Sunday, June 2, 2024

Miners warn of resistance to close LCM


The Mine Workers Union of Zambia (MWUZ)and National Union of Miners and Allied Workers Union (NUMIAWU) have warned that any attempts to switch off equipment or attempts to close Luanshya Copper Mines operations would be met with maximum resistance.

The two unions have also urged its members to closely monitor operations and ensure that no materials or scrap metal leaves the premises of the company.

Addressing a joint press conference at Katilungu house today, MUZ President, Rayford Mbulu, appealed to government and the technical committee to ensure and guarantee continued Luanshya Copper Mines (LCM) operations, employment and incomes, as this would lessen anxiety and fears by members so that peace prevailed in Luanshya.

Mr Mbulu also said the two unions have rejected the putting mine assets on ”care and maintenance”.

He suggested that the shutdown schedule as outlined on 19th December be revisited and advised that no letters should be issued to employees by LCM management util things are straight.

Mr Mbulu, who was flanked by NUMAWU president, Mundia Sikufele, appealed to all stakeholders to engage in a fast tracked process to create a vehicle for continued LCM operations.

He also reminded LCM management to honour in full their obligations to employees for rendered services by ensuring that the terminations were accompanied by terminal benefits as outlined in the collective agreement.

The MUZ president requested mine owners and shareholders, whose corporate and global interests outweigh the interests of the country, to offload their shares to government and hand back the mine assets to ZCCM-IH to protect domestic economy through continued operations to safeguard mine assets, job losses and asset stripping.


  1. Too bad for the poor miners. Its a hopeless situation because the leaders don’t feel their pain. Another hard lesson learnt by the MMD government and their flawed investor theory.

  2. How can this dull chap in the article say something like “mine owners and shareholders, whose corporate and global interests outweigh the interests of the country”? Is he on his knees clapping his hands when he says that? Ala…

  3. #5….

    he means they are only puting their interests first than the interests of Zambia as a country. So he is telling them to hand over the mine to govnt.

  4. I think its good move from the Unions. Thats what we want. Wake up guys. Demand what is due for Zambians. Hope something will come up.

  5. Luanshya Mine is a very unfortunate mine. Everytime something goes wrong with the mines, its the first 1 to close down. It just unfortunate that our leaders are very comfortable and are not feeling any pain of what the miners and people in general are going through. It going to be a very bad beginning of the year with alot of people not in employment. God please help us.

  6. It is time rid the of the conditioned infesters . We buy them out. The y are only here when the copper price is high.

  7. The Issue about Luanshya Mine must be approached with a great deal of caution and less emotions. We have made a lot of mistakes in the past because people have tended to personalize issues when it comes to corporate governance. We ought to learn from the past mistakes and find seasoned negotiators not hot heads who in the end, end up being compromised by the investors and give their people a raw deal. These so called investors have reaped so much from this country yet they are not ready to subsidies the operations. Our people have toiled enough and we shall not be silent no more

  8. There must be a provision for the government to take over the mines when the so-called investors pullout. Remember what happened when Anglo-American Corporation pulled out of KCM. The government had to find another investor to take over. Imagine what would have happened if the government had taken over the running of KCM before the commodity price boom. I don’t expect copper prices to rise to such heights in the near future and I appreciate that Luanshya mine is different from Nchanga and Konkola. That doesn’t mean we should stand by and do nothing. Does anyone remember Cameron Pwele? The last UNIP MP fought so hard for the people of Luanshya. He must be turning in his grave!

  9. Another episode in luanshya,too comfused to coment, why always LCM? What next now,how about our sister who would now resort to beaching,what about AIDS? i leave it to almight.

  10. ZCCM-IH never receive dividends from LCM or others mining when the price were hight, and now they want to give mining to zccm-ih because the price of copper is low !
    this deal is a good deal if zccm-ih will keep the participation when the price will go up… but i don’t trust GRZ, i don’t trust the zccm-ih’s managment…

  11. RB and his team are not sensitive to people’s needs. Zambia is going through a lot of problems, and Zambia needs a responsible Government

  12. Lets unite the mine are ours. Viva Miners unit, keep an eye on the assets they shouldn’t be transported to the DRC

  13. Its really unfortunate for the people of Luanshya.I sympathise with them.These are serious issues which needs argent attention. But instead RB has gone for a holiday in Mfuwe to relax.What has he done to start going for holidays. Ala kwena bwafya!

  14. CONAKRY, Guinea – A group calling itself the National Council for Democracy has announced that Guinea’s government has been dissolved.

    In what appears to be a coup d’etat, a spokesman appeared on TV Tuesday wearing a military uniform and read the statement saying the government, including the constitution, courts and the parliament had been dissolved. He did not state his name or his rank.

    The announcement comes just six hours after officials declared the death of Guinea’s dictator, Lansana Conte. The constitution calls for the president of the National Assembly to be sworn in as the country’s next president.

  15. This will affect a lot of our people in Luanshya, directly and indirectly. There will be a lot of school drop-outs, prostitution, drug abuse, suicide case, HIV/AIDS crime and a drop in school graduates. This might as well lead to underdevelopment. (Poor grade twelve results) Government should seriously step in and clear this mess, in the best interest of our nation.

  16. What is happening in Zambia is so depressing. We surely have an National Economic crisis and a leadership crisis, when other countries are busy strategically planning and acting our President is going on a 10 holiday. I am getting into some serious prayers for my beloved country, i need to encourage myself in the lord concerning what is happening in Zambia and may not be blogging for a few days but i will be reading the comments and continue praying. Zambia needs a revolution. God bless zambia.


  18. RAMCOZ again. Lets get a serious investor and recapitalise. The machinery in Luanshya is from “stone-age” era. Global financial meltdown has an effect but its not entirely the cause. Even before credit crunch, how was LCM performing? Don’t they have a survival paln just like any other business? Don’t hold Zambians to ranson by blackmail over maladministration of a company

  19. Lelo lelo RB, uzachiona(You will see). RB needs to step down right now all else….he will end up like his age mate who has just passed away in Guinea Conakry.

  20. As a christian nation lets unit in prayers, zambia has no president at a can the so called president go on holiday for 10days wen his pipo are cryin?? I agree with #23,wat hs he done so far 4 him to start relaxing??Jst look at the roads in Mfuwe wher he is relaxing frm? mingondi yekayeka.God help us. 😕

  21. I am fascinated by the absurd belief on this blog and in the country that if the government takes over Luanshya Mine and indeed any other mine they better than anyone else will be able to manage the affairs, meaning sustainability, profits etc.. This is wishful thinking. For as long as Zambia is a resource dependent economy these cyclical problems shall affect us and badly so. What Zambia needs to do is use the receipts from the mining industry and develop engender a private investor working culture among its own citizens, be it in agriculture, manufacturing, technology, services etc… The mines themselves will only be but a candle that fades away with its wax……….

  22. a lot of investors are very disapointed about zccm-ih.
    the board of zccm-ih mocks shareholders, the group no give any annual results since 2005. This comportement push investors to go out from zambia and no help the country.
    A important group of investors go out from zambia 3 years after to come !
    the futur period will be very difficult now for zambia
    the GRZ and the board of zccm-ih is the problem

  23. The Luanshya issue needs immediate attention. These investors in Luanshya should be told frankly that they need to pack now coz the issue of copper price and credit crunch is not the reason for this closure but it is becoz these guys do not have the capacity to run a mine. As a Luanshya resident and well qualified in the field of mining I saw it coming when they flooded the Luanshya mines 14#, 18# and 28# and only remained with Baluba mines. Unfortunately our MP did not pursue this even after advising him of cos becoz he had businesses with LCM. Luanshya mine is viable and it is one of the cheapest mine to run given good invetment and investors. Let gvt take over and letter on offload 51% share holding to some serious mining house. Gvt should maintain 49% through ZCCM-IH. What more with the green field in the name of Muliashi. Miners, all residents of Luanshya together with you people especially in LSK (u are close to their gvt offices)should protest and help gvt reposes the mine. When we protest gvt wont be seen to be nationalising the mine coz this is the fear gvt has. MUZ and NUMAW should not just talk as well but start organising miners even in other mining companies to show solidarity. I miss Pwele!

  24. Who holds the handle & who holds the blade? The Union should not ignore the fact that if copper is not selling, then there’s nothing in it at the momment.

  25. Also we should remember that a natural resource dependent country like ours tends to crowd out skills that would ordinarily be better employed elsewhere.Soon everyone believes that the best employment comes from either working in or supplying the mines.Thus stifling entreprenuership and innovation among the populace.Potential IT gurus end up winding motors for the mines and potential doctors and scientists end up being mining engineers and geologists. In the end the country’s full potential is not attained. Meanwhile countries not so resource dependent continue to produce a cadre of business people ready to add value to their countries and take on Africa..Kenya,Tanzania,Malawi,Cameroun etc.

  26. Do we have mmd cadres on this blog? Can they say it openly please? Me,i cant hide am PF.i want to face mmd cadres on this blog.People have suffered enough, Luansya wil be a ghost town whilst the leaders are increasing their salaries! Fyaba shani ifibantu ifi kanshi.


    Big fuel price cut to aid copper mining companies set in Zambia
    The Zambian Government has cut the price of fuel by 25 percent which should help the country’s copper miners which have been suffering from low metal prices and rising costs.

    Posted: Tuesday , 23 Dec 2008

    LUSAKA (Reuters) –

    Zambia’s government on Monday announced an almost 25 percent cut in fuel prices, a move that followed pressure from copper producers, who have been hurt by the combination of falling metal prices and high energy costs.

    In a statement the state-run Energy Regulation Board (ERB) said diesel prices would fall to 5,4

  28. The problem with us pa Z is that we can make all te nicest and sensible comments….but we will still vote for people like RB when it comes to elections, no sympathy…. mulomo wenu. This should be a lesson for you all who voted on te so called “Watch”

  29. 34 PAFISENGE
    Luanshya has always been given to dubious investors. I can not agree more with what you have said entirely. Puku wanted to open up 28 Shaft, but the fact that the indians at LCM had connections to the govt then, they frustrated Puku all in the name of not having abandoned the shaft. Why can’t the govt give FQM the mine so they can reclaim the huge tailings in Luanshya and show the indians that current mining is about green fields and not just underground. Why don’t we consider getting the mine off these indians and give it to credible investors in green field mining.

  30. #38 Anonymous – You are the only senseless cadre we have on this blog who wants to show cadrerism when everyone is busy articulating economic points on this thorny issue. Learn to face life without worshiping Sata – there is more to life than PF!

  31. Those are tipical MMD infestors,the one they feared is dead so they do what they want whilest Rejected Banda (RB) has gone on leave for no job done.I feel bad for mother Zambia to have people suffering like this in their own land with abudant natural resources being mis-managed by MMD and foreign infestors.Peple who voted for MMD in western and north-western provinces must be very happy because our people have lost employment,marriedges and other things.I believe if Sata was in state house infestors by now would have been trembling to announce the closure of mines.Long live Sata,we are behind you.Pabwatoooooooooooo!

  32. The disadvantage of rigging or of ruling when people are not for you, is that even when the country experience floods the blame wil be on u as having had brought bad omen.closure of lcm is dependant on demand, the less the wars the less the demand for bullets

  33. His exellency, the president did mention of Hon Musokotwane’s going to europe to find investers, but since he came back I have not heard any thing from the Hon minister. Limbi mwe banandi namwishiba.

  34. Take this seriously. A president should not decide who should and who shouldnt buy our assets. Avmin the original owners of Chambishi Metals wanted to buy Luanshya Baluba so that they could feed their plants straight from there. But then came in this group(LCM) who offered to buy No28 Shaft also (this shaft is beyond repair). They convinced LPM who agreed and this forced Avmin to walk out of Chambishi which later was bought by LCM. Now every tested miner knows that Avmin have what it takes to run a miner come low/high Cu price. Now these LCM guys are also closing units at Chambishi. Please future sells should involve all stake holders employees included.


  36. RB is headed to Mfuwe for 10 days to enjoy ka Thandie you pipo of Zed. He has gone to enjoy xmas while the miners in Luanshya will start their holiday of unemployment!!! What a country. God save us.

  37. the first time the mmd was representing themselves, next five years girls friends and other wrong chaps, last five years family trees and tuntemba.

    miners fight when prices of copper were high you never benefitted why should you be troubled when prices go up. shame on you rb the whole president going to lcm to meet mgt and sending ur minister of finance to go and plead with these infestors. you should have called lcm mgt to state house


  39. Please pipo of Luanshya make sure machinary do not leave the town like the way Dunlop took the equipment to Bulawayo in Zimbabwe.The Flog is relaxing in Mfuwe and pretending things are ok.We have started paying for have bootlickers and pipo who are benefiting from government.The problem which my cousin is that the infestors do not take him seriously coz he does not command respect.This is an hour i miss cabbage who turned into “Icibumba”. 8-|

  40. Ladies & Gents ,
    Being some one who works at Luanshya , I know that these
    ‘ INFESTORS ‘ simply have no money to continue. The MMD Govt threw out serios investors like AVMIN & FIRST QUANTUM in preference for TUNTEMBA companies BINANI & J & W . Now the Innocent People of Luanshya have paid the price and RB has gone to sleep in Mfuwe
    Where is the KING COBRA ??????. He has not said anything

  41. #53 you are right imagine the whole entire president going to LCM to meet mgnt what a shame!!! He was suppossed to summon those guys to State House instead of going there. Thats the main problem we have with our President he does not know what kind of authority he has as president because he does not know whether he is presidnet or not. He seems to be not sure. Ala this is what stealing of votes can do you remain haunted throughout your term or ruling.

  42. For how long are we the zambian people going to suffer while the big fishes continue to enjoy themselves.something really has to be done.we cant continue living like this coz am sure even zimbabwe started like this but look at where they have ended and its the innocent souls that suffer.

  43. #58 insaka…

    my dear what you are saying is the truth.the whole of a president must go to address the miners.why not ask them to meet him in lusaka or better still delegate to someone with a lower position.eye! they say when someone steals something worth 5million they can even sell it at k500,000 coz they dont know the value and has no worth for it.its the same with being a leader through dubious means…ha! naizanda…

  44. Ladies and Gentlemen if you thought the problem is only for the people of Luanshya then you are mistaken. This is our problem as Zambia. We seem to have much trust in these indian investor than our selves. We need to involve local investment to be at the helm of such investments. Are we ever going to learn, the Copperbelt is a sorry site, these charactors have no interest in our welfare.

  45. No. 57 Mapalo. Do not talk about the so called “King Cobra” coz he is part of this mess. Remember the post privitaisation Technical committee that visited RAMCOZ after two years of operation and recommemded the repossesion of the mine. FTJ sent King Cobra and VJ to come and silence this view and indeed they managed and what followed you know better as an employee of LCM (if at all u were around). Remember the Kaunda Square saga in roan? Miners vented their anger on FTJ but again it was “King Cobra” who stood to defend him. So for get about him. Even now who has “vandalised” the rail line from Luanshya to Ndola which was a cheaper mode of trasnporting concetrates? King Cobra is mute even on this matter coz he knows who did it in the name of buying and selling scrap (check parliamentary debates). This mode of transporting concentrates was cheaper and could have saved the mine on transportation. But having said this i agree with you that LCM owners were fake characters. Reposes the mine and let us be involved now when they start re-re-selling of Luanshya as ZCCM-IH takes over. Some of us were lone soldiers and spoke against selling to indians whilest working for Luanshya Division of ZCCM. Also professional bodies directly involved in mining and engineering and other professional bodies such as ZACCI, EIZ , etc should speak out NOW and give direction to these politicians on the way forward.

  46. #38, i am an MMD cadre and yes despite all that is going on, i stand by the MMD and feel it is the best group we could have had at this time.You see as people we very forgetful, MMD has tried to bring liberalisation and encourage private sector involvement and as a result you will see failure in comapnies just as we are experiencing globally. Depending on how severe an impact the closure would have on the zambian economy as a whole, govt must try to help find a solution but not get involved in the operations. One thing is for sure, i too feel RB is not showing the needed urgency or zeal to motivate and encourage people to work harder. But tell me what was PF going to do? print more money?

  47. :(( next time dont vote on tribal lines, vote for serious people….even your Boat zas not going to help you. Wait for 2011 meantime, lets hope for the best.

  48. Apa I can only see UNIP in RB this is why things are getting very bad. These people are very slow to detect a problem until when things get very serious. It took very long for KK to realise things were not OK not until people said enough is enough and went to the streets efyo chikaba nakuli ba RB Nyama Soya.

  49. When Luanshya mines closed the first, I had two family members staying there.

    I know what the people of Luanshya are going through right now. I really really sympathise with them.

    Umulandu wamunobe chibashilo chamupini!!

  50. Breaking News: The second Zambia to go to the Antarctica is on his way to there. Ionospheric Physicist Mr P. Sibanda is set to do some interesting work there for a period of 3 months of which I suspect will include some SOFTWARE installations on the RADAR systems.

    The brother is scheduled to return on the 5th of March next year. He can then be reached for a comment on his stint. :)] at that time for true and proper details.

  51. Breaking News: The second Zambian Citizen to go to the Antarctica is on his way to there. Ionospheric Physicist Mr P. Sibanda is set to do some interesting work there for a period of 3 months of which I suspect will include some SOFTWARE installations on the RADAR systems.

    The brother is scheduled to return on the 5th of March next year. He can then be reached for a comment on his stint. :)] at that time for true and proper details.

  52. I kjeep on saying on this blog that when it comes to RB, we should not crucify voters. Voters did the best they could do, giving over 60% of No-MMD votes to the opposition. We should be crucifying Sata and HH for spliting that vote. They are very greedy people. If they united, RB would not be president right now. Please spare voters. What else do you want them to do.

    Regarding LCM, we need to look at contracts. It may be too costly for Govt to repossess. This is a privately owned company. Govt may not have a legal case to take over a private company e.g Shoprite or BP.

  53. It is a scandal and shame that copper mines that could hardly count their abnormal profits for years when copper prices were high can just shut down like that when a small setback sets in! Shame! Cry the beloved country.

  54. Guys you should have been protesting when Mwanawasa was selling the mines like give away presents. Mutati and Mwanawasa thought that investors liked them, no they were after the profits, now that there are no profits there is no friendship. Lets learn to have confidence in our own people both in business and jobs. Never again should the mines be sold again like salaula.

  55. “HH gives RB Business tips
    The UPND has proposed a set of short and long term measures to help cushion the impact of rising commodity prices and the global financial crisis.”

    Source: ww w. zambianwatchdog. com/ ?p=774

    This is what real men do instead of behaving like boys who make noise like gongs.

  56. 😮 from windfall taxes to windfall job losses…a presi going to Mfuwe mid crisis whats going on??? # 81 I totally agree with you, these chaps even had tax holidays. this proves that they are not willing to sacrifice…what do you expect from a mwenye anyway! we’ve gat to learn as a country. Govt shoul be a majot share holder in all economocally critical companies…

  57. In a crisis like this, Govt should step in and nationalise LCM. Thats how it works. you dont nationalise a company that is ok , u protect a company that is collapsing.
    Where is RB and his surrogates?

  58. 86. Anonymous

    ” In a crisis like this, Govt should step in and nationalise LCM. Thats how it works. you dont nationalise a company that is ok , u protect a company that is collapsing. ”

    I never understood why the mines should be in foreign hands to begin with. I know how it happened (with the IMF putting massive pressure on the Chiluba government in 1999). However, I don’t know how anyone can justify this situation.

    Why can’t the mines be government owned, but privately run. Why can’t the GRZ hire a management company to run the mines for it, for cos plus a small percentage of the profits? No members of anyone’s family tree in management positions.

    That would be ideal.

  59. It is sad to hear all the talk about the “infestors” and of nationalization and “taking back” the mine. Nationalization of the type that is being suggested here has not and will not work. It will breed corruption, nepotism, and inefficiencies — as it always has. The veiled threat of violence is also deeply saddening. Copper companies, like many other types of companies around the world and in every country, are closing operations because of the economic downturn. It’s that simple. Put your emotions and mindless ideas aside, and think creatively and constructively about solutions that will help benefit the Zambian people.

  60. Well come to the NEW WORLD ORDER.This is how they have destroy nations using the the following CATCH WORDS
    1. Restructuring
    2. Corporatisation
    3. Privatisation
    4. Shares overseas at 49%
    5. Shares overseas at 51%
    6. pay back the IMF
    7. Result,no asset and no money to operate government
    8. call in investors from abroad
    9. immigration open doors to wealth foreigners
    10.introduce a new system of government(final indignity)

  61. All Zambians Please watch this Interview on Youtube, Zambia does not have leaders, The loans they are borrowing just enslaves a country Please watch this video by John Perkins on Youtube “Confessions of an Economic Hit Man – Part I”

  62. We made profits in ZCCM – the only reason for privitisation was that the structure was top heavy – hence a lot of spending. The top pipo were very selfish.

    Even now we have expatriates who are not adding any value.

    Can you imagine a mining comapany closing the hospital and declaring doctors useless and the government is saying no look at the terms of the contract – its uncalled for

  63. LCM made $450m in the 4.5+ yrs they owned the mine
    Chambishi bought the copper and cobalt at knocked down price. Cobalt was sold it to a warehouse in South Africa at knocked down price also….all just to defraud the Zambian Government. That warehouse then sold the cobalt on to the international customers. Have you seen the cars the senior managers at LCM are driving. How can a loss making mine afford such extravagance. There was no transfer of knowledge from the expats to Zambians. Zambians who were outspoken were soon fired!!!! I hope this incompetent government has a plan

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