Monday, June 17, 2024

Chawama Clinic records 15 Christmas babies


Chawama Health Centre (CHC) has recorded 15 Christmas babies were eight are female and seven are male.

And the Lions Club of Mulungushi District 413 has today donated Christmas hampers to the babies worth K3.5million.

Speaking in an interview with ZANIS shortly after making the donation at Chawama Clinic, Lions Club of Mulungushi District 413 President Prisca Kalaba-Chimolula said the club will continue donating to Christmas babies at the health Center.

She said this is in the hope of helping the mothers to take good care of their new babies.

Ms. Kalaba-Chimolula urged the mothers of the babies to use the donated items for the benefit of their babies.

She expressed hope that the Christmas hampers would go a long way in assisting the mothers take care of their babies.

Chawama Clinic Sister-in-Charge, Evelyn Nkhata-Tembo, thanked the Lions Club of Mulungushi for donating to the babies.

Among the donated Christmas hampers are baby bathing dishes, baby towels, nappies among others.

And Luapula Province has recorded four (4) Christmas babies as at 06:00hrs this morning.

Two babies were recorded at Saint Paul’s Mission hospital in Kawambwa, one at Mansa General Hospital and another at Samfya Rural Health Centre.

Luapula Province Permanent Secretary Jazzman Chikwakwa disclosed this when he visited and presented gifts to the Christmas baby born at Mansa General Hospital this morning.

The gifts included baby clothes, bathing and washing soap and a washing basin.

And head of clinical care at the hospital Dr Consity Mwale, said the Christmas baby recorded at the hospital is a girl and was delivered at 06:00hrs this morning.

The mother to the baby girl Sara Penza, who appeared in good health, thanked the Permanent Secretary for the gifts.

And Mazabuka district hospital has also recorded three Christmas babies.

This came light when members of the local Lions club led by their president Gurdson Shamilimo donated assorted clothing to the babies who included two girls and a boy.

Sister-in-Charge at the hospital, Mary Hamusankwa told the Lions club that the first baby to be born was a girl at 02:00 hours this morning.

Ms. Hamusankwa said the second baby another girl was born an hour later while the baby was delivered at 07:00 hours.

Meanwhile, Mr. Shamilimo has said the Lions club will continue supporting the needy in society in order to improve their livelihood.

And Mr. Shamilimo commended the Lions club for coming to the rescue of the parents whom she said need the support of the community.



  1. Only 15? People, you can do better than this…try harder next time. LOL.
    Congratulations to the parents, the Clinic Staff and Lions Club for material support. Well done!

  2. 15 babies in Chawama compound alone?!?! While the entire Luapula province has had only 4 and Mazabuka district only 3? Santa Maria! These Chawama people! Apart from the high crime rate in the area we also have an astronomically high birth rate? Please government, provide them with better things to pre-occupy them. Anyway, congratulations to the newly born and their parents and well done Lions club.

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