Sunday, June 2, 2024

UPND refuses to participate in National Indaba


Opposition United Party for National Development (UPND) says it would not participate in the national indaba this weekend.

Party leader Hakainde Hichilema said during a press briefing in Lusaka today that UPND wrote recommendations to government last year in December on how to deal with the global Financial crisis prior to the presentation of the 2009 budget.

Mr. Hichilema said UPND was proactive on the matter and tried to engage in consultation because it had projected the impact of the world economic recession on Zambia’s economy.

Mr. Hichilema said it was too late for the government to call for an Indaba when parliament had already approved the budget.

He said that the forum should have been called before the budget approval so that the recommendations that would have financial implications could be incorporated into the national budget.

He further said government had scrapped off wind fall tax which could have been retained with amendments alleging that government’s move was contrary to the consensus that the UPND and President Rupiah Banda had reached when they had a meeting on the 12th of March, 2009.

Mr. Hichilema also accused the government for making an amendment to the Mines and Mineral Development Act that barred the Zambians from owning mines with foreigners as partners.

He advised the government to consider the involvement of the local people in the country’s economic activities aimed at restoring the nation’s economy.

Meanwhile, the opposition party says the National Constitution Conference (NCC) deliberations should be concluded by the end of June 2009.

Mr. Hichilema that this will enable government to cut on excessive spending and channel the resources to paramount areas such as the health and education systems.

He also recommended that the ZESCO limited should not be allowed to increase the electricity tariffs by the proposed 66 per cent as more than 80 per cent of Zambians were unable to access electricity.

He noted that once the tariffs have been increased, the demand of charcoal would rise posing a threat to the environment as efforts to discourage environmental degradation would be affected.



  1. HH has some MPs in parliament and for a motion to go through,it needs a majority.
    So if PF and UPND do not agree with the MMD,then no budget will be passed.
    Hes just playing politics as usual.

  2. All politicians are just a bunch of heartless people with no intention to do any good for the struggling citizens. They are out to mislead the masses. Who knows the real reason HH won’t be participating in the INDABA? Trust none of them.

  3. You guys #234 cant you see that MMD will not be doing this in good faith but use this useless gathering to theie advantage?

  4. Will this bother MMD? Is not taking part the way forward? I do not think so. Rarely do African governments listen to opposition. people should have known this by now. Zambia chalo cesu!

  5. What HH is saying seem to be making sense to me. However, the whole scenario appears de ja vu to me. Remember the NCC? Pipo refused to participate in it but others greedily went ahead. When deliberations began those who refused to participate started waffling from the side lines. What’s that? Very soon “mukomfwa ba UPND” will start coaching the resource wasting National Indaba from side lines. MA LLUBBISH!!!

  6. HH you are right. The milk has been spilt already, so there is no need to get into discussions. RB and friends should continue with their Indaba and make a report to the nation on what they have come up with and when the implementations will occur.

  7. Having the so called indaba is a shere waste of time and resources because it is just a platform for the more talkative section of our society to make noise. The Government needs to focus on real and bold steps to steer our economy away from further recession. There is a very good pool of economists at MoF and BOZ who can be utilised to bootstrap this economy without wasting time with a batch of talkative ingoramous at your indaba. Obama and Geithner in the USA are solving their problems, Nyama soya is sleeping expecting his indaba to solve his problems.Shame!

  8. These Indabas are really wasting our money, instead of reducing taxes, Rupia is busy wasting our tax monies. People we should all prepare for worst as Rupia and his Clique mismanage this country, interest rate in commercial banks have been increased as high as 38%. This man will be the worst in the history of the country. Mark my words

  9. You see the reason we want to hold the Indaba is to make you feel that you’re part of the decision making process. We dont want you blaming us when things go sour. We just want you to go along with our decisions which we’ve already made and tucked away for implementation. Besides we’ve got donors watching, its important to us that we appear to be listening to all stakeholders. We need their money. We shall hear you out, but forget about listening to you. For what? Form your own Govt. Also, we have nothing to keep you mortals busy with. So we concoct an Indaba just to keep you occupied. And hey if you’re not in the govt come with packed lunch we cant waste money on election losers

  10. it reminds me of the scenario where the headmaster requested the pupils to suggest a sitable meal for their sunday, And when the pupils proposed chicken, come sunday, they were fed beans. Does this mean that RB and MMD cannot come up with their own ideas. What was their manifesto and how has everything been shadowed by the credit crunch.

  11. This INDABA is useless. Why call for it now? We’ll just be listening to the same talkative and loud voices. Who is gonna pay for their allowances (if any), snacks, and any costs that will go along with it. Tax payers’ money being misused unnecessarily while we watch. Are the resolutions going to be implemented? The INDABA is long overdue and therefore useless.

  12. As usual, great contribution from president HH and the U(PND) Team. This is how a real opposition political party’s position must be presented to the general NATIONAL populace.
    On “He further said government had scrapped off wind fall tax which could have been retained with amendments alleging that government’s move was contrary to the consensus that the UPND and President Rupiah Banda had reached when they had a meeting on the 12th of March, 2009. Mr. Hichilema also accused the government for making an amendment to the Mines and Mineral Development Act that barred the Zambians from owning mines with foreigners as partners.” this is the most sad thing. I am waiting to read MP N…

  13. … Magande’s view on the scrapping of the Wind Fall Tax. Mr Magande has consistently maintained that he does not see how the “Global Financial Problem” is affecting the Zambian economy and I therefore agree with him and president HH.

    On the MMD GRZ making amendments to broke Zambians from being part owners with foreigners of mines, this is very very unfortunate.

    President Hakainde Hichilema’s comments only show me why all Zambians need to unite with resounding unison that he is the man for Zambia. I must thus commend all bloggers today up to this point for exhibiting a nature of progress as regards to retrogressive remarks and insults on the mighty U Team and the other Nationals.

  14. HH interests me.Recently he defended his going to state house saying they were discussing issues pertaining to the economic crisis so people should not politicise it.Today,he has refused to participate in an open indaba as opposed to the closed one he had with RB.HH to me is not truthful coz those accusations he is levelling against RB where not revealed after the meeting and who knows these issues where not discussed.

  15. #24 Sharp Shooter, how are you bro? Read the article again, HH is saying that its too late to plan now when the budget has already been made. In Engineering, you dont first design a road and then ask how many vehicles will use it, you first ask how many vehicles need the road then you design it. This is what HH is saying in economical terms. You dont make plans after the budget, you make plans first and then budget for them. Weather HH will be or not be Zed prez , I now understand why the International Grant Thorton made him Zed MD, The guy is just genius!. What will RB do if the indaba recomendations are opposite to his budget? change it? I can bet! This just lip service as usual!

  16. Say what ever you want. This only suits RB. The only losers are the opposition and taking part will only make it worse. Does RB need UPND? The answer is obviously no. On the part part of MMD, this is well played. lol!

  17. #28, you could be right, if zambians take politics the way they have been doing in the past, I mean politics of voting for the loudest mouths and not the brainy, then for sure we must brace ourselves for hard times.

  18. These are very old ideas. Whatever makes us feel that this will be any different is just beyond me especially that all other attempts have just cost more tax kwachas. Just out of curiosity, how much was allocated to this crap in the 2009 Budget? does anyone know? are we back to the era of slash funds again?


  20. President HH and the “U Team” have given their reasons for their not participation in this weekend’s INDABA and now we need to read about others why they may not be participating outlining concrete reasons and not just the words POLITICKING.

    Let this mentality of trying to belittle the only real and trustworthy biggest opposition in Zambia to thrive without sensible reasons for doing such.

  21. ????????????????????????? thats all i can say. HH is smart enough to not engage into some indaba that does not make sense!

  22. We really need this man. There is no planing in our government systems. Even when they are travelling as a delegation, they just know that there is a trip to go somewhere without even knowing the number of people travelling, on the day of going thats when they panic for visas. Every well meaning zambian would realise and accept that we need new blood in GRZ to move everything. In zed everything is sleeping, and the faster we accept this the better. We are begging to stay in other people’s countries because things are not good back home. We need young ones to start planning for our economy such us HH who is an example already, by managing his own resources.

  23. All those who have associated with HH knows how active and bririant he is. He can plan without making noise, results are the ones which tells you what is in his head. The man is a team player and not a one man’s show like others.

  24. You people do not read one sentence or word then you start making coments which are baseless on this blog. HH has been making proposals to RB since last when melie meal prices went up but rb would not listen. These people when they are in government just listen to people surroung them. Just like Chiluba use to listen to Sata only in terms of advise even in the privatisation process even if the man has no knowledge of economics and just reached grade 4 in terms of education, and cleaned the London underground rail station. Mwanawasa use to listen to HH’s advise thats why he managed the economy so well. As for rb he listens only to those who can leak the boots.

  25. This is time to wake up as zambians, Why do we always choose the worste as a nation when we have access to the best around us? We should not choose as if we have no heart for zambia. We need to change for the better. As for me this year am choosing the best for zambia because am tired of this waste we have gotten used to. Whatever mud you can rub on HH am indosing him in 2011 do or die, where he comes from I do not care because I want to put Zambia first. These old people do not want youths prosper. As for me and my friend, we have decided to make old people advisor where things do not seem straight and not running the government. They need to rest in their houses.

  26. iam moved and happy that we are moving forward except for a few that dont want to accept reality. No amount of hatred and or regionalism will develop our great nation. Its about time we rose as youths and not just embrace the wrong values porteyed by some “haters of unity”. Some old folks have joined hands with some writers to sell regionalism because of selfish interests and their inability to compete on real values and standards. Fellow youths my appeal to u is that you should rise to levels of being “tribe insensitive” in terms of national issues. We are in the diaspora now( 44 yrs after indendepence) because we do not ‘ve better schs back home due to bad decisoins and lack of…

  27. cont from 40. timing by those we entrust with planing for motherland. We have always been presented by better choices and gone for the wrong one every time. The world is now demanding for knowledgable leaders and therefore the need for us to live upto the demands of the century. It demands intergration, unity of purpose,quality and good judgement. We are the inheritors of problems that have risen frm bad decisions and choices and so will the children of our children if we dont act now. If u ask me hw we can act:
    Well its simple enlitghten those around you and let them see the need to abash “regionalism”……. and finally compaign for the best MAN- HH for 2011. GOD bless u all.

  28. Why should any Zambian participate in an ‘indaba’? And this word, ‘indaba’ from which Zambian language is it? I hope it’s not a foreign word. The way we Zambians love foreign…

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