Saturday, July 27, 2024

President Sata gloats over MMD and UPND loss in Mufumbwe bye elections


Sata with Wynter Kabimba at State House
Sata with Wynter Kabimba at State House

President Michael Sata has thanked the people of Mufumbwe for coming out resoundingly to vote for the Patriotic Front and its candidate Stephen Masumba in the parliamentary by-election, where the opposition MMD and UPND fielded a joint candidate.

In a statement released to the media by State House, the president expressed gratitude to the Zambian people for their show of confidence in his administration following the nationwide local government by-elections in which the ruling party has scooped a total of 12 out of the 14 ward by-elections.

President Sata said that the trouncing of MMD and UPND in Mufumbwe was indeed for the people of Zambia, and reinforces the PF government’s commitment to distribute development in all parts of the country.

“The people of Mufumbwe have made a clear choice against politics of hate, ill-will and tribalism and have resolutely decided to vote for development and unison. They have also freely shown that they are willing to side with a progressive movement that is committed to delivering inclusive growth,” President Sata said.

“No doubt, our dear brothers and sisters of Mufumbwe have with certainty rejected opportunism and meaningless political rhetoric in preference for national development and unity. This is how it should be and the Zambian people must be guaranteed that a new era of proper democracy, where people’s wishes are respected, has dawned.”

The President henceforth assured the people of Mufumbwe that the PF government will set out to work hard to ensure development and equitable supply of resources in the area.

President Sata has also thanked Zambians for the strong show of support to the PF in the various local government by-elections held countrywide. The PF has scooped 12 out of the 14 ward by-elections.

It was clear, the President said, that the PF has continued gaining popularity as the only party with a national character and appeal.

“Indeed, the PF has gained incredible ground in North-Western, Western, Eastern and Central provinces. The recent victories in Chavuma, Luena, Petauke, Muchinga, Rufunsa, Chibombo and many others; are a clear testimony of this rapid progression,” President Sata said.

The Head of State praised the PF supporters that participated in the by-elections countrywide for exhibiting impressive levels of restraint, humility and maturity.

“As Head of State and PF President I am proud that our supporters behaved well even under extreme provocation from the opposition. I must admit that it’s quite unfortunate to see the once vibrant and disciplined MMD transform into a violent gang under the leadership of a man of the collar, Pastor Nevers Mumba,” President Sata said.

“This is a serious indictment on Pastor Mumba’s leadership and it calls for serious introspection. We cannot have a political party, which is headed by a man of God be found wanting in murderous and violent acts like what happened in Rufunsa and Mufumbwe. My advice to the MMD and UPND alliance is that we should all commit to good politics if indeed it’s the people of Zambia we intend to serve.”

President Sata said that government remains committed to engaging progressive forces within the opposition in its quest to implement pro-poor measures that will culminate into speedy economic expansion, job creation and poverty reduction.


  1. Nipa bwato bane even in 2016.We are everywhere.Shame those who were saying the party is only strong in northern and Luapula provinces.

  2. elo nafuti ni serious pantu nafuti ni serious,donchi kubeba dont kubeba!!! well said our president,please give them some development.people from north western province are very patient people and well disciplined.long live our president

    • This time the jogging should start at Independence Stadium and finish at State House.

      That was really silly of Nevers to challenge the President to that as if it was a matter for sport and not governance.

  3. If USA was Zambia, today’s headlines will read as follows:

    “Don’t Celebrate Yet, Romney tells Obama” (The Post Newspaper)
    “Concede defeat, Obama urges Romney” (Daily Mail)
    “Opposition Cadres Riot, Hundreds Injured and Arrested” (Times of Zambia)
    “Romney Demands Vote Recount” (Daily Nation)
    “No Evidence of Manipulation” (ZBNC News)
    “The Church Declares Elections Free and Fair (Radio Christian Voice)
    “Trucks with Suspected Ballot Papers Cross into USA from Mexico” (Tumfweko)
    “I will not accept results, Romney tells Obama” (New Vision Newspaper)
    “The People behind Obama’s victory: His Girlfriend and Mafia Connections Uncovered” (Kachepa 360)
    “HH Happy to Win Southern Province” Zambian Watchdog.

  4. Celebrate in magnimity and not staft to shout at the opposition. They will hit back and we wont have an end to mudslinging.

    pipo want development, ,let us GO forward.

  5. Iwe Wirry Nzanda #7! Nice one! Thanks for the laugh – but the satire should actually make us sit up and think. THANKS MATE!

  6. Zambia is on course to economic prosperity under the inspirational leadership of President Sata and the people of Mufumbwe have made the right choice by voting for PF the only party with a National Development Programme. Tribal, bantustan politics is achaic and will not take the followers of UPND to promised land but will only drive them to commit suicide from envy and bitterness.Equally MMD members should think twice if the think the visionless leadership on that failed pastor will take them anywhere. Congratulations to Masumba for defeating a team combined team of failures HH and Mumba.

  7. People want to see if PF really will develop Mufumbwe as promised during those campaigns, but we have not seen any of those promises of 2011 being fulfilled yet except for Muchinga. PF stratege is in false promises which the poor quickly believes.

  8. i now see why there is so much hate in politics. compare this to Obama’s victory speech. stop rubbing it in ba presido, instead you need to embrace preach reconciliation.

  9. My advice to the MMD and UPND alliance is that we should all commit to good politics if indeed it’s the people of Zambia we intend to serve.” need I say more….

    By the way Nevers start jogging to state house kaili…!!! Opposition beaten fair and square

  10. These Mufumbwe people are not good people.How can they do this even after HH gave them 60 herds of cattle ? I feel bitter.

  11. I suppose it shall remain a closely guarded national secret why Sata was chased out of school in grade 2. Whatever the reason, one thing we know is that he was a trouble maker even in grade 2. 

    Maybe he was peeping on his friend’s paper during the grade 2 final exam. The man was a peeper even in grade 2. Imagine.

  12. yayaya twaingila mufumbwe,chavuma,luena,petauke,muchinga,rufunsa,and chibombo where is mumba and told that there caders are looking for them so that baponokwe for misleading pabwato for wining 12 local govt elections out of 14.can someone help me with this election equation or what is the ratio between this pf(12) :mmd upnd (2)

  13. Total immature response and reaction from a winning president. I think it is Kaponya style.

    I have watched boxing fights between great champions, even tennis matches or football matches for that matter, when true champions are interviewed after wining, the first thing they do is give credit to their opponent and even thank the opponent for giving them a good contest. These are the basics people.

    And this is just not in sports, even a couple of days ago when Obama won, as is custom of true champions and true leaders, he gave credit to his opponent.

    But with these kaponyas in power, we indeed have a long way to go.

    God bless Zambia. The nations needs your blessings badly.

    • Man be cool, you will just die of ichikonko…MMD licker!!! Your party MMD is finished dear. You will rant and rant but the Kaponyas will continue winning. What a sad moment for you. kikikiki.

      Peace and Prosperity to Mother Zambia.

  14. Sour grapes Chief Bootlicker. This was not a tightly contested election but one fully of self praise by NEVER PRESIDENT.
    Learn to concede defeat.

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  15. Sign that Sata is not a leader.Ever heard of winning the battle but losing the war?Thats what is in store for chi Sata in 2016.Keep gloating coz you won’t be floating in 2016.

  16. Thank you opposition for giving us a tough fight but you are finished. how many seats has mmd lost since genral elections, shame.


  18. I can’t even imagine those voters educational level, too illiterate, poor, prostitutes, adulterers, thugs eh the list is endless, they vote from the stomach. Anyway its politics in a poor, scandoulous country called zambia

  19. The time is indeed ripe for an election of any type in Choma,HH’s bedroom.He may be convinced after losing this one that PF is here to stay.

  20. Happy for PF Victory, but his victory speech is a shame, why not just congratulate the opposition for their fight coz the battle is over. This is not good for democracy. but anyways on in Africa. Its in our genes.

  21. Even after the opposition have conceeded defeat, the President is still talking about “politics of hate, ill-will and tribalism” Why does the president see tribalism in everything? There is a problem here

  22. who doesnt know the snake nevers mumba those are the results he wanted soon veep in pf read this matrics/ mmd/upnd wake up you are being deceived by mumba

  23. those dispising the electrorate, do you realise that people still have the MMD bittter after taste in their mouths? Ask UNIP!

  24. Congrants P.F. Thanx MMD/UPND 4 being gracious in defeat. U gave us a gud run nd well done 2u 2 4 makin our victory so sweet. Now we hav national character as we hav representation in all provinces except Southern nd am sure our brothers nd sisters in ths province will soon get on board th “SELENI TUBOMBEKO BOAT”. Well done P.F. God bless th Republic.

  25. I wish HH or even Nevers had stood in Mufumbwe just to test their popularity. All the same this is evidence that PF is gaining popularity and if they deliver to the Zambian people 2016 will be tough for some.

  26. This boy Nenous Mumba will bring the MMD down- a party that he hated when we formed it in 1990. Any wya he is not MMD- he is only using our former party for personal gain

  27. Viva sata and welcome to north western province it has been our prayer to give you a vote.Am sure you work on your promises but dont rush first clean the dity which was left by mmd in our province viva pf 2016.

  28. Wirry Nzanda, yours is a good one. Love it. You understand Zedian behaviour and characteristics kekekekekeke. Awe mwandi.

  29. You people have very short memories. In a bye election in 2010 Mr. Eliot Kamondo got 5333 under the UPND/PF pact and MMD’s Mulondwe Muzungu got 5009, and won with a very small margin indeed of 324 votes. You have completely forgotten that PF also contributed towards this figure of 5333 even if for arguments sake it was as little as 400 votes. Now you turn around and say UPND would have won the election on its own when they won the elections with a very little margin as a pact with PF. Keep on dreaming.

  30. Eish,we lost?? Now i’m a whole lot more bitter and i think this Pa Fwaka party should be proscribed on account of being a twin of the evil Nazis.The Nazis were “democratic’,they too used scare tactics and just like this Bemba hegemons they believed in the supremacy of their Arian race.

  31. *****ic PF cadres, why celebrate on hollow victory? PF won becoz UPND cadres were demotivate by the party’s decision not to contest. The loser in this contest is Mumba and his MMD. Another factor worth noting is that ruling parties always perform well in rural areas were they can easily bribe voters.

  32. Wow,how did we lose this one in an area where PF has always been a NO,NO? Glad to notice the not so gracious reaction of the president.

  33. congrats mr masumba 4 retaining ze seat.A big THANK u ze pipo of Mfumbwe 4 yo support 2 PF.U ve taught MMD a lesson they ll not 4get.Mr Mumba u r killing ze party.Make alliances with parties dat ve a vision 4 ze common man in zambia.

  34. ‘Sata gloats…’ Imwe ba LT; isn’t there somebody to edit stories? Did Sata celebrate PF win in Mufumbwe in an unpleasant way? That’s the meaning of ‘gloat’.

  35. KANSHI where was the make up team these guy’s faces appear very oily like Mulamba Fish. Thats what i call painful smiles, their in pain and yet they want to show us all is well. they look like they just received a total facial reconstruction under a surgical knife but unsuccessful as they appear more ugly than can buy a lot but not Health thats for sure.a carrier and puffy face what a combination.

  36. some faces look bitter even when their smiling. in some villages these guys can not be tolerated as their faces look like witches, whose ever seen a beautiful or handsome witch?

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