Wednesday, October 23, 2024

The high incidence of strikes in Zambia


By Henry Kyambalesa
The high incidence of strikes and other forms of work stoppages in Zambia today should be a source of great concern among citizens who have the interest of the country at heart.

It is rather surprising that all striking workers are on government payroll! This reflects very badly on the performance and competence of those who shoulder the responsibility of managing the affairs of our beloved country.

The long-term success and survival of important institutions in Zambia is partly a function of sustained industrial harmony.

Both experience and observa­tion have taught us that regular industrial strife has partly contributed to the country’s failure to improve the performance of its economy.

Strikes and other forms of work stoppages in the country have tended to lead to widespread shortages of essential commodities, huge increases in operational costs, low worker produc­tivity, death of patients in health institutions, and so forth.

If Zambian leaders cannot spearhead the preven­tion of industrial unrest, they should not expect the country’s economic and other institutions to operate efficiently.

Let me now suggest ways in which the Zambian government can contribute to the attainment of sustained industrial harmony.

(a) Provision for car-ownership and home-ownership schemes, and adequate upward adjustments in the salaries and allowances of personnel on government payroll;

(b) Provision of free life-saving health care to all Zambians that is respectful, that recognizes personal dignity, and that adequately provides for personal privacy;

(c) Provision of free formal education, abolition of examination fees and Grade 7 and Grade 9 elimination examinations, provision of scholarships for high-school graduates who obtain a Division 1 and low-interest loans for other high-school graduates and working Zambian men and women wishing to pursue further studies in classroom-based or correspondence-based study programs offered within Zambia;

(d) Improvement in Zambia’s food security through government-financed irrigation dams and canals, cattle re-stocking and disease control, free seeds and fertilizer for 2 years, a seed and fertilizer subsidy at 50% after 2 years, zero value-added tax on agricultural inputs and raw food, promotion of food canning, and promotion of agricultural schemes by municipalities, the civil police, the prison service, the defence forces, and educational and training institutions.

The government can meet these demands by performing existing and planned government functions with a smaller number of Cabinet Ministers, abolition of the positions of Deputy Minister and District Commissioner.

Having provinces that would be administered by elected Provincial Governors and Secretaries rather than appointed Provincial Ministers and Provincial Permanent Secretaries, reduction in the number of Zambia’s foreign embassies by having clusters of countries to be served by single embassies, as well as initiating restrictions on seminars and leaders’ trips to foreign countries.

It is hard to understand why the MMD government seems to be so obsessed with maintaining a highly bloated government – a government that serves itself instead of serving the people, to use the words of a Kitwe-based prominent Zambian.


  1. Strikies should be encouraged so that ba kabwalala ba MMD bacenjele. They are building lodges and mansions when teachers are paid K100,000 as housing allowance. VIVA STRIKE,VIVA TEACHERS, NURSES, DOCTORS, ETC

  2. Baby C #2, ine nili mushe boyi. Was out briefly. And you? Ubuntungwa pa #2 alanda bwino. Where people dont listen, what do you do? Just strike!

  3. This only goes to show that we have Brain less pipo in power, I agree with the writer of this topic. All we need to now is to get rid of these useless politicians.

  4. NOW IHAVE READ. As long as the ordinary people are benefiting, the government will not take up that challenge. Those ideas put across are good but since the ordinary zambian is to benefit, the govt will not see any sense in them.

  5. #5. But how do we get rid of them. These finished politicians have grown roots and they will try and rig the elections to force their way into govt to continue looting. How do we do it.

  6. Hi all bloggers, it is very sad to hear that there are pipo with out food , while the fat cats carry on getting fatter, This is a shame. Very soon Zed will be the next Zim. Vimama vumo kata kata. Shame on them.

  7. We should change the law, so that once you are in one party, you can not switch sides and go to another party, cos they are popular. Ministers should only be allowed a fixed term , once there time is up then Finito, Kwasila.

  8. Ba Honey, muli shani? These politicians can be very shrewed, you know. For me, what you have suggested should start with MPs, pantu thats where the cabinet Ministers are coming from.

  9. #9. Good. But the same govt and same old and finished politicians are in the forefront making the law. Can they accept such change. I am sure they will put laws that suits them.

  10. # 11 I also blame the pipo of Zed , they know that these pipo dont have their best intrest at heart. , but they keep voting for them. this is mad, get rid of them. we need fresh minds, not these water logged ones,

  11. I would rather see the goovernemnt get back to running efficient trains and subsidise the road transport.

    As for Moze and you friends, RB will be president 2011 and again in 2016. Sorry but your relaltive Hechi Hechi will by then be broke and not interested. As long as things remain the way they are (Hechi Hechi on his own and Sata plus you cadres singing s i l l y songs on each other), prepare to be ruled MMD for a few more decades to come. These people ain`t dim like most people on here think. Look at the number of Trade Union leaders singing their song!

    MMD learnt from UNIP and I doubt they will sit and watch a certain party from Southern province or one from Luapula, Northern and the line of rail kick them out.

    Trust MMD to win by 10-20 000 votes from villages. Keep on…

  12. # 10 Ba Moze, hallo Papa, how are you , True, i am so tired of these good for nothing leaders, they only care for there fat bellies, and not for the common man.

  13. I would rather see the goovernemnt get back to running efficient trains and subsidise the road transport.

    As for Moze and you friends, RB will be president 2011 and again in 2016. Sorry but your relaltive Hechi Hechi will by then be broke and not interested. As long as things remain the way they are (Hechi Hechi on his own and Sata plus you cadres singing s i l l y songs on each other), prepare to be ruled MMD for a few more decades to come. These people ain`t dim like most people on here think. Look at the number of Trade Union leaders singing their song!

  14. #15 Contd Look at the number of Trade Union leaders singing their song!

    MMD learnt from UNIP and I doubt they will sit and watch a certain party from Southern province or one from Luapula, Northern and the line of rail kick them out.

    Trust MMD to win by 10-20 000 votes from villages. Keep on dreamin

  15. Kawambwa iwe, Thats myopic thinking now. How old will RB then (2016)? naupena! Thats the problem i’m having with you cadres. You seem to think beyond your nose. Better look at the bigger picture my friend. Its not about HH or Sata here. Cadrerism will take you no where. But i suppose thats the biggest evil we need to fight in this country: People like you (cadres) who have now even brought back the vigilantee system to Zed.

  16. #15. Mind you sometimes FORCE works. Don’t be suprised when overnight you hear that your old and finished father is no longer in govt. You can’t push the people any further. Lets wait and see.

  17. Ubuntungwa #18, I can guarantee you that force will not be necessary. The fact is that RB will not be President in 2011. Even sections within MMD say so.

  18. #18 Ubuntungwa Fimo Fimo people like you are not welcome. Go to Rwanda. Cry over it, RB will win the 2016 elections.

  19. #20. My friend Zambia is my country and you can’t tell me that I am not welcome. I can guarantee you that Zambia will be Rwanda very soon because of selfish leaders. People are crying and your RB is busy stealing. Lets wait and see.

  20. If you are a true African let alone Zambian, you will know that all the candidates we have in Africa are all devils. RB is the lesser of them all. Sata if you want a new version of Idi, Hechi Hechi if you want a Rwanda. I know where my vote will go. Peace is more important than driving a car or owning a mansion in Iraq.

  21. #22, That comment of candidates in Africa being devils is not only useless but childish and misplaced! Just what do you mean by that? Is that how you argue issues, by calling other people Devils? Sorry, but i think you need to go and take a nap. Naukolwa iwe!

  22. You are in peace because your father is a thief. How do you say there is peace in Zambia – have u ever been to UTH mortury and see how people are dying because of lack of medicine, food etc. Only leaders have peace coz of the priverage they have of stealing. Its better to be in Iraq, where I will afford 3 meals and when I am sick I know I find medicine i the hospital.

  23. #23. This guy is useless. These are the people who are sponsored with stolen money. They fear that once their master is out of govt, they will also suffer.

  24. Unless you two are 20 year olds. Remember the way your aunties, uncles, nieces, brothers and sisters danced in the streets of Zambia when MMD came into power? You think you will see medice at UTH when Hechi Hechi wins?

  25. we are not saying HH or Sata should take over, no. we are saying someone sensible and with human heart should take over .

  26. #25 iwe ngawalishanine when MMd came into power, fyobe! You talk of UTH as if you know what the situation is like there. Is that what you call good governance where you purchase Teta Malilos at the expense of drugs in hospitals? Like i said, a cadre never sees issues from a realistic and factual view. He sees it from a “twalalyapo shinga” point of view.

  27. What we need is transparency, they must publish how much these minister get , how much public funds they spend and also what they own privately, this will make them think twice before puting their hand into the public funds. Tell them to come to UK , most of the MPs have resigned cos they have been rumbled. Transparency is the only way to fight corruption.

  28. #26 Ubuntungwa mu Zambia , but how does someone with a heart take over if pipo dont vote for him, we need pipo who are passionate about politics not in it for their own gain, we need pipo like you, please go home , then we can support you.

  29. #29. People vote for the right people but coz MMD is in govt with all the machinery to RIG, thats how they find themselves in power. Why do you think RB is refusing 50%+1??? He knows he can’t win. Even if there is transparent, people will show you wrong figures. What we need is honest leaders like the way it is here. Here you can leave your wallet in a bar with full of cash and before you wake up, your wallet will be at your place. Thats the honest we want. Can you imagine they are putting traffic lights in Zambia at two T-Junctions and they say each T-Junction will cost over K450m. Can you believe such figures?

  30. Ubuntungwa, here you can leave an empty wallet in a bar and you still wont find it!! What kind of a society is that?

  31. #31. ahaha. I remember I one time forgot a parcel in the post office. But I just saw someone calling me that I forgot the parcel in the post office. People are so honest and that is the standard we want. I can proudly say thats the standard I have reached also.

  32. Nice debate, just dont get emotional!
    Civil servants are on strike in Monze & Choma, just wanted to find out how the situation is in Lsk. If our collegues in Lsk & CB can join the band wagon, RB might listen. Am not talking about teachers & nurses only but mere civil servants!


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