Saturday, July 27, 2024

Muteteka implicated in K255 million unaccounted for CDF


MMD Chisamba Member of Parliament Moses Muteteka (in glasses)

Chisamba Member of Parliament Moses Muteteka has been implicated in the financial anomalies at Chibombo District Council.

This came to light when Chibombo District Council officials appeared before the Parliamentary Committee on Local Government to answer audit queries involving about K255 million unaccounted for Constitution Development Funds (CDF).

Council acting treasurer Miriam Moono told the committee that her office was instructed by the Member of Parliament to pay K150 million to SARO Company for the purchase of six hammer mills for the named women organizations in the constituency.

Mrs. Moono explained that when the council procurement officer was sent to collect the six hammer mills at SARO Company, it was discovered that Mr. Muteteka had already collected the four hammers mills and solar panels and bicycles which were not paid for.

She stated that to date the council has no records showing the existence of the said beneficiaries of the hammer mills.

Mrs. Moono also submitted that a CDF vehicle had been procured at the cost of K75 million which she said is registered in the name of Mr. Muteteka under whose custody it is.

And Chibombo District Council secretary Mui Mui Nasilele bemoaned political interference in the administration of Constituency Development funds.

Mr. Nasilele has since attributed the weaknesses in the administration of CDF at Chibombo District Council to interference by area members of Parliament.



  1. This Quit Disappointing how could a man with very good legacy do such a thing ? Stealing ……..
    Ine Nadabbwa Mr Muteteka Whats Happening is you in this issue or some else

  2. #1 mature its not about MMD being rotten its the Zambian culture that needs to change.After all MMD PF UPND etc all come from the same pool of people-Zambians.We should ask why is it that Zambians feel the need to steal or at least get a cut whenever they have any amount of power.I saw the same culture at UNZA among students many years ago.To be in the UNION meant power and access to cash.Zambians need a change of mindset.Its easy to criticise when you are not in power and have no access to cash

  3. Auditor General should perhaps audit these bits too. Our national resources are being squandered by selfish individuals.

  4. Muteteka, don’t rush for higher jobs, we will miss your drinking at KCC and City Club, especially early in the morning

  5. Registering a Govt property in an individual’s name amounts to theft by public servant. Legally and technically, Muteteka stole Govt vehicle. The offense for stealing a motor vehicle is non-bailable. The culture of stealing among we Zambians seems to be deep rooted. Even in the advent of so many financial institutions willing to lend out money, people with enormous abilities/potential to borrow still resort to stealing. Please arrest this fool.

  6. people of Zambia its not Stealing…The money was his. The Gov was just keeping 4 him. its Tax refund.

  7. Muteteka, my boy where are your clean hands?You are anather one of those who keep on talking without brains like your hero Jurius Malema.

  8. Madea #5 if you have encapsulated the entire point beautifully! That is the simple fact people need to grasp. I always see it when I go home and my friends are failing to account for their accumulated wealth (I even suspect they want to stay drunk to not think of the consequences of what they did). The mindset of get-rich-quick and keeping up with the Joneses at all costs is the prevalent state of affairs in Zed.

  9. investigating wings should quickly move in and find the truth. these are a type of leaders that have no mercy on the poor. why should he be stealing community money meant to better the lives of thousands of the poor commuinity members.

  10. At this rate, we wont have any opposition mp in parliament. I doubt if any of these MMD chaps are clean. They turned Zambia into a looters paradise.

  11. #5: Madea; well summarised. and tell them the truth and they turn back and insult us ati you clean plates in diaspora. These are the facts we always tell them that developed countries are developed because 51% of the people have a right mentality. Ours is about now, now, and only me. You can tell that they know nothing about the value of the wealth they play with. Sad indeed!!

  12. My friend in Zambia works for the government, gets a K5million monthly salary, has a jaguar and a pajero for his wife, rents a house for k3.5 a month, takes his two children to Baobab school, and is finishing his manshon in Chalala. All I am told is there is money in Zambia, you can stay in the diaspora and its your problem. continue admiring buildings in the U.S while we are living big here in Zambia. I still dont understand how a K5million can manage all that wealth for my freind. Its like it multiplies just like Jesus’s two fish and three loaves of bread to feed five thousand people

  13. @bemba man,u came me laugh m also in dat category though I drive mls 320 and hav flats though I hav earned all these genuinely but u in de diaspora kip on watshin plates and livin a council flat while we progress

  14. # 23 , you are right to have qouted Muteteka as not being corrupt. The guy is a thief, which is beyond corruption. Ask anybody who workrd at Zambia Daily Mail around 1993, what Moses stole when he worked there in distribution.

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