Saturday, July 27, 2024

Government donates K6m to Kachema Musuma orphanage centre


Government has donated over K6 million to Kachema Musuma orphange centre in Kawambwa district.

The funds are from the Ministry of Sport, Youth and Child development.

Kawambwa District Commissioner, Wilbroad Mumba, made the donation on behalf of government yesterday at Kachema Musuma orphanage centre.

And presenting the cheque to the orphanage centre manager, Mary Makombe, Mr. Mumba
explained that the funds are meant to help the underprivileged.

He said government has greater concern for orphans, hence the donation to the
orphanage center.

Mr. Mumba encouraged the orphanage centre mangement to ensure that the funds are
retired to enable government know how it will be spent.

Receiving the donations, Ms. Makombe appreciated the government for the gesture and
said God will help them use the money wisely.

And Ms Makombe appealed to the government to continue helping the orphans who are
faced with various problems.

The visibly happy Ms. Makombe, who even shed tears of joy after receiving the
cheque, sang songs of praise to God for the assistance.

Kachema Musuma orphanage centre has 19 orphans who include girls and boys.


  1. You guys do not cease sending me into laughter. You are full of drama and act “kwati twaiche pamansansa.” Where have you head, in this world, a goverment donating to its own local institution? You are obliged to do this and it is you responsibility. Where have you seen a father donating to his son or daughter? Giving to institution in this manner clearly indicates the lack of policy on the ophanages in our country. I will not be surprised to hear that gorverment has started donating money to hospitals. Get things right and I repeat a father does not donate to his children it is his obligation to take care of them.

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