Sunday, June 2, 2024

Impeachment calls will fail – ZDDM


The Zambia Direct Democracy Movement (ZDDM) has urged people championing the impeachment of President Rupiah Banda to find other things to do, like addressing the underdevelopment, poverty and disease problems that the country is facing.

ZDDM National Coordinator, Edwin Sakala, says the country is today rocked with a lot of problems such as high employment levels, poverty and hunger among others that also need the attention of opposition political leaders.

Mr Sakala said the recent impeachment statements by the Patriotic Front (PF) and the United Party for National Development (UPND) pact will not work adding that many Zambians are well informed about the two leaders who have failed to become presidents of the country through elections.

He noted in a statement to ZANIS in Lusaka today, that it is disappointing to see most senior political leaders take up on a destructive path as aiming for impeachment of the President when they should be addressing the root causes of the country’s problems.

He added that this is why Mr Michael Sata and Mr Hakainde Hichilema should know that the presidential impeachment and antagonistic politics which they have been propagating will not work to their advantage as many Zambians already know who they are.

Mr Sakala charged that Zambians are likely not to vote for them to become presidents of this country should their impeachment agenda be a success.[quote]

He said his organization believes that even if the impeachment agenda goes through and early election is held, the PF/UPND pact can still not rule the country as evidenced in the past elections.

Mr Sakala further advised the two leaders to cool down and reflect on what is necessary for the country, saying removing President Banda from the Presidency just for the sake power is not a solution to many problems the country is faced with.

He stated that there is need for opposition political leaders in Zambia to embark on issues which will benefit the poor masses.

He further warned that ZDDM will ensure that it challenges the pioneers of the impeachment agenda to make sure that a presidential candidate is filed for a common national purpose through broad based understanding.



  1. I absolutely agree with ZDDM,the impeachment calls will certainly fail because there’s no a genuine ground for it.

  2. iwe sakala, what are you talking about? do you understand the role of the opposition? to always check the govt and ensure that they defend the constitution they swore to defend……etc! now, if RB is breaching the constitution, you want his wife to impeach him? kwata amano sakala! going by you utterances, we can as well forget about this costly but nonsensical constitution making or is it re-printing process going on now, afterall no one cares what it stipulates and no one cares to put to task those in breach… what a country, we keep holding the tiger by the tail.

  3. Senior Chakuti,

    For sure the impeachment will fail because Lubinda is reported in the Post to have said “I have in possession a July 2009 payslip of a teacher who resigned in 2006. For the ‘kamuchekas’ [Intelligence officers] present here, the man number of this same teacher is 49046959. This is also a challenge for all the teachers who are teaching at this same school to tell us who is drawing a salary. If they fail within a week, I shall be forced to release the payslip to the media,” as he flashed the payslip before the crowd.

    I hope only hope it is not the First Lady. Because if she is, that is theft. If not, then all those who were arrested for theft when Government cracked down on Ghost Workers should be released.


  4. Who is this man? Nowadays anyone can form an organisation and make themselves look important by speakng on national issues. Mr sakala find a real job and keep your opinions to yourself instead of echoing what other people have already said…

  5. On “He added that this is why Mr Michael Sata and Mr Hakainde Hichilema should know that the presidential impeachment and antagonistic politics which they have been propagating will not work to their advantage as many Zambians already know who they are. Mr Sakala charged that Zambians are likely not to vote for them to become presidents of this country should their impeachment agenda be a success.“, it is nice to read that Mr Sakala from Eastern Province where Mr President RB Banda comes from is the one uttering such useless statements.

    With a ghost teacher drawing a salary as expressed by MP G. Lubinda as probably one more reason for impeachment.
    Psalm 16:8 I have set the LORD always before me: because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved.

  6. Following MP G. Mpombo’s resignation from MMD, panic has rocked MMD over possible split voting in the upcoming impeachment motion. This can be seen in the final move by Mr President RB Banda to take Mrs Maureen Mwanawasa with him to UGANDA in suspicious circumstances under MMD GRZ full sponsorship probably to cool down people of the late Levy P Mwanawasa group — which was seen by appointing MP Muteteka who was the first one to be critical of Mr President RB Banda’s crying over the difficult President job who was initially threaten with disciplinary action by MMD.

    Whatever the case, the PACT has gained momentum by now appearing in State owned media as more campaign.
    Psalm 16:8 I have set the LORD always before me: because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved.

  7. Zamtel is a strategic company for GRZ and the Zambian people and anyone talking/thinking about selling this very important company is irresponsible and a security risk to Zambia. Can you trust such a person to be at the summit of GRZ/Zambia???

  8. Let us move forward with developmental issues instead of impeachment. We have all the natural resources and yet we always want someone from somewhere to come and tell us what to do (Investors). What are we able to do as Zambians to make a difference? It is high time we talk about development. If Denmark is able to produce cheese from the mountains, why are we failing to develop vast fertile land?

  9. Ifintu kwesha. You can even cook an axe for a meal. The only reasons why an impeachment can fail are 1) Some oppostion MPs are compromised. 2) The President has too much power 3) The Speaker is biased towards MMD- Remember during the 3rd Term fiasco. That time it was going to work but he refused to call parliament until Chiluba’s term expired

  10. All the pro Mwanawasa MP i.e chibombamilimo, shakas, magande mpombo etc are with PF on this so don’t undermine them, u cant see that RB is scared? he has now appointed muteteka and soon he will appoint Maureen into foreign service. WAIT & SEE

  11. Our M.Ps are divided. PF MPs are behaving like MMD and some MMD MPs are behaving like wise. Sorry, but at the rate things are going, this talk of impeachment is a non starter…unfortunately!

  12. ZDDM is on the Office of the President payroll!!! What do you stand for anyway(is it another Alfred Zulu NGO?).

  13. BREACHED THE CONSTITUTION! Have you ever seen your own constitution you chaps? Do you even know how it looks? Despite the fact that these documents are highly accessible these days, you have never even seen or consulted it. I am sure you have never even thought of owning your own copy (which is very easy) to use when issues such as this arise. Instead, you choose to be mislead about issues constitution by people you should actually be educating about the subject. This just shows that you are not serious and will continue chasing the whole of your life. You need to do something different, noble, genuine, then, perhaps you will succeed.

  14. Edwin Sakala is a zambian citizen and has a right to speak out on any issues in zambia. Most of the people on this blog, you are LOSERS, thus why u sound to have problems with people who have made it in zambia and can attract media attention. If people keep quite, u will be the first one to open your smelly mouth saying, zambians are docile. LOSERS

  15. I agree with # 4. You are right man, the opposition is there to provide check and balances on those in GVT. Wether the planned impeachment works or not will give those in Government time to think that running a corrupt Govt can not be tolorated by Zedians, appointing Convicts to be ministers is yet another thing of great concern as if this is not enough, parading with suspects of prunder cases are some of the things that needs to collected! Not jst wokeup from ur slumber and vomit baslees words jst because you come from that region…..NOoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. Mr Edwin Sakala, You ought to know by now the total mismanagement of the country that this administration has caused thus far unless you are from another planet. Reasons for possible impeachment have been repeated over and over in recent weeks the most important of which is the continuing of violation of the constitution with impunity, eg.. manipulation of the judiciary like in the famous ‘Smart’ Dora Siliya case and others. Mr Sakala don’t you think this is serious enough? Bootlicking in Zambia is now a major industry.

  17. Okey, we impeach the president then what?? Is this process going to create jobs, is this process going to put food on many tables of our hungry citizenry, is this process going to change the culture of corruption in zambians, is the impeachment going to improve the living standard??

  18. Is really ZDDM a direct democracy movement? Is impeachment a democrcatic tool? Does sakala know what his organaisation’s role in zambia. By the way if what is going on in Zambia is good for democracy then Sakala ‘s vote can go to hell or to MMD because is a danger to democracy in zambia. Whether the impeachment fails or not it doesn’t matter but people will have exercised their democratic right and it will be a deterent measure to THEM includ ing SAKALA their cadre.

  19. #23 Editor, your points are correct and I totally agree with all what u have asked for, but I would like to bring to ur attention that the many problems u have mentioned are as a result of wrong Gorvernance by those who have been sworn in to defend the Constitution and run the affairs of this country.These same problems can only be solved by making sure that wrong doewers are treated in accordance with the Law! as we are all aware no one is above the the Law, so whoever voilates it, must account for his wrong doing regardless of who he is(she).

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