Saturday, July 27, 2024

UPND cannot depend on southern province alone to win the presidency -Chizyuka


Namwala Member of Parliament, Robbie Chizyuka
Namwala Member of Parliament, Robbie Chizyuka

Namwala Member of Parliament Robbie Chizyuka has charged that the UPND has no chance of getting the presidency in this year’s election.

Mr. Chizyuka says UPND president Hakainde Hichilema should not mislead members of his party that he is making inroads in his campaigns around the country.

He says the UPND cannot depend on southern province alone to win the presidency in the forthcoming elections.

He added that it is high time that the UPND realized that it has no chance of winning this year elections.

In an interview with QFM recently,the Namwala Member of Parliament who has been adopted to re-contest his seat on the MMD ticket has further charged that Mr. Hichilema had a chance of being closer to the presidency at the time of the UPND/PF pact.

And The opposition United Liberal Party ( ULP ) in Livingstone has pledged to work with the ruling Movement for Multiparty Democracy (MMD) to its victory in the forth-coming 2011 tripartite elections.

The officials who included ULP Constituency Chairperson Mr.Clement Munalula, District Chairlady, Ms Jane Ingwe, and Acting District
Chairperson Mr. Delvec Mwendalubi all said they would support the ruling party in the elections.

ZANIS reports Mr. Munalula saying during a press briefing at the MMD offices in the tourist capital, today, that his party officials have heed the opposition party leader Sakwiba Sikota for his party to work with the ruling party and ensure it retained power.

Mr. Munalula said the party has decided to campaign for the ruling party because of the numerous developmental projects been implemented countrywide.

“As ULP we have decided that there is no other political party that has brought so much development than the MMD and we hereby pledge to rally behind the MMD to ensure that it wins the forth-coming general elections,” said Mr. Munalula.

But he maintained that people should not misunderstand the relationship as it was just an alliance and nothing else.

“We want to make it clear that we have not joined the MMD per se but we have just decided to share one platform and campaign for the ruling party to ensure that it wins the elections and continue its impressive social and economic performance,” Mr. Munalula said.

And MMD District Chairperson Mr.John Mukosho said the ruling party and ULP was working out modalities on how best to work together during the campaigns.

Mr. Mukosho also advised MMD officails to go flat out to campaign for Lukulo Katombola who has sicne been adopted by the National Executive Committee to contest Livingstone Constituency.

He further called for a spirit of hard work and commitment among all MMD members to if the party was to be triumphant during the elections.



  1. This was very clear to those with brains that UPND and HH needed just ab bit of patience. But they decided instead to eat their pow eggs. Now they are heading down Mchinga Mt with no breaks. time will tell who will remain with intact legs in UPND after elections. Power went to the barin too early. Now reality is kicking in. MMD is laughing all the way to their campaigns after side laying UPND to the dead end, (siding). Fools die for lack of wisdom.


  3. Major. just wait U get shocked. Am not a politician but a man of God. whats on the ground is heat and you stand to melt.

  4. This was very clear to those with brains that UPND and HH needed just a bit of patience. But they decided instead to eat their own eggs. Now they are heading down Mchinga Mt with no breaks. Time will tell who will remain with intact legs in UPND after elections crash. Power went to the brain too early. Now reality is kicking in. MMD is laughing all the way to their campaigns after side laying UPND to the dead end, (siding). Fools die for lack of wisdom.

  5. Iwe Chizyuka or whatever you call yourself you are a very foolish person i have ever come across. Sure you can open your dirty mouth and say that to day? Are you not the one who was shouting the loudest together with the senior MMD cadre one Mwanachingwala? I even dont know whether he is a chief or some village headman. So just shut your dirty mouth or else tukakuponona cabe.

  6. ITS true UPND cannot depend only on southern province, thats why HH is campaigning hard in other provinces. Many are now demanding for an end to the same people who have failed us to again assume power. SP-check, WP-check, NW-check next central province. watch this space.

  7. Robby chizyuka will lose his seat in Namwala, watch the space. He is a total failure in his constituency.He has been one of the most useless MPs in Namwala MPs ever in history.

  8. It is not too late to resuscitate the PF-UPND pact. If HH is wise he can go to Ba Shikulu at night and they can strike a deal.

    In 2016 Zambians will remember how HH denied them a chance to change Government. Listening to his advisers is not ideal because the Pact was people driven and people are still asking WHY?

    I wish I was HH imwe bu Presido plot 1 just around the corner!

  9. In an interview with QFM recently,the Namwala Member of Parliament who has been adopted to re-contest his seat on the MMD ticket has further charged that Mr. Hichilema had a chance of being closer to the presidency at the time of the UPND/PF pact.

  10. This major is disgruntled. This is the problem of the army, zaf, and zns were pipo have nice ranks like major, col, lt etc without a diploma or digree. In the end you have foolish men and women with big titles like Robby. Why is Robyy woried about UPND LOSING WHEN HE IS NOT PART OF THE PARTY? WHAT IS HIS PROBLEM? Let him go and campaign for RB and MMD. Let him leave upnd alone. This kind of conduct amounts to foolishness.

  11. Is this guy normal,he was the one calling on UPND to ditch the pact and today he is telling us nonsense.Do soldiers go through some formal training people or they are just taught how to shoot enermies.The guy aint making sense.

  12. Isnt this the same chap who vehemently criticised the late PACT? Now he is confessing being a traitor n sellout. Ba Chizyuka kunyio kwenu omunene.

  13. So the UPND insiderz knew very well that it waz illogical and against natural justice to have HH lead the PACT, but got compromized and advized him wrongly?

  14. A very sober Tonga/illa, telling it as it is.Tongas amaze me at their levels of self deception.Surely your vote is a small fish/kapenta in the zambian political ocean.You will be in opposition till kingdom come.

  15. chizyuka walk around zambia and find out how popular HH is. Do not focus on southern pronvice only .The whole north-western pronvince is in support HH. you left upnd on grounds of the pact and what has made you to start talking about good things of the pact. bye bye come 2011 elections state house is for the mighty HAKAINDE HICHILEMA .

  16. But Robbie you will be out, at least your seat will go to UPND. Then we won’t have to listen to your nonsense any more


  18. Chizyuka TATA Koteelela! Real Change is coming soon.Zam,bia is about to give birth to New political Players.We know you have striked a deal with Mudodo but work hard for you to retain your seat under Mudodo for else your political career has come to end. And dont think even if RB wins,you will be a Nominated Member of Parliament.My entire Family Central and NorthWestern have resorted to HH.Looking what is happening in PF. Old Goods are dumping themselves in PF.Tragedy my cousin!

  19. CHIZYUKA insulted HH/UPND fought HH for going into a pact with SATA. Chizyuka’s reason was that BEMBAS ARE SELFISH.And then Chizyuka turned a rebel for MMD to UPND ,and because of his rebellious behaviour UPND expelled him.
    TODAY  CHIZYUKA IS EATING HIS VOMIT by telling HH/UPND that HH was near to Presidency under the pact.
    ONLY EQUALLY MAD AND DESPERATE AND CORRUPT PEOPLE can can take for real what Chizyuka is vomiting out today and what he will continue committing onwards for the benefit of his stomach NOT what welmeaning Zambians are yearning for-ECONOMICAL BENEFIT FOR ALL. 

  20. No.1 and 4, no wander you are Kolokombwa! You are the one without brains. Wait for the results my dear and you’ll bury your head in the sand. HH has a real chance of winning these elections. WATCH.

  21. Ba Robby leave us alone you will be shocked cos you will fail to retain your seat in Namwala. this year its 20HH.God bless zambia

  22. Viva Sata,viva PF.Sata and the PF should just compain hard in the rural areas and everywhere. He might win this time arround no doubt about it.Sata and the PF should tell the nation what they will do different from the finished and tied MMD to win the elections.As for UPND and Hichilema,they can never win the elections maybe in the next 30yrs time.UPND must just join the PF in the fouth coming elections maybe it can make sense.

  23. The real change message is spreading like a wild fire. Chizyuka whether you like it or not HH is gaining momentum in other provinces as well, that is why he is campaigning hard. If Sata believed that he could only manage a handful votes(he got 2% in 2001) in 2006 do you think you would be talkiing about him now? Winners don’t give up! They practice hard to perform better the next time. HH is a great achiever, he is a true winner and he believes in his mission. He will get there. He is not a loser like you!

  24. this man is just a dunderhead like most of the PF members are !too bad you will never understand the politics of this generation..shut up!!

  25. Just shut ur diseased stinking mouth. Are these the kind of politicians Zambia will be having? This is the same !diot who was against the UPND/PF pact, the reason why he was kicked out of UPND.Anyway let him stand so that the country will be saved from his nonsense coz even a housefly at soweto mkt knows that MMD will not get a single seat in the south.

  26. Oman@6 & 21 Nkonkomalimba
    Only a stunch member of the tonga tribalist party like you can still believe HH has a chance to win the elections, never in this life time boy.
    You really are a little kapenta in the Zambian political ocean
    1 zambia1 nation

  27. Oman@6 & 21 Nkonkomalimba
    Only a stunch member of the tonga tribalist party like you can still believe HH has a chance to win the elections, never in this life time boy.
    You really are a little kapenta in the Zambian political ocean
    1 zambia1 nation
    As for you Oman @6 you believe Under5 is making in roads in other provinces, only Tonga tribalist like you will hope sane Tongas in other provinces will be swayed by HH, no chance Zambia is for all Zambias not small minded tribalists like you 

  28. We cannot sit down and be misled by people who have no other things to do apart from politics of deceit like Chizyuka. What is in his heart is that UPND should join MMD for him to be comfortable, because he cannot win Namwala on the MMD ticket though he has been adopted. When UPND joined the pact he called HH all sort of names, now what kind of advise can he give now when he was critical of the move. Actually, he is suppose to say Banda cannot win with Eastern province alone, because HH now has Western, North-western, Central, Southern, Lusaka and rural CB to himself, then ask yourself who is winning?. This election will shock many.

  29. HH is winning, you have tried media blackout on him, but many are receiving the real change message well. We are moving on, many people do not trust these recycled politicians who have been there since independence like Banda and Sata, hence this overwhelming support for HH. This is a year for economic revolution where we need one to fix the economy as it has been proved that politics alone without a good economy is nothing. Political experts need to rest this time and just provide advise to us as we fix the economy. Our goal is to fix the economy for all to benefit, and not political expertise.

  30. #30, You are right, HH can be underfive but has good credential for fixing the economy, and this is just the man we need. Viva HH. Western province is yours.

  31. The boat is filled with rotting corpses from MMD.

    Remove the dinosaurs with your pen this year.

  32. Chizyuka is just ashamed, he pictured a UPND & MMD merger which never took effect. In his schemes he wanted to deliver UPND to MMD. His ranting are a way of soliciting for a last minute merger of MMD & UPND, it’s too late BAADAALAA! 

  33. Chizyuka is just ashamed, he pictured a UPND & MMD merger which never took effect. In his schemes he wanted to deliver UPND to MMD. His ranting are a way of soliciting for a last minute merger of MMD & UPND, it’s too late BAADAALAA!

    Look at how he is scratching his eyes!

  34. I’m Not UPND but I want hizyuka to lose in Namwala so thatfoos like him never rise again. HH work hard in Namwala and shame Chizyuka and John Malambo alias mwanachingwala who hasblindly supportd RB. HH make sure you wallop RB badly in Southern province. let him pick up hundred votes only in each constituency.

  35. I’m Not UPND but I want Chizyuka to lose in Namwala so that fools like him never rise again. HH work hard in Namwala and shame Chizyuka and John Malambo alias mwanachingwala who hasblindly supportd RB. HH make sure you wallop RB badly in Southern province. let him pick up hundred votes only in each constituency.

  36. Chizyuka you are just showing your dullness, now HH knows people who made him miss the PACT , I wish he had listened .

  37. HH could be a good Finance Minister. But i doubt?? Especially what he did during the time he was responsible for privatization. I think he is also a very big thief.

  38. You see Chizuyka is saying the trut.lets face the fact UPND is going no where and there president whould be serious and his followers should think of a person with a reputable life not a greed person like HH.Look at HH with so many riches but has never built even a clinic in his own province what is he going to bring to this nation.He has done few things to this nation but to pocket his own.he was the man behind the failure of privatisation which he ended up being rich.He mislead the former late president Chiluba with his privatisation and now thinks can destroy Zambia.Thank God its only Southern Province he controls because is has a Ha to his name.But the boy is going no where and i feel pity for his followers cos his taking them to a ditch.

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