Saturday, July 27, 2024

Lusaka FAZ AGM in pictures



Some delegates at the Andrew Kamanga led FAZ annual general meeting in Lusaka


General Secretary for the Andrew Kamanga FAZ faction Simataa Simataa and supporters during their annual general meeting in Lusaka


National Sports Council of Zambia officials consulting each other at the Andrew Kamanga annual general meeting in Lusaka


Andrew Kamanga is interviewed after the annual general meeting by his faction in Lusaka


  1. We (FIFA) were on the verge of making a decision but it was wise for Kalusha Bwalya and his executive to postpone the meeting,” Corvaro said.

    “Even though they (the Kalusha faction) had formed a quorum, Kalusha Bwalya has decided to postpone the meeting…which is a wise decision.”

    A roll call of 154 affiliates was registered in Luanshya while the Mulungushi meeting tallied 115 members.

    Corvaro was accompanied for the AGM meeting by FIFA regional development officer Ashford Mamelodi of Botswana as the two official observers dispatched by Zurich for the FAZ AGM.(The Post)

  2. This was a Chifumu Banda sponsored meeting. Chifumu u have nothing to do in Zambian sport. Go and start your own league in Kamanga compound and stop troubling Chipolopolo. You aimless b*+@!

  3. #1: How can your eyes see more than there ACTUALLY IS? Am sure your ears too even hear more than is ACTUALLY SAID!! I haven’t seen any unoccupied seat in this venue. Those lines you are seeing are under the tables – just in case you expeceted to see some heads between them!

  4. # 2, i dont see what you mean by an organinised event. We cant even see the whole crowd that went to this event. By the way have you seen the empty chairs

  5. # 7 dont just argue for the sake of arguing. I know you are a pro Kamanga faction but the fact is in picture 1and 2 you can see the empty seats. In case you dont know what an empty seat is it is one where no one is seated. Now check the blue seats without people even behind Simataa. Ba MMD ifikansa nishani kanshi

  6. #9 Naiwe! this venue does not belong to FAZ and its seating capacity would obviously not have been designed to equal the number of delegates to a FAZ AGM. Therefore you cannot deduce poor attendance from only one camera position for it is common practise for people to choose where to sit when ever there’s a wide choice.

  7. 11 Wanu Ngwee……………..the truth is that only 18 clubs attended Lusaka AGM and 154 attended Luanshya AGM. If you want a listing i can publish.

  8. # 11 i give up, uli wafitala mwandi.first you said you cant see empty seats now you say you can see them except the venue is large so people seat any where they like. The reason Kamanga faction booked a bigger venue was because they expected huge turnout. If you have been to Mulungushi conference center you would know that they are smaller rooms which these guys could have gone for. it makes no sense to book a bigger room when your numbers wont mattch

  9. Zambia get crucial Mozambique win

    27 March 2011

    Zambia moved to the top of their 2012 Africa Cup of Nations Group C with a 2-0 victory over Mozambique in Maputo on Sunday.

    Libya could move back to the summit with an expected victory over Comoros on Monday, but the Zambians will be delighted with what could be a precious away win.

    It was a game they controlled for the most-part, and goals in either half from James Chamanga and Emmanuel Mbola brought them the three points.

    Chipolopolo top Group C with six points from three matches, followed by Libya (four from two matches), Mozambique (four from two) and Comoros (zero from two).

  10. # 15 anti PF, get your facts right. it was mayuka not mbola who scored.dont mislead the pipo.This is not germany

  11. RB Gvt, Sports ministry, NSCZ, Kamanga factions and supporters, including big brains and lawyers like Max Sichula and Chifumu Banda all got dribbled (ama-olilo) by no other than…Kaluuuuu. I bet they all must have been feeling like s.h.i.t on saturday evening. Bloggers! seriously this is becoming funny, I mean I was LMAO and just for more rib tickler, I would love to see Kalu take the next planned meeting from kabwe to Kamuchanga hotel in mufulira at the last minute and let’s see what happens. LOL. It’s like Kalu is keeping and running with this AGM in his pocket and the rest are chasing him to try and steal it. Thanks to Kalu too that I now know some of this little hotel dotted around copperbelt. I hope to know all of them by the end of this “Who wants to Own FAZ” comedy show.

  12. Kalu ni Kalu tu mu mfwa imwe. No player has won the Africa footballer of the year in the southern Hemisphere. He holds a diplomatic passport, he is executive committee of CAF, capped over 100 times with chipolopolo. top scorer for Cercle Brugge in his first season there. scored a hat trick against Italy in 1988 olympics. was on the 2010 LOC world cup team. Has played in FIFA organised old timers games. Then iwe Kamanga you just come and say what what.

  13. Hon. Kalu, All the best in your future endeavors even as you continue working towards improving football in Zambia. Woe to those who fight you.

  14. Losers. I can only see desperate faces with empty chairs. I cant wait for FIFA to ban Zambia becoz it will give us an opportunity to reflect on our stupidity. To hell Simaata and your Kamanga

  15. Mr Simataa is doing irrepairable damage to Zambian football. Adnd what were representatives of the NSC doing at this illegal meeting?

  16. Shimata Shibata and Kamunga! You guys are a joke! NSCZ who sent you? That is why you wanted Lusaka! Did RB send you? NSCZ has indeed disappointed sports fans in Zambia. Your agenda changed to represent a faction?

  17. so what did they achieve at the end of the day? Zero, tapali, kulibe! Kalu is still calling the shots thats why he postponed it!

  18. Kalu is great, look at what the FIFA rep said in Luanshya where 154 affilliates turned up, including 18 from Southern Province. It would been possible to confirm Kalu’s executive untill 2012 but Kalu took the wise decision to say Kamanga’s group shud attend and prove for themselves how popular Kalu is so that the noise stops. Shame on RB, Kamanga,Nenani and Simaata. Mwaloba ilyauma.

  19. My Advise to Kamanga is that “Please Kamanga, stop wasting your hard earned money. People are crooked and they watch your wallet at every moment. When money is plenty friends are plenty but when money is few, friends are few. Check the attendance of the two meetings (Yours and Kalus) and make a decision quickly before you get into a history lane. You are a very educated and wise person. Please wait for next year and leave this wrangle to Simata. Simata has nothing to loose. He cant manage Makumbi Stars. No one is perfect but patience pays” End advise. Thanks.

  20. #20 That’s the problem we have; where you can’t see beyond Kalu’z great free-kickx, Zambia’z demolition of Italy and Guatemala in the 1988 Soul Olympics. We’re talking football administration and not Great Pele’z unequaled exploits az a player in the Brazil of the 70z.

  21. how do you expect Kalu do perform well adminstratively when he is being obstracted by chaps like Kamanga , NSCZ, and even the Govt. Running FAZ is not easy even viable means of running it are thwarted by political interference. I think Kalu has done well considering the circumstances. His tenure has not been a complete flop to deserve a vote of no confidence

  22. I just want to advise both Parties. Football is not about Names. No matter what you two parties are doing at the end of the day Both of You will be answerable to what the rules of the game are.There is an element of Politicking in the whole Matter.Kamanga if you want to Gain respect for what you want to archieve at the end of the day , follow the rules of the Game.Kalu you too this applies to you.What I know is that the Zurich meeting and directives were given to both parties and them (fifa) are not recognising the Interim Group as at . This could have given the Kamanga team a good way of fighting the Issue.Mistake No 1. Two, the same people who are fighting for Good of football , you are at the same time giving yourselves Positions.You are not Sincere. Kalu, also try to listen from Pepole

  23. Why is Lusaka Times even giving this illegal, waste of time meeting any coverage??????? its a waste of a space. This was a counterfeit meeting!! They should be sued for ‘passing off’ . They are passing themselves off as being legit?

  24. LT ???WHY DO YOU CALL THIS FAZ, when its not???? This is not FAZ, it is an unrecognised bunch of unqualified men who do know how to interpret the constitution of the real FAZ. WHy are they allowed to continue and even get together and the fact that the NSCZ was there proves that the governemtn is behind this underhanded disgusting movement to try and discredit the current executive. Why can they not just wait till 2012??? Why should they continue to do this and even risk our banning from FIFA? Do they really have Zambian Football best interests at heart?????

  25. The problem here is that NSCZ and government have seen that Kalu and his team does not bow and go with a begging bow to them. The Kalu executive have learnt from the previous executives what it means to be spoon fed by government and have weaned themselves off such influence. All the Kamanga faction nonsense has come( we know they have government backing) is to try to get back government influence in FAZ.

  26. The issue ended in Zurich when FIFA ruled that Kalu Faz is legimate. I dont know why some media still call these chaps Interim Committee. How do call yourselves interim when there is an existing excecutive. Interim without authority. Looking at the numbers present, its very clear that the so called no confindence vote is simply a pipe dream and will remain so. Mr Kamanga you are an accountant if you cant deduce from the numbers that you cannt garner the necessary numbers to unseat Kalu then KAYA.

  27. :((Bla bla bla, whatever you say, this is an African organization, and we should credit those who put their hands together to accomplish such. Better than nothing at all, we should know how to appreciate the smallest. Ati ushitasha patunono?…….

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