Friday, June 14, 2024

There is plot to kill Katele Kalumba-Chief Puta


Senior Chief Puta of the Bwile people of Chienge District in Luapula,in action during last year's Bwilile Ceremony at his palace.
Senior Chief Puta of the Bwile people of Chienge District in Luapula,in action during last year's Bwilile Ceremony at his palace.

SENIOR Chief Puta of the Bwile people has said there is a plot by some senior MMD officials to harm the party’s national secretary Katele Kalumba.

The traditional leader charged yesterday that a clique of anti-Rupiah Banda MMD officials has ganged up and mooted a plan to sideline Dr Kalumba from participating in the forthcoming MMD party convention.

Chief Puta has also appealed to the people of Luapula to remain calm over Dr Kalumba’s five-year jail sentence by a Lusaka Magistrate’s Court for alleged corrupt practices.

Chief Puta said in a statement yesterday that although many hearts are aggrieved by the judgement, they should remain calm and wait for the due process of the courts following the appeal.

Dr Kalumba and three others were on Friday released from prison after the Magistrate Court granted them each K500 million bail in their own recognisance.

[pullquote]He said last month he received a message from a named deputy minister who confirmed that there was a plot in the MMD by some people to ensure that Dr Kalumba is blocked from being available for the 2011 MMD convention because they are afraid of him politically.[/pullquote]

Chief Puta alleged that some people were keen to see the downfall of Dr Kalumba by politicising his conviction and that they were the same people working against President Banda.
He alleged that the plan was to extinguish all the strong supporters surrounding President Banda so that he remains exposed and weakened.

He said last month he received a message from a named deputy minister who confirmed that there was a plot in the MMD by some people to ensure that Dr Kalumba is blocked from being available for the 2011 MMD convention because they are afraid of him politically.

“The plot started in 2005 before President Banda ascended to the presidency, the plotters had a meeting in Lusaka, even as late as Tuesday last week, they had a meeting in Kabulonga, we are aware about that,” Chief Puta said.

The chief said as a family, they have resolved to support the leadership of President Banda and that they will not change their position now.

Meanwhile MMD Lusaka Province chairperson William Banda has said that it is wrong to politicise Dr Kalumba’s conviction.

And last week, Evangelical Youth Alliance International president Moses Lungu advised the opposition Patriotic Front to respect Dr Kalumba and desist from making wrong impressions about him.
He said Dr Kalumba has demonstrated under difficult circumstances that he is a leader and has the spirit of uniting the country.

Dr Kalumba filed a notice of appeal against his conviction and sentence.
The other three released on bail are former Ministry of Finance permanent secretary Stella Chibanda and defunct Access Financial Services Limited directors Faustin Kabwe and Aaron Chungu.

[Zambia Daily Mail]


  1. Can we as a natiön know who these people are i hope it is not the judge who sent him to prison you are talking about yo chief my man?

  2. Is this the confirmation of the cracks that are in existence in the MMD? People of Zambia, however, should not be hoodwinked by Kalumba’s supporters who use conspiracy theories in their attempts to support him. If someone is in the wrong they should face the consequences. They should be punished for their crimes irrespective of their connections or where they come from. Otherwise there will be lots of sacrificial lambs and sacred cows in the country. Zambia should be moved away from the circus that it is now.

  3. Iwe PUTA, thats why you the traditional chiefs are easily fooled and given K1m bribe to support something that is un-ethical.

    KaKa (Katele) Stole together with his short BOSS FTJ. Both should be in jail.Kaka Stole period ba PUTA. Chief lament and blame him, he took money meant for development of Luapula and the other provinces.

  4. FTJ Chiluba (The BIG Thief) and his tandem of thieves should be refered to by the rightful term- THIEVES.
    Genuine and right thinking Zambians have a right to comment on the conviction of these thieves as they stole from us- The People of Zambia.
    This has nothing to do with politics though the MMD government would like us to believe that theft of public resources is okey as long as you support the MMD.
    Let the law take its course as these convicts are entitled to appeal up to the Supreme Court which is why the People of Zambia have been calling for the appeal of the BIG thief’s questionable acquital.

    Only time will tell.

  5. Katele is lucky Tetamashimba is gone,he could have released a statement by now that MMD cannot have a convicted criminal for chief executive of the party
    This ka chief also,,,,how does he expect to be respected with such innuendos,ndiye tumfwiti utu,bamusela kwakaba,pumbafu,,,,atase ati ka chief,akalitole ukufomfontala

  6. This chief does not understand that the case in which Kalumba and other have been jailed for back dated to the very time he (Kalumba) was fiancial minister = a monkey in charge of a maize field.
    It is annouyance to learn that he was over paying the already rich American company = Imporverishing the Zambian people. This is the same man who was dancing celebrating the end of gvt mining. Paving way for foreigners to siforn monies into their home countries.

    Any corrupt person is unfit to hold gvt ministerial office.

    When Kalumba sent months on the run… this chief was silent… providing him a laptop plus other witchcrafts. Does he stand for the right thing beftting every Zambia… Kawalala he might hv a share of Katele’s lot.

  7. There is no plot to kill anyone. There is a court case that has found a set of criminals guilty as charged.

  8. Puta only worried about his pocket. No brown envelopes for 5yrs coz shud katele go in. He never talks about poor Bwile thieves who can’t give him money. He’s not the first bwile to go in. The royal highness shud just S.T.F.U!

  9. Extermely dull chief (I am not sure about his subjects)….Kalumba’s troubles are of his owm making. He stole alone and enjoyed alone with his family and now it’s a time of reckoning. Ba puta, of what benefit is it to kill Kalumba?

  10. Only luapula chiefs support thieves and can easily be bought with Tujilijili and K1million ..these tubulus never cease to amaze the rest of zambia..they were enjoyn with chiluba a fellow monkey..its time for them to payback

  11. Dr.Kalumba is not the first people to be convicted since the inception of corruption crusade was started.
    A good number have been convicted,Dr.Kashiba Bulaya,General Funjika,the list is endless,other cases are still in court.
    Do not politise it,the chief was expecting another aquital(Dr.Kalumba),so that people will go to Luapula and celebrate,like what happened to Chiluba.It is a different ball altogether.

  12. Fyabufi fye fi. There is no such a plot. This impoverished chief just wants to ingratiate himself with Nyamasoya. These chiefs will need to be sorted out. They are getting out of hand. The British have respect for their mornach because she does not interfere in politics. These lot need to be read the riot act. Unfortunately our discredited politicians like to use chief.

  13. Ba Puta ukuichindika kwaliwama sana ka!! which people of luapula are not happy? Just say your family is not happy period. Katele shared his loot with his relatives and not the people of Luapula. So stop crying over spilt milk coz katele is a thief to gether with Chiluba. They ate the money with their relatives and not with the people of Luapula. Know that come 2011 Chiluba will go in.

  14. If there is anyone politicising the corrupt Katele’s conviction it is the bootlicking Puta himself.
    The MMD campaign is already in shambles with cadres like chief Puta issuing such statements.

  15. Iwe ka tubulu Chieve Puta just shut up, the earlier you stop manufacturing thieves and exporting them to other parts of Zambia the better. We are tired of thieves in the entire country creeping out of Chieve Puta’s chiefdom stealing everywhere left right and centre and claiming they are stealing by mistake or someone is accusing them wrongly or bena batolele fyee fimo fimo. The next thing we should do is to cede these stinker to Katanga TO JOIN THEIR RELATIVE kATEBE kATOTO

  16. Chieves are above politics ad must never be seen to be taking sides. Thats why I was shocked to see Luapula chieves being summoned by a pygmy a few weeks ago. Involvement in politics lowers the status of the chief to that of a subject. That is why some bloggers here are taking shots at him because he is not acting like a chief.

  17. Kusabailafye.. Who is Katele? Even if he had MMD secrets noone would believe him. This is all just a looooong strectching of facts and tying up of things that are not related

  18. No one is above the law of the land,the Katele’s were the same(law makers) who were formulating these laws,now that he has been caught in the web of corruption,the Chief is the first one to speaking the loudest.

  19. This cheif is an i.d.i.o.t just like number 12 nguni. The man stole and he should be punished and return the money.

  20. Aha!! this story is from Daily Mail, nowander it is nonsence!
    The chief is just disgracing himself, there is nothing political when a thief is convicted and sent to the gallows. Katele’s conviction is long overdue, even before Rupia was waken from his slumber on the farm.

  21. Hahaha,there we go again with myths.Katele n Chiluba are thieves,Period.Its time for Katele to go to jail and his boss kafupi should follow afterwards thats all.

  22. why should the people of luapula remain calm kwati twaibile bonse bullshit. no one can pity or sympathise with katele his ass deserves to be in jail period!

  23. This so called Chief is confusing.First he should not cal on us from Luapula to keep calm because we have nothing to be excited about. Luapula is such a big place, that my old mother does not even who this Kalumba is let a lone some tribe called Bwile. Second, who else apart from the pro- RB group would want Kalumba out of the way? He is just pandering to RB to release his nephew. Please ba Puta, prisons are made for people and kalumba happens to be one the people.

  24. The poor of Zambia will have one less problem to worry about. It would be poetic justice. I will not waste sympathy on MMD charlatans whose treasonous acts of theft of tax payers money have led to thousands of poor people meeting their untimely death in hospitals and clinics that have no basic facilities. Meanwhile they want to be going on living with their fat pot bellies and expensive motorcades. Let them dispense themselves off. Our sympathy is with the poor of the motherland.

  25. This ka chief is misguided & should keep his mouth shut.What audacity:-@:-@:-@:-@ Why cant he speak for all those convicted coming from his ka thieving chiefdom.
    And just why give Katele bail when the witch has a history of disappearing acts?:-??:-??:-??

  26. Ma “chifi” yanjala and witchcraft!! Why dont the both of you combine your witchcraft and get him out of this little mess he got himself into – again? You helped him hide all those many months on the run, im sure you are still capable of doing the same ba chief.

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