Not in the Copperbelt Province. Seriously speaking Saki will never evolve, he is facing extinction

  12. Saki please have some pride and run your own Political Party. Stop tap dancing to MMD tunes during election times. Be an OPPOSITION leader and take charge of your own flock. Saki, Miyanda, Edith, Ngondo and Nevers are big disappointments. These people don’t inspire confidence in me at all. This is pitiful.

  13. I have no comment. Abena Saki tamwaba serious muletafye ichinfulunganya pa ZED.
    You recruit people to day and tomorrow you abandon them and leave your party without any word or direction.

  14. This guy has been a dissapointment. Cant say much because everyone is using him like you know………. that thing you throw away after ……….??? We had a great VP under the UPND in Saki but he has worked out of sheer hatred of HH and insecurity to discredit the UPND. He is too petty and i hope he changes for the better. He lacks the humility and objectivity of Patrick Chisanga who i think the UPND should take Humble pie and coerce him to return. My 3 cents only.

  15. Which Zambia is he talking about? the 700ksqm? Or Livingstone? Wont be surprised if we see him at Chainama riding an imaginary Presidential Motorcade. Uleibepafye, just ask RB to reward you.

  16. What the hell is this man talking about , he sounds like a brken record. Typical politician.
    Waste of time and space.

  17. What measaures is he talikgn about, please give example so that we know wahat you mean.
    I find it so frustrated with these no good for nothing politicians.Why go in a job if you dont know jack Sh—t.

  18. This political drifter and prostitute was recently in New York in the Rupiah Banda sponsored delegation to the women’s meeting! That was his reward for supporting Rupiah!! At least his brother AKA got Rupiah to “pay a courtesy call” on his mother at the just-ended Kuomboka. It must be tough to prostitute one’s principles for a “few pieces of silver”!!!


  20. This one heck of a lawyer I liked to listen to during the 3rd term bid by Kafupi & I used to enjoy his pronouncements as they were so wise. Over time something has happened to him such that listening to him I wonder if he is normal. He says “ULP is ‘still’ a force to reckon with”. Fact is it has never been anything except in his head. He is a real nowhere man going nowhere. The last Presidential election actually showed that he is just a department of the MMD. Saki u r a let down to some of us who expect much more than what u come to be. & yet u had so much promise. What a shame!

  21. Really, some people are too useless, I wish you can just do some other things not politics. In politics now we do not need bamuselela ukwakaba or bomuselela siliba please. Saki you have failed politics maybe just open an NGO. You are really a let down in our society and I think no one will ever trust you again in zambia. You have no principle at all in your life, thats why Mr Sata chased you from from pf and even Lubinda abandoned you because of your mentality. For me personally am very disappointed with you because I use to trust you so much. Just take a rest my dear brother no one believes in you any more.

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